Indiana Behavioral Health Regulations Review

Regulation Review

This Indiana Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce Regulatory review was prepared for the Playbook for Enhancing Indiana’s Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce project based on regulation as of November 14, 2023. The Table below summarizes regulations relevant to Indiana’s mental and behavioral health workforce, including Indiana Administrative Code, statute and other relevant rules and regulations. A full text document of all incorporated policies can be found here.

By Professional Group


Addiction Counselors
Specific Occupation/License TypeLicensed Addiction Counselor Associate (LACA)Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC)
Education Requirements
Baccalaureate or higher degree in addiction counseling or in a related area (determined by board, including: Addiction studies, Chemical dependency, Social work, Psychology, Human services, Human development, Family relations, and Counseling).
Required Content AreasSpecified; Coursework must include:
1. Addictions theory
2. Psychoactive drugs
3. Addictions counseling skills
4. Theories of personality
5. Developmental psychology
6. Abnormal psychology
7. Group work
8. Cultural competency
9. Ethics and professional development
10. Family education
11. Areas of content as approved by the board
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience
Includes a supervised practicum, internship, or field experience supervised practicum, internship, or field experience in a setting focused on addiction counseling services under the auspices of an approved addiction counseling program. The qualified supervisor license types are specified.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor Requirements
(1) an addiction counselor;
(2) a clinical addiction counselor;
(3) a mental health counselor;
(4) a clinical social worker;
(5) a marriage and family therapist;
(6) a physician with training in psychiatric medicine;
(7) a psychologist;
(8) a clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric or mental health nursing; or
(9) another state-regulated addiction counseling professional or, if the experience was gained in a state where no regulation exists, by an addictions or behavioral health professional of equivalent status;
who has at least three (3) years of experience in providing addiction services
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation
Foreign Education Acceptance
Yes, a foreign school accredited by:
1. Canada- if the instiutation was in good standing with Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada at the time of applicant's graduation
2. All other foreign countries- if institution was recognized by the government of their based country as a program to train in the practice of addiction counseling, or maintained a standard of training equivalent to the standards of institutions accredited by a regional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accredidation
Examination RequirementsADC or NCAC-II Examinations
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot Applicable
2 years of addiction counseling experience that must include:
・150 hours under supervision
・100 hours of which must be under individual supervision
・50 hours of which must be under group supervision.

A doctoral internship, or a supervised master's level practicum, an internship, or field experience in addiction counseling, may be applied toward the supervised work experience requirement.

The work requirement may not be performed away from the qualified supervisor's premises if:
(1) the work is the independent private practice of addiction counseling; and
(2) the work is not performed at a place that has the supervision of a qualified supervisor.
Otherwise, experience requirement may be met by work performed at or away from the premises of the qualified supervisor.

Up to fifty percent (50%) of the supervised experience hours may be accounted for through virtual supervision by a qualified supervisor
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot ApplicableThe supervision required must be provided by a qualified supervisor as determined by the board.
Scope of Practice
Providing of professional services that are delivered by a licensed addiction counselor, that are designed to change substance use or addictive behavior, and that involve specialized knowledge and skill related to addictions and addictive behaviors, including understanding addiction, knowledge of the treatment process, application to practice, and professional readiness. The term includes:
(1) gathering information through structured interview screens using routine protocols;
(2) reviewing assessment findings to assist in the development of a plan individualized for treatment services and to coordinate services;
(3) referring for assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, and mental health therapy;
(4) providing client and family education related to addictions;
(5) providing information on social networks and community systems for referrals and discharge planning;
(6) participating in multidisciplinary treatment team meetings or consulting with clinical addiction professionals;
(7) counseling, through individual and group counseling, as well as group and family education, to treat addiction and substance abuse in a variety of settings (including mental and physical health facilities; and child and family service agencies; and
(8) maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethical responsibility.
Excludes psychotherapy and diagnosis.

Note: If license obtained before 2010 and other requirements are met, practice settings can include private practice.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?Yes
License Renewal ProvisionsLAC-As are permitted two license renewals by:
(1) paying a renewal fee on or before the expiration date of the license; and
(2) completing at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure year
(c) the Board may renew an associate for additional periods based on circumstances determined by the board
(d) if an individual fails to pay a renewal fee on or before the expiration date of an associate license, the associate license becomes invalid
Renewal every 2 years
Continuing EducationComplete at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure yearUnable to identify
License Duration/ExpirationValid for the remainder of the renewal period in effect on the date the license was issued (will expire April 1 of even numbered years)2 years
License Fee$50.00$50.00
"1. A licensed or certified health care professional acting within the scope of the person's license or certificate, including a:
A. social worker licensed under this article;
B. clinical social worker licensed under this article;
C. marriage and family therapist licensed under this article;
D. mental health counselor licensed under this article;
E. licensed psychologist;
F. licensed physician; or
G.licensed nurse
and who has training and experience in addiction counseling.
2. A student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a course of study in medicine or psychology or a course of study to gain licensure under this article as follows:
A. In an accredited eligible postsecondary educational institution or training institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for undergraduate and graduate institutions. Accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs or a substantially equivalent accreditation program approved by the board is required for graduate institutions.
B. Through a National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors approved academic education provider; or
C. By a graduate accumulating experience required for licensure if:
i. the services are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision; and
ii. the student or graduate uses a title that contains the term ""intern"", ""student"", or ""trainee"".
3. A nonresident of Indiana if the person performs addiction counseling or therapy in Indiana for not more than:
A. 5 days in any 1 month; or
B. 15 days in any 1 calendar year;
and the person is authorized to perform such services under the laws of the state or country in which the person resides.
4. A rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, minister, or other member of the clergy.
5. An employee or a volunteer for an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions or providing pastoral counseling or other assistance.
6. A person who provides school counseling.
7. A governmental employee who remains in the same job classification or job family of that job classification.
8. An employee of a court alcohol and drug program, a drug court, or a reentry court certified by the office of judicial administration when performing assigned job duties.
9. A probation officer when performing assigned job duties.
b. This section does not prohibit a person referred to in subsection (a) from qualifying for licensure under this article. "
ReciprocityNot applicable; Individuals
License issued if individual holds valid license/certificate in another state, passes substantially equivalent examination, does not have disciplinary proceeding, and pays a fee. (Examination exemptions exist if certain criteria are met - has passed another license exam, has engaged in practice for 3/5 recent years, passes jurisprudence, and has no unqualifying acts.)
Other NotesEducational requirements listed exclude exemptions related to grandfathering provisions.Educational requirements listed exclude exemptions related to grandfathering provisions.
Citation (text)IC 25-23.6-10.5-1.5, 25-23.6-10.5-3, 25-23.6-10.5-9IC 25-23.6-10.5-1, IC 25-23.6-10.5-5, IC 25-23.6-10.5-9, IC 25-23.6-10.5-7, IC 25-23.6-1-5.7, IC 25-1-9.5-6, 25-23.6-10.5-12
Clinical Addiction Counselors
Specific Occupation/License TypeLicensed Clinical Addiction Counselor Associate (LCACA)Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor (LCAC)
Education RequirementsMaster's degree or higher in addiction counseling, addiction therapy, or a related area (determined by board, including Addiction studies, Chemical dependency, Social work, Psychology, Human services, Human development , Family relations, and Counseling )
Required Content AreasSpecified; Graduate Coursework must include:
1. Addiction counseling theories and techniques.
2. Psychopharmacology.
3. Psychopathology.
4. Clinical appraisal and assessment.
5. Theory and practice of group addiction counseling.
6. Counseling addicted family systems.
7. Multicultural counseling.
8. Research methods in addictions.
9. Other areas of content as approved by the board.
10. Legal, ethical, and professional standards issues in the practice of addiction counseling and therapy or an equivalent course approved by the board.
11. Appraisal and assessment for individual or interpersonal disorder or dysfunction.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceAddiction counseling setting, including 700 hours of clinical addiction counseling services with at least:
(A) 280 face to face client contact hours of addiction counseling services under the supervision
(B) 35 hours of supervision
Exclusions for applicants with substantially similar experience from another BHHS license.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor Requirements(1) an addiction counselor;
(2) a clinical addiction counselor;
(3) a mental health counselor;
(4) a clinical social worker;
(5) a marriage and family therapist;
(6) a physician with training in psychiatric medicine;
(7) a psychologist;
(8) a clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric or mental health nursing; or
(9) another state-regulated addiction counseling professional or, if the experience was gained in a state where no regulation exists, by an addictions or behavioral health professional of equivalent status;
who has at least three (3) years of experience in providing addiction services
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsCouncil for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes.
-Institutions located in Canada- if at the time of graduation the institution was a member in good standing with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
-Institutions in all other countries: at the time of graduation the institution was: 1. Recognized by the government of the country where the school is located as a program to train in the pratice of addiction counseling and 2. Had a standard of training equivalent to the standards of a regional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation
Examination RequirementsAADC or MACAADC or MAC
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot Applicable2 years of clinical addiction counseling experience that must include:
200 hours under supervision
100 hours of which must be under individual supervision
up to 100 hours of which must be under group supervision.

A doctoral internship may be applied toward the supervised work experience requirement.

The work requirement may not be performed away from the qualified supervisor's premises if:
(1) the work is the independent private practice of addiction therapy; and
(2) the work is not performed at a place that has the supervision of a qualified supervisor.
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot ApplicableThe supervision required must be provided by a qualified supervisor as determined by the board.
Scope of PracticeProviding of professional services that are delivered by a licensed addiction counselor, that are designed to change substance use or addictive behavior, and that involve specialized knowledge and skill related to addictions and addictive behaviors, including understanding addiction, knowledge of the treatment process, application to practice, and professional readiness. The term includes:
(1) gathering information through structured interview screens using routine protocols and standardized clinical instruments;
(2) using appraisal instruments as an aid in individualized treatment planning that the licensed clinical addiction counselor is qualified to employ because of education; training; and experience;
(3) providing a mental health diagnosis;
(4) reviewing assessment findings to: develop a plan for individualized addiction treatment; coordinate services; and provide subsequent assessment updates;
(5) using counseling and psychotherapeutic techniques through individual, group, and family counseling to treat addiction and other substance related problems and conditions in a variety of settings, including: mental and physical health facilities; child and family service agencies; and private practice;
(6) providing client and family education related to addictions;
(7) providing information on social networks and community systems for referrals and discharge planning;
(8) participating in multidisciplinary treatment team meetings or consulting with clinical addiction professionals; and
(9) maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethical responsibility
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsTwo (2) license renewals permitted by:
1. paying a renewal fee on or before the expiration date of the license; and
2. completing at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure year
(a) the Board may renew an associate for additional periods based on circumstances determined by the board
(b) if an individual fails to pay a renewal fee on or before the expiration date of an associate license, the associate license becomes invalid
Renewal every 2 years
Continuing EducationComplete at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure yearUnable to identify
License Duration/ExpirationValid for the remainder of the renewal period in effect on the date the license was issued (will expire April 1 of even numbered years)2 years
License Fee$50.00$50.00
1. A licensed or certified health care professional acting within the scope of the person's license or certificate, including a:
A. social worker licensed under this article;
B. clinical social worker licensed under this article;
C. marriage and family therapist licensed under this article;
D. mental health counselor licensed under this article;
E. licensed psychologist;
F. licensed physician; or
G.licensed nurse
and who has training and experience in addiction counseling.
2. A student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a course of study in medicine or psychology or a course of study to gain licensure under this article as follows:
A. In an accredited eligible postsecondary educational institution or training institution recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for undergraduate and graduate institutions. Accreditation by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs or a substantially equivalent accreditation program approved by the board is required for graduate institutions.
B. Through a National Association of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors approved academic education provider; or
C. By a graduate accumulating experience required for licensure if:
i. the services are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision; and
ii. the student or graduate uses a title that contains the term "intern", "student", or "trainee".
3. A nonresident of Indiana if the person performs addiction counseling or therapy in Indiana for not more than:
A. 5 days in any 1 month; or
B. 15 days in any 1 calendar year;
and the person is authorized to perform such services under the laws of the state or country in which the person resides.
4. A rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, minister, or other member of the clergy.
5. An employee or a volunteer for an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions or providing pastoral counseling or other assistance.
6. A person who provides school counseling.
7. A governmental employee who remains in the same job classification or job family of that job classification.
8. An employee of a court alcohol and drug program, a drug court, or a reentry court certified by the office of judicial administration when performing assigned job duties.
9. A probation officer when performing assigned job duties.
b. This section does not prohibit a person referred to in subsection (a) from qualifying for licensure under this article.
ReciprocityNot applicable; IndividualsLicense issued if individual holds valid license/certificate in another state, passes substantially equivalent examination, does not have disciplinary proceeding, and pays a fee. (Examination exemptions exist if certain criteria are met - has passed another license exam, has engaged in practice for 3/5 recent years, passes jurisprudence, and has no unqualifying acts.)
Other NotesEducational requirements listed exclude exemptions related to grandfathering provisions.Educational requirements listed exclude exemptions related to grandfathering provisions.
Citation (text)IC 25-23.6-10.5-2.5, IC 25-23.6-10.5-4, IC 25-23.6-10.5-6, IC 25-23.6-10.5-12.3, IC 25-23.6-1-5.9IC 25-23.6-10.5-2, IC 25-23.6-10.5-4, IC 25-23.6-10.5-6, IC 25-23.6-10.5-8, IC 25-23.6-10.5-12, IC 25-23.6-1-5.9
Social Workers
Specific Occupation/License TypeLicensed Bachelor Social Worker (LBSW)Licensed Social Worker (LSW)Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
Occupational CategorySocial WorkersSocial WorkersSocial Workers
Education RequirementsBachelor's degree in social work;
Exceptions to certain education requirements apply to those under grandfather clause
Master's degree in social workDoctoral degree in social work or Master's degree in social work
Required Content AreasNot specifiedSpecified, Required coursework must include:
1. Clinical social work
2. Psychiatric social work
3. Medical social work
4. Social case work
5. Case management
6. Psychotherapy
7. Group therapy
8. Any other coursework accepted by board
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceNot specifiedThe graduate program must have emphasized direct clinical or client health services in the topics listed above. Additionally, required supervised field placement where the applicant provides clinical services directly to clients.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specified
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsCouncil on Social Work EducationCouncil on Social Work EducationCouncil on Social Work Education
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes, a foreign school that has a program approved by the Foreign Equivalency Determination Service of the Council on Social Work EducationYes, a foreign school that has a program approved by the Foreign Equivalency Determination Service of the Council on Social Work EducationYes, a foreign school accredited by:
1. Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work
2. Council on Social Work Education by the Foreign Equivalency Determination Service of the Council on Social Work Education
Examination RequirementsAssociation of Social Work Board (ASWB); Applicant must take exam within 1 year of board approval. If failed >3 times, must seek additional reapproval.
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot applicableNot applicable (unless meeting grandfathered provisions)2 years of clinical social work experience. Up to 50% of the supervised clinical social work experience hours may be virtual. Experience is defined as full time paid experience of 1,500 hours/year or part time 4,500 hours (3,000 hours/year). Settings that qualify as employed experience are defined.
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsUnable to identifyLicensed social worker, licensed clinical social workerQualified supervisor as determined by the board
Scope of PracticePractice of social work, but at the Level of knowledge expected upon completion of a bachelor's degree in social work, including planning, administration, and research for community social services delivery systems at a generalist levelProfessional services that are designed to effect change in human behavior, emotional responses, and social conditions of individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities and that involve specialized knowledge and skill related to human development, including an understanding of unconscious motivation, the potential for human growth, the availability of social resources, and knowledge of social systems. The term includes planning, administration, and research for community social services delivery systems.
-Does not include the use of psychotherapy or diagnosis
Professional services that are designed to help individuals, marriages, couples, families, groups, and communities to enhance or restore their capacity for functioning by:

(1) assisting in the obtaining or improving of tangible social and health services;

(2) providing a mental health diagnosis;

(3) using appraisal instruments as an aid in treatment planning that the clinical social worker is qualified to employ by virtue of the counselor's education, training, and experience; and

(4) counseling and psychotherapeutic techniques, casework social work advocacy, and treatment in a variety of settings that include mental and physical health facilities, child and family service agencies, or private practice.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsRenewal every 2 yearsRenewal every 2 yearsRenewal every 2 years
Continuing EducationComplete at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure yearComplete at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure yearComplete at least twenty (20) hours of continuing education each licensure year
License Duration/Expiration2 years3 years4 years
License Fee$50.00$50.00$50.00
1. A licensed health care professional acting within the scope of the person's license.
2. A student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a course of study in medicine, psychology, or a course of study to gain licensure under this article in an accredited eligible postsecondary educational institution or training institution accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, or a graduate accumulating experience required for licensure if:
A. the services are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision; and
B. the student or graduate uses a title that contains the term "intern", "student", or "trainee".
3. Not a resident of Indiana if the person performed social work in Indiana for not more than 5 days in any 1 month or more than15 days in any 1 calendar year and the person is authorized to perform such services under the laws of the state or country in which the person resides.
4. A rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, minister, or other member of the clergy.
5. An employee or a volunteer for an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions, providing pastoral counseling, or other assistance.
6. A person who provides school counseling.
7. A governmental employee
8. An individual providing services under a contract with the department of child services who:
A. is employed by an organization that is nationally accredited and in good standing by the Joint Commission, Council on Accreditation, or the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities;
B. is directly supervised by a licensed individual who is:
i. licensed under as a social worker, clinical social worker, mental health counselor, mental health counselor associate, marriage and family therapist, or marriage and family therapist associate, and acting within the scope of the individual's license;
ii. licensed as a psychologist under and acting within the scope of the individual's license; or
iii. licensed as a physician who is actively engaged in the practice of psychiatry and acting within the scope of the individual's license; and
C. meets any additional requirements established by the department of child services.
9. An individual providing services under a contract with the department of child services who:
A. has completed a bachelor's degree in social work from:
i. an eligible postsecondary educational institution that is accredited or approved for candidacy by the Council on Social Work Education or approved by the behavioral health and human services licensing board; or
ii. a foreign school that has a program of study that is approved by the Foreign Equivalency Determination Service of the Council on Social Work Education; and
B. is employed in a position for which the department of child services has specified that the job may be filled by individuals who have completed a bachelor-level degree in social work or other human services fields but do not need to be licensed.
ReciprocityLicense issued if individual has a valid license or certificate to practice from another state or jurisdiction;
has passed a substantially equivalent examination to the level for which licensure is being requested;
does not have a pending disciplinary proceeding in another state; and pays the associated fee.
Other NotesEducational requirements listed may be different in the instance of grandfathering.Educational requirements listed may be different in the instance of grandfathering.Educational requirements listed may be different in the instance of grandfathering.
Citation (text)IC 25-23.6-5-1.5, IC 25-23.6-5-4, IC 25-23.6-5-1.5(4), IC 25-23.6-5-10.5 , IC 25-23.6-1-8 , IC 25-1-9.5-6IC 25-23.6-5-1, 839 IAC 1-3-1, IC 25-23.6-5-4 , 839 IAC 1-3-5, IC 25-23.6-5-1, 839 IAC 1-3-2, IC 25-23.6-5-10.5, IC 25-23.6-1-8, 839 IAC 1-3-4, IC 25-1-9.5-6IC 25-23.6-5-2, IC 25-23.6-5-3.1, 839 IAC 1-3-1, IC 25-23.6-5-4, 839 IAC 1-3-5, IC 25-23.6-5-3.5, 839 IAC 1-3-2, IC 25-23.6-5-10.5, IC 25-23.6-1-6, 839 IAC 1-3-4, IC 25-1-9.5-6, 839 IAC 1-3-2.5
Marriage & Family Therapist
Specific Occupation/License TypeLicensed Marriage & Family Therapist Associate (LMFTA)Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT)
Occupational CategoryMarriage & Family TherapistsMarriage & Family Therapists
Education RequirementsMaster's Degree or higher in Marriage and Family Therapy or related field (Clinical social work, Psychology, Counseling, or Pastoral counseling), or Another degree area as determined by the Board
Required Content AreasSpecified, Graduate course work must include:
1. Theoretical foundations of marriage and family therapy
2. Major models of marriage and family therapy
3. Individual development
4. Family development and family relationships
5. Clinical problems
6. Collaboration with other disciplines
7. Sexuality
8. Gender and sexual orientation
9. Issues of ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, and culture
10. Therapy techniques
11. Behavioral research that focuses on the interpretation and application of research data as it applies to clinical practice
12. Legal, ethical, and professional standards issues in the practice of marriage and family therapy or an equivalent approved by the board
13. Appraisal and assessment for individual or interpersonal disorder or dysfunction
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience1 Supervised clinical practicum, internship of field experience in a family counseling setting that meets the following:
-500 hours of marriage and family therapy services, at least 400 of which are face to face client contact hours, at least 200 hours must be relational, and under the supervision of a licensed marriage and family therapist
-100 hours of supervision from a licensed marriage and family therapist with at least 5 years of experience as a qualified supervisor
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsLMFT who has at least five (5) years of experience or a qualified supervisor approved by the boardLMFT who has at least five (5) years of experience or a qualified supervisor approved by the board
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary AccreditationCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes, a foreign school accredited by:
1. Canada- if the instiutation was in good standing with Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada at the time of applicant's graduation
2. All other foreign countries- if institution was recognized by the government of their based country as a program to teach Marriage and Family Therapy, or maintained a standard of training equivalent to the standards of institutions accredited by a regional accrediting body recognized by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accredidation
Examination RequirementsAssociation Marriage and Family Therapy Regulatory Board (AMFTRB)Association Marriage and Family Therapy Regulatory Board (AMFTRB)
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot applicable2 years of postdegree clinical experience, with 50% of clients receiving marriage and family therapy services, and must include:
1,000 hours of clinical experience
200 hours of postdegree clinical supervision
100 hours of which must be individual supervision under a licensed marriage and family therapist

Applicant must provide direct individual, group and family therapy and counseling in the following categories:
1. Unmarried couples
2. Married couples
3. Seperating or divorcing couples
4. Family groups, including children

A doctoral internship may be applied towawrds the supervised work experience requirement

Up to 50% of the supervised postdegree clinical experience hours may be through virtual supervision
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsLicensed marriage and family therapist who has at least 5 years experience or an equivalent supervisor as determined by the boardLicensed marriage and family therapist who has at least 5 years experience or an equivalent supervisor as determined by the board
Scope of Practice1. Uses an applied understanding of the dynamics of marital, relational, and family systems, and individual psychodynamics

2. Uses counseling and psychotherapeutic techniques

3. Provides a mental health diagnosis and treats mental and emotional conditions, resolves intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict, and changes perceptions, attitudes, and behavior, all within the context of family, marital, and relational systems, including the use of accepted evaluation classifications;

4. Uses individual, group, couple, sexual, family, and divorce therapy

5. Uses appraisal instruments that evaluate individual, marital, relational, communicational, parent and child, and family functioning that the marriage and family therapist is qualified to employ by virtue of the counselor's education, training, and experience.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsCan be renwed 2 times every 2 years by paying licensing fee and completing at least 15 hours of continuing education each yearRenewal every 2 years by paying licensing fee and completing at least 15 hours of continuing education each year
Continuing EducationComplete 20 hours of continuing education each yearComplete 20 hours of continuing education each year
License Duration/Expiration
Valid for the remainder of the renewal period in effect on the date the license was issued (will expire April 1 of even numbered years)
2 years
License Fee$50.00$50.00
Exemptions"1. A licensed health care professional acting within the scope of the person's license
2. A student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a couorse of study in medicine or psychology or a course of study to gain licensure under this article in an accredited eligible postsecondary educational institution or training institution if:
A. the activities are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision; and
B. the student uses a title that contains the term ""intern"" or ""trainee"".
3. Not a resident of Indiana if the person performed services in Indiana for not more than five (5) days in any one (1) month and not more than fifteen (15) days in any one (1) calendar year and the person is authorized to perform such services under the laws of the state or country in which the person resides.
4. A rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, minister, or other member of the clergy.
5. An employee of or a volunteer for a nonprofit corporation or an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions, providing pastoral counseling or other assistance.
6. A person who provides school counseling or a person who is certified by a state or national organization that is recognized by the Indiana division of mental health and addiction and who provides counseling in the areas of alcohol or drug abuse addictions."
ReciprocityLicense issued if individual has a valid license or certificate to practice from another state or jurisdiction;
has passed a substantially equivalent examination to the level for which licensure is being requested;
does not have a pending disciplinary proceeding in another state; and pays the associated fee.
License issued if individual has a valid license or certificate to practice from another state or jurisdiction;
has passed a substantially equivalent examination to the level for which licensure is being requested;
does not have a pending disciplinary proceeding in another state; and pays the associated fee.
Other NotesNot applicableNot applicable
Citation (text)IC 25-23.6-8-1.5, IC 25-23.6-8-2.1, IC 25-23.6-8-2.5, IC 25-23.6-8-8.5, IC 25-23.6-1-7, 839 IAC 1-4-4, IC 25-1-9.5-6, IC 25-23.6-8.5-2, IC 25-23.6-8.5-3, 839 IAC 1-5-1, IC 25-23.6-8.5-5, 839 IAC 1-5-2, IC 25-23.6-8.5-1.5(b)(2)IC 25-23.6-8-1, IC 25-23.6-8-2.1, IC 25-23.6-8-2.5, IC 25-23.6-8-2.7, IC 25-23.6-8-8, 839 IAC 1-4-3.1, 839 IAC 1-4-3.3, 839 IAC 1-4-3.2, IC 25-23.6-1-7, 839 IAC 1-4-4, IC 25-1-9.5-6, IC 25-23.6-8-8
Mental Health Counselors
Specific Occupation/License TypeLicensed Mental Health Counselor Associate (LMHCA)Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)
Occupational CategoryMental Health CounselorsMental Health Counselors
Education RequirementsMaster's degree or a doctoral degree in counseling or related area approved by board (including Clinical social work, Psychology, Human services, Human development, Family relations, Counseling, Programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) or the Council on Rehabilitation Education)
Required Content AreasSpecified, Graduate course work must include the following content areas:
1. Human growth and development
2. Social and cultural foundations of counseling
3. Helping relationship, including counseling theory and practice
4. Group dynamics, processes, counseling, and consultation
5. Lifestyle and career development
6. Assessment and appraisal of individuals
7. Research and program evaluation
8. Professional orientation and ethics
9. Foundations of mental health counseling
10. Contextual dimensions of mental health counseling
11. Knowledge and skills for practice of mental health counseling and psychotherapy
12. Clinical instruction
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceNo less than 1 supervised practicum, internship, or field experience in a counseling setting which must include:
-700 clock hours, consiting of 1 practicum of 100 hours and 1 600 hour internship with at least 66 hours of face to face supervision
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor Requirements(1) a counselor educator;
(2) a licensed master's level or doctoral level:
(A) mental health counselor;
(B) clinical social worker;
(C) marriage and family therapist;
(D) physician who has training in psychiatric medicine;
(E) psychologist; or
(F) clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric or mental health nursing; or
(3) another state-regulated mental health professional or, if the experience was gained in a state where no regulation exists, by a mental health professional of equivalent status.
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary AccreditationCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes, a foreign school must be accredited by:
1. Canada, at the time of applicant's graduation the institution was a member in good standing with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
2. All other foreign countries- if institution was recognized by the government of their based country as a program to teach Mental Health Counseling, or maintained a standard of training equivalent to the standards by the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accredidation
Examination RequirementsNational Counselor Examination (NCE); ; Applicant must take exam within 1 year of board approval. If failed >3 times, must seek additional reapproval.National Counselor Examination (NCE) or National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE); Applicant must take exam within 1 year of board approval. If failed >3 times, must seek additional reapproval.
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot applicable2 years of mental heatlh counseling experience that must include:
3,000 hours of post clinical experience
100 hours of which were under supervision

A doctoral internship may be applied toward the work experience requirement

-Up to 50% of the 100 supervised post graduate clinical experience may be virtual supervision
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsLicensed mental heatlh counselor or an equivalent supervisor, as determined by the boardLicensed mental heatlh counselor or an equivalent supervisor, as determined by the board
Scope of Practice1. Uses counseling and psychotherapeutic techniques based on principles, methods, and procedures of counseling that assist people in identifying and resolving personal, social, vocational, intrapersonal, and interpersonal concerns;

2. Uses counseling to provide a mental health diagnosis and treat emotional and mental problems and conditions in a variety of settings, including mental and physical health facilities, child and family service agencies, or private practice, and including the use of accepted evaluation classifications;

3. Administers and interprets appraisal instruments that the mental health counselor is qualified to employ by virtue of the counselor's education, training, and experience;

4. Uses information and community resources for personal, social, or vocational development;

5. Uses individual and group techniques for facilitating problem solving, decision making, and behavioral change;

6. Uses functional assessment and vocational planning guidance for persons requesting assistance in adjustment to a disability or disabling condition;

7. Uses referrals for individuals who request counseling services; and

8. Uses and interprets counseling research.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsCan be renwed 2 times every 2 years by paying licensing fee and completing at least 20 hours of continuing education each yearEvery 2 years
Continuing EducationComplete 20 hours of continuing education per licensure yearComplete 20 hours of continuing education per licensure year
License Duration/Expiration
Valid for the remainder of the renewal period in effect on the date the license was issued (will expire April 1 of even numbered years)
2 years
License Fee$50.00$50.00
1. A licensed health care professional acting within the scope of the person's license.
2. A student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a course of study in medicine, psychology, or a course of study to gain licensure under this article in an accredited eligible postsecondary educational institution or training institution, or is a graduate accumulating experience required for licensure if:
A. the services are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision; and
B. the student or graduate uses a title that contains the term "intern" or "trainee".
3. Not a resident of Indiana if the person performed the services in Indiana for not more than 5 days in any 1 month or 15 days within any 1 calendar year and the person is authorized to perform such services under the laws of the state or country in which the person resides.
4. A rabbi, priest, Christian Science practitioner, minister, or other member of the clergy.
5. An employee or a volunteer for an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions, providing pastoral counseling, or providing other assistance.
6. A person who provides school counseling or a person who is certified by a state or national organization that is recognized by the Indiana division of mental health and addiction and who provides counseling in the areas of alcohol or drug abuse addictions.
7. A governmental employee who remains in the same job classification or job family of that job classification.
ReciprocityLicense issued if individual has a valid license or certificate to practice from another state or jurisdiction;
has passed a substantially equivalent examination to the level for which licensure is being requested;
does not have a pending disciplinary proceeding in another state; and pays the associated fee.

Counseling Compact was passed in Indiana in 2023 and may have additional implications for reciprocity.
Other NotesNot applicableNot applicable
Citation (text)IC 25-23.6-8.5-1.5, IC 25-23.6-8.5-2, IC 25-23.6-8.5-3, IC 25-23.6-8.5-8.5, 839 IAC 1-5-5, IC 25-1-9.5-6, 839 IAC 1-5-1, IC 25-23.6-8.5-5, 839 IAC 1-5-2, IC 25-23.6-8.5-1.5(b)(2)IC 25-23.6-8.5-1, IC 25-23.6-8.5-2, IC 25-23.6-8.5-3, IC 25-23.6-8.5-4, IC 25-23.6-8.5-8, 839 IAC 1-5-1, 839 IAC 1-5-2, 839 IAC 1-5-1.5, 839 IAC 1-5-5, IC 25-1-9.5-6
Specific Occupation/License TypeHealth Service Provider in Psychology (HSPP)Psychologist
Occupational CategoryPsychologistsPsychologists
Education RequirementsDoctoral degree in clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, or another applied health service area of psychologyDoctoral degree in psychology
Required Content Areas(A) The curriculum shall encompass a minimum of three (3) academic years of graduate study, in addition to instruction in:
(i) scientific and professional ethics and standards;
(ii) research design;
(iii) methodology;
(iv) statistics; and
(v) psychometrics.
(B) The core program shall require each student to demonstrate competence (as a part of the graduate education) in each of the substantive content areas established in this subdivision. This typically will be met by including a minimum of three (3) or more graduate semester hours (five (5) or more graduate quarter hours) in each of the following substantive content areas:
(i) Biological bases of behavior such as:
(AA) physiological psychology;
(BB) comparative psychology;
(CC) neuropsychology;
(DD) sensation;
(EE) perception; and
(FF) psychopharmacology.
(ii) Cognitive-affective bases of behavior such as:
(AA) learning;
(BB) thinking;
(CC) motivation; and
(DD) emotion.
(iii) Social bases of behavior such as:
(AA) social psychology;
(BB) group processes; and
(CC) organizational and systems theory.
(iv) Individual differences such as:
(AA) personality theory;
(BB) human development; and
(CC) abnormal psychology.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceIn areas of clinical, counseling, and school psychology, the education program must include educational experience with titles such as practicum, internship, field, or laboratory training.

Programs must include 1 year residence.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot specifiedNot specified
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsAmerican Psychological Association (APA)American Psychological Association (APA)
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)Yes, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)
Examination RequirementsExamination for Professional Practice in Psychology, JurisprudenceExamination for Professional Practice in Psychology, Jurisprudence
Clinical Experience Requirements2 years of experience in health service that includes:
- 1 year of experience in an organized health service training program and at least 1 year of experience that was obtained after the individual received their doctoral degree in psychology;

-Upon the adoption by the board of a rule defining "sequential and organized", sequential and organized supervised professional experience in a health service setting in which 1 year of experience was obtained in an organized health service training program

1,600 hours of supervised experience completed in no less than twelve (12) months including 900 hours of direct client hours.
Unable to identify
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsPsychologist who meets the requirements of endorsementUnable to identify
Scope of PracticeA psychologist shall perform evaluations, diagnostic services, or interventions through:
1. Construction, administration, and interpretation of tests of intellectual and cognitive abilities, aptitudes, skills, interests, attitudes, personality characteristics, perception, emotion, motivation, and opinion.

2. Diagnosis and treatment of mental and behavioral disorders by a health service provider in psychology.

3. Educational and vocational planning and guidance.

4. Personnel selection and management.

5. Arrangement of effective work and learning situations.

6. Resolution of interpersonal and social conflicts.

7. Techniques used in interviewing, counseling, psychotherapy, and behavior modification of individuals or groups.

8. Supervision of psychological services.

9.Teaching of any of the practices listed in this subsection.

10. The planning and conduct of research on human behavior.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsEvery 2 years. Must complete 40 hours of continuing education every 2 yearsEvery 2 years, a licensed psychologist must complete at least 40 hours of continuing education courses each license period.

-A psychologist who has been licensed for less than two (2) years preceding the application for renewal must complete the number of credit hours established by the board.

-During a license period, a psychologist may not earn more than twenty (20) credit hours toward the requirements under this section for continuing education courses that include the following:
1. Journal clubs, colloquia, invited speaker sessions, in-house seminars, and case conferences that are specifically designed for training or teaching.
2. Programs offered at professional or scientific meetings that are relevant to psychology.
3. Individualized learning, including approved audio and video instructional programs and formal professional supervision. Individualized learning does not include administrative supervision.

-During a license period, a psychologist must earn at least twenty (20) credit hours toward the requirements under this section for continuing education courses that include the following:
Formally organized courses, Workshops, Seminars.
(4) Symposia.
(5) Post doctoral institutes.
(6) Home study programs, including approved computer, audio, and video instructional programs, designed by board approved organizations and subject to board verification and approval procedures, not to exceed ten (10) credit hours per license period.
Continuing EducationComplete 40 hours of continuing education every 2 yearsComplete 40 hours of continuing education every 2 years
License Duration/Expiration2 years2 years
License Fee$100.00$200.00
1. a licensed marriage and family therapist;
2. a licensed social worker or a licensed clinical social worker;
3. a licensed mental health counselor;
4. a minister, priest, rabbi, or other member of the clergy providing pastoral counseling or other assistance;
5. a licensed or certified health care professional;
6. a licensed attorney;
7. a student, an intern, or a trainee pursuing a course of study in psychology in an accredited postsecondary educational institution or training institution if the psychology activities are performed under qualified supervision and constitute a part of the person's supervised course of study or other level of supervision as determined by the board;
8. an employee of or a volunteer for a nonprofit corporation or an organization performing charitable, religious, or educational functions, providing pastoral counseling or other assistance; or
9. any other certified or licensed professional.
b. To be exempt under this article, a person described in 1-9 must provide services:
1. within the scope of the person's practice, license, education, and training; and
2. according to any applicable ethical standards of the person's profession.
Reciprocity(a) The board shall issue a license to practice psychology to an individual who:
(1) applies in the manner required by the board;
(2) pays a fee;
(3) is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(4) has not been convicted of a crime that has a direct bearing on the individual's ability to practice competently;
(5) holds, at the time of application, a valid license or certificate as a psychologist from another state;
(6) possesses a doctoral degree from a recognized postsecondary educational institution;
(7) has successfully completed:
(A) a degree program that would have been approved by the board at the time the individual was licensed or certified in the other state; or
(B) if the individual was licensed or certified in the other state before July 1, 1969, a degree program that satisfied the educational requirements of the board in effect January 4, 1971;
(8) has practiced psychology continuously since being licensed or certified;
(9) if the individual was licensed or certified by the other state:
(A) after September 30, 1972, has taken the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology and achieved the passing score required by the board at the time the examination was administered; or
(B) before January 1, 1990, and the other state required an examination other than the Examination for the Professional Practice of Psychology, and the individual achieved a passing score in the other state at the time of licensure or certification;
(10) has passed an examination administered by the board that covers Indiana law related to the practice of psychology; and
(11) is not in violation of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter.

PSYPact was passed in Indiana in 2022 and may have additional implications for reciprocity.
Other NotesGrandfathering provisions may apply before 1983.Grandfathering provisions may apply before 1983.
Citation (text)IC 25-1-9.5-6, 868 IAC 1.1-11-5, IC 25-33-1-5.1,IC 25-33-2-2IC 25-1-9.5-6, 868 IAC 1.1-11-5, IC 25-33-2-2, IC 25-33-1-5.1, 868 IAC 1.1-5-4 , IC 25-33-1-5.1(7)
School Psychologists
Specific Occupation/License TypeSchool PsychologistSchool Psychologists: Independent Practice Endorsement
Occupational CategorySchool Psychologist Independent Practice Endorsement
Education RequirementsMaster's degree or higer in School Psychology

Required Content AreasUnable to identify
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience1,200 hours supervised internship of school psychology, of which at least six hundred 600 hours must be in a school setting.
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsPhysician, Psychologist, School Psychologist
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsNational Association of School Psychologists (NASP)
Foreign Education AcceptanceEducational institution not located in the United States that has a program of study that meets the standards of the department
Examination RequirementsPass the examination provided by the Department of Education
Clinical Experience RequirementsFurnish satisfactory evidence to the department that the applicant has successfully completed at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) hours of school psychology experience after completion of graduate degree requirements and not including the supervised internship for degree or licensing requirements. At least six hundred (600) hours must be in a school setting.
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsPhysician, Psychologist, School Psychologist
Scope of Practice1. Administering, scoring, and interpreting educational, cognitive, career, vocational, behavioral, and affective tests and procedures that address a student's:
A. education;
B. developmental status;
C. attention skills; and
D. social, emotional, and behavioral functioning;
as they relate to the student's learning or training in the academic or vocational environment.
2. Providing consultation, collaboration, and intervention services (not including psychotherapy) and providing referral to community resources to:
A. students;
B. parents of students;
C. teachers;
D. school administrators; and
E. school staff;
concerning learning and performance in the educational process.
3. Participating in or conducting research relating to a student's learning and performance in the educational process:
A. regarding the educational, developmental, career, vocational, or attention functioning of the student; or
B. screening social, affective, and behavioral functioning of the student.
4. Providing inservice or continuing education services relating to learning and performance in the educational process to schools, parents, or others.
5. Supervising school psychology services.
6. Referring a student to:
A. a speech-language pathologist or an audiologist licensed under IC 25-35.6 for services for speech, hearing, and language disorders;
B. an occupational therapist licensed under IC 25-23.5 for occupational therapy services; or
C. a physical therapist licensed under IC 25-27 for mandated school services within a physical therapist's scope of practice;
by a school psychologist who is employed by a school corporation and who is defined as a practitioner of the healing arts for the purpose of referrals under 42 CFR 440.110.

The term does not include the diagnosis or treatment of mental and nervous disorders, except for conditions and interventions provided for in state and federal mandates affecting special education and vocational evaluations as the evaluations relate to the assessment of handicapping conditions and special education decisions or as the evaluations pertain to the placement of children and the placement of adults with a developmental disability.
1. Be licensed as a school psychologist by the professional standards board.
2. Be employed by a developmental center, state hospital, public or private hospital, mental health center, rehabilitation center, private school, or public school at least 30 hours per week during the contract period unless the individual is retired from full-time or part-time employment as a school psychologist or the individual has a medical condition or physical disability that restricts the mobility required for employment in a school setting.
3. Have at least a 60 semester hour master's or specialist degree in school psychology.
4. Demonstrate graduate level competency through the successful completion of course work and a practicum in the areas of assessment and counseling.
5. Have completed at least 1200 hours of school psychology experience beyond the master's degree level. At least 600 hours must be in a school setting under the supervision of a licensed psychologist or school psychologist.
6. Have completed, in addition to the requirements in subdivision (5), at least 400 hours of supervised experience in identification and referral of mental and behavioral disorders, including at least 1 hour each week of direct personal supervision with at least 10 hours of direct personal supervision.
7. Have completed, in addition to the requirements of subdivisions (5) and (6), 52 hours of supervision that meets the following requirements:
a. The 52 hours must be completed within at least 24 consecutive months, but not less than 12 months.
b. Not more than 1 hour of supervision may be included in the total for each week.
c. At least 900 hours of direct client contact must take place during the total period under clause (a).
8. Furnish satisfactory evidence to the board that the applicant does not have a conviction for a crime that has a direct bearing on the applicant's ability to practice competently.
9. Furnish satisfactory evidence to the board that the applicant has not been the subject of a disciplinary action by a licensing or certification agency of any jurisdiction on the grounds that the applicant was not able to practice as a school psychologist without endangering the public.
10. Pass the examination provided by the board.
A school psychologist who is not employed or excused from employment shall not provide services on a private basis to a person unless the school psychologist receives a referral from one of the following: (a) a developmental center, (b) a public school or private school, (c) A physician licensed under IC 25-22.5, (d) a health service professional in psychology licensed under IC 25-33-1. 22.

A school psychologist who is endorsed under this article shall not provide services on a private basis to a student: (a) who attends a school (including a nonpublic school) to which the school psychologist is assigned, or (b) whom the school psychologist would normally be expected to serve.

Licensing for private practice is also available from the Indiana State Psychology Board Professional Licensing Agency for doctoral level only.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?Unable to identify
License Renewal Provisions5 or 10 years
Continuing EducationNot specified
License Duration/ExpirationInitial license is 2 years. May obtain the Practitioner License of 5 or 10 years after initial license
License Fee$35.00
Exemptionsa) The state board of education shall exempt an individual from the endorsement requirements of this article if the individual:
1. is employed by a:
A. developmental center;
B. state hospital;
C. public or private hospital;
D. mental health center;
E. rehabilitation center; F.
private school; or
G. public school;
at least thirty (30) hours per week during the contract period; and
2. furnishes satisfactory evidence to the board that the applicant:
A. has received at least sixty (60) semester hours of graduate level course work in a school psychology program;
B. has at least one thousand (1,000) supervised hours of school psychology;
C. does not have a conviction for a crime that has a direct bearing on the applicant's ability to practice competently;
D. has not been the subject of a disciplinary action by a licensing or certification agency of another jurisdiction on the grounds that the applicant was not able to practice as a school psychologist without endangering the public; and
E. has at least five (5) years of experience as a school psychologist within the ten (10) years preceding the date of application.
b. Subsection (a)(2) does not apply to a school psychologist who:
1. is retired from full-time or part-time employment as a school psychologist; or
2. has a:
A. medical condition; or
B. physical disability; that restricts the mobility required for employment in a school setting. (c) A school psychologist who is not excused from employment as described in subsection (b) or is not employed as described in subsection (a)(2) shall not provide services on a private basis to a person unless the school psychologist receives a referral from one (1) of the following:
1. A developmental center.
2. A public school or private school.
3. A physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.
4. A health service professional in psychology licensed under IC 25-33-1.
ReciprocityNot able to identify
Other NotesProvision of services on private basis:
(a) A school psychologist who is not employed or excused from employment as described in section 3(2) of this chapter may not provide services on a private basis to an individual unless the school psychologist receives a referral from one (1) of the following:
(1) A developmental center.
(2) A public school or private school.
(3) A physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.
(4) A health service professional in psychology licensed under IC 25-33-1.
(5) The individual's parent if the individual is an unemancipated minor.
(b) A school psychologist who is endorsed under this chapter may not provide services on a private basis to a student:
(1) who attends a school (including a nonpublic school) to which the school psychologist is assigned; or
(2) whom the school psychologist would normally be expected to serve.
An individual who applies for an endorsement as an independent practice school psychologist must meet the following requirements:
1. Be licensed as a school psychologist by the department.
2. Be employed by a:
A. developmental center;
B. state hospital;
C. public or private hospital;
D. mental health center;
E. rehabilitation center;
F. private school; or
G. public school;
at least thirty (30) hours per week during the contract period unless the individual is retired from full-time or part-time employment as a school psychologist or the individual has a medical condition or physical disability that restricts the mobility required for employment in a school setting.
Citation (text)IC 20-28-1-11, IC 20-28-12-3, IC 20-28-12-4, 511 IAC 19-2-1, 511 IAC 19-1-4
Psychiatrists (Physicians)
Specific Occupation/License TypePsychiatrist (Physician License)
Occupational CategoryPsychiatrists (Physicians)
Education RequirementsDegree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy
Required Content AreasNot able to identify
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceNot specified
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot specified
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsLiaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) which is jointly sponsored by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) or the American OSteopathic Association (AOA) Bureau of Professional Education
Foreign Education AcceptanceYes, any medical school located outside of the US or Canada must maintain standards equivalent to those adopted by:
1. The Liaison Committee on Medical Education, Functions and Structure of a Medical School, Standards for Accreditation of Medical Education Programs Leading to the M.D. degree, 2001 or
2. the Bureau of Professional Education of the American Osteopathic Association, Accreditation of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine, 2001
Examination RequirementsUSMLE, FLEX, NBME, COMLEX, NBOME, FCVS package
Clinical Experience Requirements1 year post graduate training in a hospital or institution
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot able to identify
Scope of PracticePractice of medicine or osteopathic medicine means:
1. Holding oneself out to the public as being engaged in:

A. The diagnosis, treatment, correction, or prevention of any disease, ailment, defect, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition of human beings;

B. The suggestion, recommendation, or prescription or administration of any form of treatment, without limitation;

C. The performing of any kind of surgical operation upon a human being, including tattooing (except for providing a tattoo as defined in IC 35-45-21-4(a)), in which human tissue is cut, burned, or vaporized by the use of any mechanical means, laser, or ionizing radiation, or the penetration of the skin or body orifice by any means, for the intended palliation, relief, or cure; or

D. The prevention of any physical, mental, or functional ailment or defect of any person.

2. The maintenance of an office or a place of business for the reception, examination, or treatment of persons suffering from disease, ailment, defect, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other conditions of body or mind.
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?Yes
License Renewal ProvisionsEvery 2 years
Continuing EducationNot specified
License Duration/Expiration2 years
License Fee$250.00
ExemptionsNot specified
ReciprocityTemporary medical permit issued if certain criteria are met.

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact was passed in Indiana in 2023 and may have additional implications for reciprocity.
Other NotesIndiana state regulates physicians, as a specific specialty. Much of the psychiatry-specific policies would be found within the relevant third party certification board.
Citation (text)IC 25-22.5-3-1, 844 IAC 4-4.5-3, 844 IAC 4-4.5-3, 844 IAC 4-4.5-12, IC 25-22.5-3-1
Advanced Practice Registered Nurses
Specific Occupation/License TypeRegistered NurseAdvanced Practice Registered Nurse - Clinical Nurse Specialist (APRN-CNS)Advanced Practice Registered Nurse - Nurse Practitioner (APRN-NP)
Occupational CategoryAdvanced Practice Registered NursesAdvanced Practice Registered NursesAdvanced Practice Registered Nurses
Education RequirementsMinimum 2 years educational program, approved by boardGraduate of qualifying accredited graduate programGraduate of qualifying accredited NP graduate program
Required Content AreasSpecified,
1. Physical and biological sciences, including content drawn from the areas of:
A.Anatomy; B. Physiology; C. Chemistry; D. Microbiology; E. Pharmacology; F. Physics; and G. Nutrition;
that may be integrated, combined, or presented as separate courses.
2.Social and behavioral sciences shall include content drawn from the areas of:
A. Interpersonal communications, English composition, or speech; B. Psychology; and C. Sociology;
that may be integrated, combined, or presented as separate courses.
3. The nursing content shall establish the following:
A.Provide concurrent theory and clinical experience in the following areas:
i. Adult nursing.
ii. Maternity nursing.
iii. Nursing of children.
iv. Mental health nursing.
v. Gerontological nursing.
vi. For baccalaureate programs, community health nursing and research.
B. Include:
i. history;
ii. trends;
iii. legal aspects; and
iv. ethical aspects;
of nursing that may be integrated, combined, or presented as separate courses.
C. Include content about chemical substance abuse among professionals.
D. Computer technology shall be integrated, combined, or presented as a separate course.
E. Standard precautions education shall be integrated, combined, or presented as a separate course
Not able to identifyNot able to identify
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field ExperienceNursing programs have clinical hour requirements; up to 50% of clinical hours can be done via simulation depending on NCLEX pass rate of the program.Not able to identifyNot able to identify
Clinical Practicum, Internship, or Field Experience Supervisor RequirementsClinical preceptor qualifications must be met - employed by a cooperating agency and
responsible for supervising one (1) nursing student at a time in a clinical facility, licensed as a nurse, and has at least 18 months experience as a nurse.
Not able to identifyNot able to identify
U.S. Education Accredition/Accepted ProgramsNot able to identifyCommission on Recognition of Postsecondary AccreditationNot able to identify
Foreign Education AcceptanceNot able to identifyNot able to identifyNot able to identify
Examination RequirementsUS-NCLEX,
Canada- CNAT or CRNE
All other countries- Passed an exam approved by CGFNS
Not able to identifyCompletion certifying exam as approved by the board
Clinical Experience RequirementsNot able to identifyNot able to identifyNot able to identify
Clinical Experience Supervisor RequirementsNot able to identifyNot able to identifyNot able to identify
Scope of PracticePerformance of services which include but are not limited to:
1. Assessing health conditions;
2. Deriving a nursing diagnosis;
3. Executing a nursing regimen through the selection, performance, and management of nursing actions based on nursing diagnoses;
4. Advocating the provision of health care services through collaboration with or referral to other health professionals;
5.Executing regimens delegated by a physician with an unlimited license to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine, a licensed dentist, a licensed chiropractor, a licensed optometrist, or a licensed podiatrist;
6. Teaching, administering, supervising, delegating, and evaluating nursing practice;
7. Delegating tasks which assist in implementing the nursing, medical, or dental regimen; or
8. Performing acts which are approved by the board or by the board in collaboration with the medical licensing board of Indiana.

"Assessing health conditions" means the collection of data through means such as interviews, observation, and inspection for the purpose of:
1.Deriving a nursing diagnosis;
2.Identifying the need for additional data collection by nursing personnel; and
3.Identifying the need for additional data collection by other health professionals.

"Nursing regimen" means preventive, restorative, maintenance, and promotion activities which include meeting or assisting with self-care needs, counseling, and teaching.

"Nursing diagnosis" means the identification of needs which are amenable to nursing regimen.
(1) Assess clients by using advanced knowledge and skills to:
(A) identify abnormal conditions;
(B) diagnose health problems;
(C) develop and implement nursing treatment plans;
(D) evaluate patient outcomes; and
(E) collaborate with or refer to a practitioner in managing the plan of care.
(2) Use advanced knowledge and skills in teaching and guiding clients and other health team members.
(3) Use appropriate critical thinking skillsto make independent decisions, commensurate with the autonomy, authority, and responsibility of a nurse practitioner.
(4) Function within the legal boundaries of their advanced practice area and shall have and utilize knowledge of the statutes and rules governing their advanced practice area, including the following:
(A) State and federal drug laws and regulations, (B) State and federal confidentiality laws and regulations, (C) State and federal medical records access laws.
(5) Consult and collaborate with other members of the health team as appropriate to provide reasonable client care, both
acute and ongoing.
(6) Recognize the limits of individual knowledge and experience, and consult with or refer clients to other health care
providers as appropriate.
(7) Retain professional accountability for any delegated intervention, and delegate interventions only as authorized
(8) Maintain current knowledge and skills in the nurse practitioner area.
(9) Conduct an assessment of clients and families which may include health history, family history, physical examination, and evaluation of health risk factors.
(10) Assess normal and abnormal findings obtained from the history, physical examination, and laboratory results.
(11) Evaluate clients and families regarding development, coping ability, and emotional and social well-being.
(12) Plan, implement, and evaluate care.
(13) Develop individualized teaching plans with each client based on health needs.
(14) Counsel individuals, families, and groups about health and illness and promote attention to wellness.
(15) Participate in periodic or joint evaluations of service rendered, including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Chart reviews, B. Client evaluations, C. Outcome statistics.
(16) Conduct and apply research findings appropriate to the area of practice.
(17) Participate, when appropriate, in the joint review of the plan of care
Eligible to Provide Telehealth?YesYesYes
License Renewal ProvisionsEvery 2 years (odd numbered years)Not applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)Not applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)
Continuing EducationNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specified
License Duration/Expiration2 yearsNot applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)Not applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)
License Fee$50.00Not applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)Not applicable (unless a prescriptive authority is obtained)
ExemptionsNot specifiedNot specifiedNot specified
ReciprocityProvisions for endorsement; Can pursue multi-state license through Nurse Licensure Compact if qualifications are met.Can pursue multi-state license for RN license through Nurse Licensure Compact if qualifications are met.Can pursue multi-state license for RN license through Nurse Licensure Compact if qualifications are met.
Other NotesNot applicableAPRNs in Indiana hold an RN licensse and may hold prescriptive authority. There is no state regulatory certification for the individual APRN role outside of these two processes.

Many of the categories which are "not specified" indicate the guidance that is provided by external entities (outside of Indiana state government) for these roles.
Citation (text)IC 25-23-1-1.1, 848 IAC 1-2-17, 848 IAC 1-1-6IC 25-23-1-1.1, 848 IAC 4-3-1, 848 IAC 4-1-5IC 25-23-1-1.1, 848 IAC 4-2-1, 848 IAC 4-1-4