Direct Service Workforce

Partner: Indiana Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA)
Time Frame: January 2022 – June 2024

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The State of Indiana is currently in the process of reforming its long-term services and support (LTSS) delivery system. Current reform initiatives are focused on expansion of home and community-based services (HCBS). The LTSS workforce is foundational to this delivery system. Unfortunately, workforce shortages and other challenges have historically been reported to plague the LTSS sector, and such conductions have worsened since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

This is especially the case with direct service workers (DSWs). DSWs are paid frontline workers who provide hands-on care, services, and support to the elderly and individuals with disabilities across the long-term services and supports continuum, from home and community-based settings to skilled nursing facilities.  In general, there are minimal barriers to entry for these roles as compared to other occupations in the health and human services sector; however, these roles typically have high physical demands and relatively low wage. Recruiting, training, and retaining DSWs is a strategic priority for the LTSS sector, and necessary for successful delivery of services.  

As part of current reform initiatives, Indiana is seeking to develop an LTSS DSW Plan for the purpose of informing and aligning related policies and investments in a manner that encourages workforce recruitment and retention, ensures quality and safety of LTSS services, and supports the well-being of the workforce and the individuals they serve. Indiana is the first state in the nation to embark on a state-level Direct Service Workforce Strategic Plan, and the Bowen Center is honored to be partnering with the Family and Social Services Administration on this endeavor. 




DSW Data Inventory

Data Source NameGeographic LevelWorkforce TopicsProfessions IncludedPublisher/ManagerLocationDescriptionData Elements IncludedDefinition of ProfessionsAccessibility
License and Supplemental Survey DataState-LevelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage Data, Education DataCertified Nursing Assistant, Qualified Medication Aide, Home Health AidesBowen Center for Health Workforce Research and PolicyIndiana Health Professions DatabaseThis source includes data collected from health professional during renewal of their license or certification. The survey used for collection of supplemental information is reviewed annually and approved for updates by the DSW Survey Data Advisory Group.Race, Ethnicity, Sex, Qualifying Education, Location of Qualifying Education, Highest Education, Employment Status, Training Status, Employment Plans, Employment setting, Hours in patient care, hourly wage, benefits, services provided, populations servedQMA & CNA: IC 16-28-1-11 HHA: IC 16-27-1-7Publicly Available in Aggregate
State Occupational Employment and Wage EstimatesState-LevelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage DataCertified Nursing Assistant, Home Health Aides, Personal Care Aides, Qualified Medication AideBureau of Labor Statistics public source project employment estimates by profession, based on Standard Occupational Codes (SOC). Data are only available at the state level.Total Employment, Employment per 1,000 jobs, Location Quotient, Mean hourly wage, Median hourly wage, Mean annual wageCNA: 31-1131 Home Health and Personal Care Aides: 31-1120 Medical Assistants: 31-9092Publicly Available in Aggregate
DWD 10-year ProjectionsState-LevelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage DataCertified Nursing AssistantIndiana Department of Workforce DevelopmentLighCast Labor AnalyticsThis source is provided upon request for profession-specific 10-year estimates and projections. Data are available by Indiana County and Indiana Economic Growth Region.Current Employment, Projected Employment, Current Location Quotient, Projected Location Quotient, Projected Job Openings, Average Annual Job Openings, Estimated 10-year replacement jobsCNA: 31-1131 Home Health and Personal Care Aides: 31-1120 Medical Assistants: 31-9092Publicly Available in Aggregate
Healthcare OccupationsNational levelMarket and Wage DataHome Health Aides, Personal Care AidesBureau of Labor Statistics,than%20the%20median%20annual%20wage%20for%20all%20occupations.This source isa snippit of the occupational outlook handbook and provides an overview of average pay for a multitude of healthcare occupations.Occupation, Job summary, Entry-level education, 2021 median payHome Helath and Personal Care Aides: 31-1120Publicly Available in Aggregate
U.S. Home Care WorkersNational levelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage Data, Education DataPersonal Care Aides, Home Health Aides, Certifeid Nursing AssistantPHI brief provides demographics, wagge, and employment trends about the U.S. Home Care WorkforceAll for 2016- gender, age, race/ethnicity, citizenship, education, employment by occupation, employment by type of employer, employment status, poverty level, public assistance access, health insurance, job growthHome care workers provide personal assistance and health care support to older adults and people with disabilities in their homes and in community-based settings across the United States.Publicly Available in Aggregate
Home Health and Personal Care Aides SummaryNational levelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage Data, Education DataHome Health Aides, Personal Care AidesU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics source provides quick facts on home health and personal care aidesPay, education, work experience, job training, nuymber of jobs, job outlook, employment changeHome health and personal care aides monitor the condition of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and help them with daily living activities.Publicly Available in Aggregate
Occupational Employment and Wages - Home Health and Personal Care AidesNational levelWorkforce Data, Market Data, and Wage DataHome Health Aides, Personal Care AidesU.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsHome Health and Personal Care Aides ( source provides national employment and geographic characteristics for Home Health and Personal Care Aides.Employment, Wage, Industries with highest employment and wages, and Geographic distribution.Home health and personal care aides monitor the condition of people with disabilities or chronic illnesses and help them with daily living activities.Publicly Available in Aggregate
Long-Term Services and Supports: Direct Care Worker Demand Projections 2015-2030National levelWorkforce DataNursing Assistants, Home Health Aides, Personal Care Aides, Psychiatric Assistants/aidesHRSA source focuses on supply and demand for direct health care workersHealth workforce simulation model, FTE demandAll known as Direct Care Workers(DCWs), nursing assistants, home health aides, personal care aides, psychiatric assistants/aides perform a variety of patient care duties and are critical to the delivery of health services across LTSS continuum, from institutional care to home and community-based settings.Publicly Available in Aggregate
Home Health AidesNational levelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage Data, Education DataHome Health AidesData USA source focuses on various statistics for home health aides in the year 2020.Age, salary, diversity, employment, education, race/ethnicityHHA provides care and support for older adults and other patients who need help completing certain daily functions.Publicly Available
Average Qualified Medication Aide Hourly PayNational levelWage Data and Market DataQualified Medication AidePayScaleQualified Medication Aide Hourly Pay in 2023 | PayScaleThis source provides information regarding salary ranges for Qualified Medication AidesSalary range and revelant job listingsQMA involves administering both prescription and non-prescription medications to patients and then monitoring their reactions, all under the supervision of a licensed nurse.Publicly Available
Certified Nursing Assistant Demographics and Statistics in the USNational levelWorkforce Data, Market and Wage Data, Education DataCertified Nursing AssistantZIPPIACertified Nursing Assistant Demographics and Statistics [2023]: Number Of Certified Nursing Assistants In The US ( source focuses on the CNAs demographics.Gender, Income, Race, Age, Education, Employment, and Location DemographicsA certified nursing assistant or a CNA is an entry-level healthcare professional responsible for assisting with the providing of patient care. Under the supervision of a nurse, the nursing assistant helps patients turn over, cleans rooms and beds, bathes patients and helps with other personal hyegine tasks. A CNA is not to be confused with a nurse. However, they do have to go through a state-mandated exam to work as a CNA. Oftentimes, this position is just a stepping stone for nurses-in-training.Publicly Available