

We proudly serve a wide range of stakeholders: legislative and state officials, academics and researchers, health care professionals, employers, and advocates. Our portfolio is a mix of work that we do through our contract with the State as well as projects that are requested by stakeholders and partners. 


We are experts in developing multifaceted, applied research projects and synthesizing the information to provide clients and partners with actionable solutions. Take a look at what we are currently working on and if you need our assistance for something similar, we would love to get in touch. 

Project Request

Our Areas of Expertise

We use our expertise to identify the problem that clients and partners have and synthesize the information they need to identify potential solutions. These topic areas are used across our site to help users to quickly search and find projects, articles, or other resources.  

Supply, Demand, & Distribution


Occupational Regulation Icon

Occupational Regulation

Policy Research & Tracking

Special Issues Icon

Special Issues

Data Collection and Information Management Icon

Data Collection & Information

Large Scale Projects

Indiana Health Workforce Data

supply and distribution  Data Collection and Information Management

We partner with the State of Indiana on the collection, management, and reporting of health workforce information. We provide subject matter expertise throughout the development and implementation of health workforce data collection strategies, and we engage stakeholders to ensure alignment of these strategies with the state priorities. Once the data are collected, we apply data management processes and ultimately storing longitudinal data in a relational database (Indiana Health Professions Database). This database is the source for our data reports, briefs, and interactive Tableau dashboards. Getting data into the hands of policy makers and other stakeholders to inform their decision making is a top goal for our data related activities.

Playbook for Enhancing Indiana’s Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce

supply and distribution Data Collection and Information Management special issues

The Bowen Center is spearheading a collaborative project which is focused on understanding Indiana’s post-secondary pipeline to practice for mental and behavioral health workers and identifying opportunities to strengthen the workforce. We are delighted to coordinate the Playbook Project through generous support from Lilly Endowment Inc

Direct Service Workforce

supply and distribution medicaid Policy Research and Tracking occupational regulation special issues Data Collection and Information Management

Indiana is developing a Direct Service Workforce State Plan for the long-term services and support sector in home and community-based settings. This plan will serve to inform and align related policies and investments in a manner that encourages workforce recruitment and retention, ensures quality and safety of LTSS services, and supports the well-being of the workforce and the individuals they serve. 

Indiana's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Workforce

Data Collection and Information Management supply and distribution Policy Research and Tracking occupational regulation special issues

Indiana’s EMS Workforce is critical to the State’s infrastructure. EMTs and paramedics face challenges such as low-wage, high turnover, and high physical stress. All these factors result in ongoing staffing shortages. Although widely known in Indiana, the state has been unable to confidently quantify the probleam at a granular level. IDHS and IDOH have partnered with The Bowen Center to conduct an evaluation of Indiana’s EMS Workforce.

Diversity in Indiana's Health Workforce

Data Collection and Information Management supply and distribution special issues

Diversity in the health workforce has been demonstrated to increase quality and access to health care in underserved communities. Racially and ethnically diverse health care providers are more likely to practice in underserved communities, and in some cases gender diversity has been associated with better health outcomes for certain populations. However, the best outcomes are observed when the health workforce reflects the community they serve.

The Indiana Health Workforce Diversity Brief Series includes a longitudinal assessment of the Indiana workforce demographics.

Indy Father's Health Study

special issues Data Collection and Information Management

Improving infant and maternal health is a major priority for Indiana. There has historically been a large focus on both maternal and infant health in research and policy activities without much examination on paternal health. The goal of this study is to understand the perspectives of Indianapolis fathers with regards to their personal health and how it contributes to the health of their families. 

VA: Partners in Health Professions Training

supply and distribution Policy Research and Tracking special issues Data Collection and Information Management

The Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center has long served as a partner to academic training programs throughout Indiana, but there has never been a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of this partnership on Indiana’s health workforce. This project will quantify and evaluate the impact of this partnership on the health care workforce in Indiana. 

Governor's Health Workforce Council

supply and distribution occupational regulation Policy Research & TrackingData Collection and Information Management

The Council was formed to “coordinate health workforce-related policies, programs, and initiatives in Indiana with the goal to decrease costs, increase access, and enhance Indiana’s health system quality.” Both the private and public sectors are brought together on the Council, allowing for executive branch, legislators, and industry leaders to discuss Indiana’s health care workforce issues and develop collaborative solutions. We provide expert health workforce data and policy research support to the Council and support for the Council’s administrative functions. 

Our Partners

Our Partner: FSSA Our Partner: Indiana State Department of Health Our Partner: Indiana Workforce Our Partner: School of Medicine Our Partner: Polis Center Our Partner: U.S Department of Veterans affairs Our Partner: IDA Our Partner: PNA Our Partner: IVY Tech Our Partner: AHEC Network Our Partner: IPHCA