the problem

Issues with Clinical Training

Clinical training and experience are crucial steps in the pathway from education to licensure for mental health professionals in Indiana. However, the state faces significant challenges in this area. Many licensees report difficulties obtaining adequate clinical supervision, while professionals often hesitate to serve as supervisors due to lack of incentives and confidence in their skills. Academic leaders have identified expanding clinical opportunities as a top priority for strengthening the workforce pipeline. Addressing these issues is critical to developing a well-prepared mental health workforce capable of meeting Indiana’s growing needs.

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bowen recommendations

The Solutions

recommendation one

Expand clinical experiences

Increase opportunities for clinical training during education and post-graduation. This ensures students and new graduates gain essential hands-on experience in diverse settings.

recommendation two

Elevate professional supervisors

Formalize clinical supervision through credentialing and provide specialized training for supervisors. This approach improves the quality and consistency of clinical supervision across the state.

recommendation three

Better incentivize clinical training

Develop reimbursement strategies and tax incentives for professionals involved in clinical training. These financial incentives encourage more practitioners to engage in supervising and mentoring roles.

what could be

Potential Impacts

more clinical opportunities and more supervisors feel better supported

Strengthening clinical training in Indiana will ensure a qualified workforce providing high-quality mental health services where needed most. By formalizing and incentivizing clinical supervision, the state can improve the quality and availability of supervisors, benefiting both employers and licensees. Additionally, developing comprehensive guidance documents will increase supervisor confidence and competence, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of clinical training and supervision across Indiana.

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