final thoughts

Additional Considerations

While the previous recommendations address key areas for improving Indiana’s mental and behavioral health workforce, several additional considerations emerged during the Playbook Project. These points highlight further opportunities for research, policy development, and workforce enhancement that could significantly impact the state’s mental health landscape. Though not part of the main recommendations, these considerations merit attention for future planning and initiatives.

Scroll down to read about the solutions we propose, or download the full Playbook report by clicking the button below:

bowen recommendations

The Solutions

playbook for other workforces

Expand assessment to include other health professions contributing to mental health services.

Aid and wage study

Conduct a comprehensive study on education costs, student aid, and wages across mental health professions.

Emerging workforce models

Explore opportunities to develop or formalize new roles like behavioral health paraprofessionals and technicians.

Review model legislation

Compare Indiana’s statutes with model legislation promoted by mental health professions.

Access to supervision

Develop strategies to support graduates in finding employment opportunities that provide clinical supervision.

Transitions from degree to licensure

Improve the efficiency of the transition from postsecondary education to licensure for qualified individuals.

impact of remote learning

Assess the effects of increased remote learning options on student outcomes and in-state retention.

Aligning psychology policy

Review psychology licensing strategies to address nomenclature issues and explore opportunities for streamlining.

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