You have seen our Indiana Medical Education Pipeline to Practice Report. Now you can take a deeper look into Indiana’s Physician Pipeline and how Indiana stacks up to our neighboring states with the Indiana Physician Pipeline-to-Practice: In Context brief. The medical education pipeline includes several steps before obtaining full medical licensure:
- Undergraduate Medical Education: Also known as medical school, this phase follows an undergraduate degree and lasts four years. It includes basic medical training and clinical hands-on experience with patients.
- Graduate Medical Education: This phase includes medical residency and fellowships. Residency is a structured series of clinical experiences preparing physicians to practice independently in their chosen specialty. Some physicians also complete additional fellowship training for 1-3 years.
- Practicing Physicians: These are fully licensed physicians who have completed all medical education requirements and can practice independently in their specialty.
The Bowen Center, along with the Indiana Department of Health, evaluated Indiana’s physician pipeline in family medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, and pediatrics. The study compares Indiana’s physician pipeline to neighboring states and national averages to support workforce planning.
Read and download the full brief below: