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Date Updated |
03/05/25 |
Overall Status | Sub-status | Bill Title | Bill Category | Topics | Originating Chamber | Summary | Primary Author | |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1002: Various education matters | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1002/details | House | Removes and repeals various education provisions and expired education provisions, including provisions concerning the following: (1) Secretary of education criteria. (2) Certain department of education (department) requirements. (3) The advisory committee on career and technical education. (4) Use of hearing examiners by the state board of education (state board). (5) Credit for retaking a virtual course during certain time periods. (6) Family friendly school designations. (7) The Indiana civic education commission. (8) Discretionary directives to the department. (9) The program for the advancement of math and science. (10) Access to telecommunication services. (11) Elementary school counselors, social workers, and school psychologists program and fund. (12) Grants for mental health counselor licenses for school counselors. (13) The arts education program. (14) The geothermal conversion revolving fund. (15) Joint schools in adjacent states. (16) Clause requirements for certain charter school organizer documents. (17) Required submission of economic interest information at the time a charter school organizer submits a proposal for a charter school. (18) Required acknowledgment by a current authorizer regarding a proposal by an existing charter school to another authorizer. (19) Requirements regarding a governing body of school corporation (governing body) providing a noncharter school. (20) Charter requirements, including minimum year, instruction, course, and annual performance target requirements. (21) Certain notice requirements from an authorizer to an organizer that is not in compliance. (22) Certain nondiscrimination and acceptance of credit requirements regarding a public noncharter school. (23) Indiana school for the arts. (24) Allowing the board of trustees of Vincennes University to establish a grammar school. (25) The timing of the election of officers by a governing body. (26) Designation of certain committees by a governing body. (27) Governing body use of funds for associations. (28) Required policies on contacting employment references. (29) Developing and reviewing evidence based plans with parents for improving student behavior and discipline. (30) Agreements regarding wage payment arrangements. (31) Requirements and limitations regarding remediation programs. (32) Student identification card information. (33) Township trustees and the sale of schoolhouses. (34) School health advisory councils and adoption of a school corporation policy on child nutrition and physical activity. (35) Certain agreement requirements regarding joint programs. (36) Certain requirements regarding the transfer of a student to another school. (37) Freeway school corporation and freeway school program. (38) Policies, programs, and reports regarding criminal organization activity. (39) Revocation of coalition of continuous improvement school corporation's membership. (40) Transportation program discretion. (41) Recommendations regarding certain powers and duties of the department. (42) Certain training and professional development requirements. (43) Certain teacher leave requirements. (44) Ineligibility for state funds for adopting residence requirements. (45) Certain compensation included in computing teacher's retirement benefit. (46) Penalty for failing to comply with working schedule requirements. (47) Discretionary posting of poster of national motto and flags. (48) Discretionary modification of graduation plan. (49) Requirements regarding certain writing, documents, and records. (50) Required course on safety education. (51) Compilation of leaflets regarding hygiene, sanitary science, and disease prevention. (52) Making a violation regarding teaching certain disease information an infraction. (53) Certain elective courses and teachings. (54) Voluntary summer school program and joint summer school program requirements. (55) Technology preparation curriculum. (56) Community or volunteer service programs. (57) State certificate of biliteracy. (58) Nonsession school activities. (59) Requirements regarding Indiana academic standards. (60) Strategic and continuous improvement and achievement plans. (61) Cultural competency components of a school plan. (62) Student educational achievement grants. (63) Remediation grant program. (64) Postsecondary workforce training program remediation reduction. (65) Requirement to provide an enrollment form for the twenty-first century scholars program to certain students. (66) Plan requirements for high ability students. (67) Governor's scholars academy. (68) Seminary township school fund. (69) Dual credit teacher stipend matching grant fund. (70) Student enrichment grants. Merges and amends provisions regarding fund distribution upon the termination of a charter and the cessation of a charter school. Amends the age eligibility for a member of a governing body. Establishes information that must be included in a consolidated audit by an organizer. Provides adult high schools are excluded from all cohort based graduation rate calculations except to the extent required under federal law. Amends the termination and notice requirements with regard to terminating a transportation program. Relocates a provision regarding trauma informed classroom instruction curriculum in teacher preparation programs. Provides that a provision that decreases state tuition support for failure to meet student instructional day | Rep. Robert Behning |
Active | 7- Bill Passed 1st Chamber, Referred to 2nd Chamber | HB1003: Health matters | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1003/details | House | Specifies that the Medicaid fraud control unit's (MFCU) investigation of Medicaid fraud may include the investigation of provider fraud, insurer fraud, duplicate billing, and other instances of fraud. Permits the attorney general to enter into a data sharing agreement with specified state agencies and authorizes the MFCU to analyze this data to carry out its investigative duties. Provides that all complaints made to the state Medicaid fraud control unit are confidential until an action is filed concerning the complaint. Provides that the attorney general may designate investigators employed within the MFCU to be law enforcement officers of the state. Requires a state employee health plan, the office of the secretary of family and social services (office), an insurer, and a health maintenance organization to provide reimbursement for a health care service that is provided in an outpatient setting at the same reimbursement rate that is provided at a physician's office. Requires the office to establish: (1) metrics to assess the quality of care and patient outcomes; and (2) transparency and accountability safeguards; for a long term care risk based managed care program. Allows the Indiana department of health (state department) to enter into partnerships and joint ventures to encourage best practices in the appropriate and effective use of prior authorization in health care. Requires the state department, in consultation with the office of technology, to: (1) develop certain standards regarding medical records and data; and (2) mandate compliance with the standards by any medical provider that contracts with the state. Requires, not later than December 31, 2025, a clinical laboratory and diagnostic imaging facility to post pricing information. Requires providers to submit a claim for health care services with the appropriate place of service code for the setting. Allows: (1) a manufacturer to provide; and (2) a patient to receive; individualized investigational treatment if certain conditions are met. Prohibits a 340B covered entity from charging an individual for a prescription drug under the program at a greater price than the prescription drug was obtained for under the program. Allows the state department to enforce the 340B drug requirements and assess a civil penalty. Provides exemptions from provisions regarding health care billing. Sets forth requirements regarding the submission of a bill for health care services. Requires an Indiana nonprofit hospital system to report a list of facilities that may submit a bill on an institutional provider form. Prohibits an out-of-network practitioner providing nonemergency health care services at an in network facility from being reimbursed more for the health care services than the 2019 median in network rate with the specified adjustment. Requires a provider to provide the patient with a written list of services that the: (1) patient received; and (2) provider intends to bill the patient; upon a patient's discharge from receiving certain services. Requires good faith estimates for health care services, issued before July 1, 2026, to be provided at least two business days (rather than five business days) before the health care services are scheduled to be provided. Requires good faith estimates, issued after June 30, 2026, to be provided immediately. Removes language concerning the disclosure of a trade secret from provisions that allow for a health plan sponsor to access and audit claims data. Provides that when a health carrier is in the process of negotiating a health provider contract with a health provider facility or provider, the health carrier must provide certain information to the health provider facility or provider. Specifies certain provisions that may not be included in a health provider contract. Prohibits a health plan from rescinding a prior authorization that the health plan has previously approved within one year after the prior authorization is approved. Provides that a health plan shall ensure that any adverse determination on a request for prior authorization is made by a clinical peer of the provider who requested the prior authorization. Allows the department of insurance to receive information regarding prior authorization disputes and requires the department of insurance to prepare a report with findings and recommendations related to the information. Requires, not later than September 1, 2025, the department of insurance to issue a request for information concerning ways to better enable medical consumers to compare and shop for medical and health care services. Adds the secretary of health and human services as a nonvoting advisory member of the all payer claims data base advisory board. Provides that an insurer or a health maintenance organization may not deny a claim for reimbursement on the basis that the referring provider is an out of network direct primary care provider or independent physician. Requires, if a fully credentialed physician becomes employed with another employer or establishes or relocates a medical practice in Indiana, an insurer and health maintenance organization to provisionally credential the physician for 60 days or until the physician is fully credentialed, whichever is earlier. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Active | 7- Bill Passed 1st Chamber, Referred to 2nd Chamber | HB1004: Nonprofit hospitals | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1004/details | House | Limits what may constitute community benefits for certain nonprofit hospitals. Requires, before November 1 of each state fiscal year, nonprofit hospitals (that are not county hospitals) to provide to the Indiana department of health a report including aggregate data on all billed services and items and a comparison of the charges for those services and items to their respective Medicare reimbursement rates. Provides that a nonprofit hospital that charges an amount for a service or item in excess of 200% of the Medicare reimbursement rate at the time of the charge forfeits its status as a nonprofit hospital. Provides that all nonprofit hospitals are subject to an annual audit by, and at the discretion of, the secretary of state. Requires, before August 1 of each year, every nonprofit hospital to: (1) provide the health care cost oversight task force with the entirety of the Schedule H portion of the nonprofit hospital's previous taxable year's federal Form 990; and (2) make available for publication on the general assembly's website the entirety of the Schedule H portion of the nonprofit hospital's previous taxable year's federal Form 990. Provides that a nonprofit hospital may only make redactions with regard to: (1) personally identifiable information; and (2) confidential information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). | Rep. Martin Carbaugh |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1011: End of life options | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1011/details | House | Allows individuals with a terminal illness who meet certain requirements to make a request to an attending provider for medication that the individual may self-administer to bring about death. Specifies requirements a provider must meet in order to prescribe the medication to a patient. Prohibits an insurer from denying payment of benefits under a life insurance policy based upon a suicide clause in the life insurance policy if the death of the insured individual is the result of medical aid in dying. Establishes a Level 1 felony if a person: (1) without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication with the intent or effect of causing the individual's death; or (2) knowingly or intentionally coerces or exerts undue influence on an individual to request medication to bring about death or to destroy a rescission of a request for medication to bring about death. Establishes a Class A misdemeanor if a person, without authorization of the patient, willfully alters, forges, conceals, or destroys a request for medication or a rescission of a request for medication in order to affect a health care decision by the individual. Establishes certain criminal and civil immunity for health care providers. | Rep. Matt Pierce |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1023: Medicaid work requirements | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1023/details | House | Sets forth work requirements for certain individuals in order to be eligible for Medicaid. Provides exceptions. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for any state plan amendment or Medicaid waiver necessary and to continue to apply for the plan amendment or waiver if the plan amendment or waiver is denied by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. | Rep. Harold Slager |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1024: Medicaid reimbursement for children's hospitals | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1024/details | House | Removes the expiration date of language specifying Medicaid reimbursement for certain out of state children's hospitals. | Rep. Harold Slager |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1031: Dental matters | Health Workforce | Oral Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1031/details | House | Establishes the dentist and dental hygienist compact (compact). Provides the requirements states must follow in order to participate in the compact. Provides that dentists and dental hygienists may practice in participating states so long as the dentists and dental hygienists meet certain criteria. Provides that active military members and their spouses pay reduced or no fees in order to practice in participating states. Establishes a governing commission and sets out its powers, duties, financing, and liability. Provides various mechanisms for the participating states and the governing commission to regulate the interstate practice of dentists and dental hygienists. Provides for various contingencies, including the process to effect, amend, enforce, withdraw from, or terminate the compact. Makes technical corrections. Removes certain language regarding the regulation of dentists. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves. |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1040: Certified registered nurse anesthetists | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1040/details | House | Allows a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) to administer anesthesia under the direction of and in the immediate presence of a physician, podiatrist, or dentist. (Under current law, a CRNA may administer anesthesia under the direction of and in the immediate presence of a physician.) Provides that a physician, podiatrist, or dentist is not liable for any act or omission of a CRNA who administers anesthesia. Makes corresponding changes. | Rep. Joanna King. |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1045: Teacher compensation | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1045/details | House | Includes school social workers and school psychologists in the definition of "teacher" for purposes of the requirement for school corporations to expend a certain percentage amount of state tuition support on teacher compensation. Provides that the amount a school corporation expends on costs associated with a memorandum of understanding or any other agreement entered into with a community mental health center or certified or licensed provider to provide mental or behavioral health services to students of the school corporation is included in determining the percentage amount a school corporation is expending. | Rep. Steve Bartels |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1048: Personal allowance for facility residents | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1048/details | House | Increases the personal allowance for residential care recipients and Medicaid recipients from $52 to $100. | Rep. Robin Shackleford. |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1051: Mobile integration healthcare grants | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1051/details | House | Provides that an emergency medical services provider agency that is operated by a county is eligible for a mobile integration healthcare grant. | Rep. Jim Pressel. |
Dead | 5- 2nd Reading | HB1059: High value workforce ready credit-bearing grant | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1059/details | House | Provides that an applicant who has previously received a baccalaureate degree or an associate degree may be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant if the applicant: (1) received a diploma of graduation, a high school equivalency certificate, or a state of Indiana general educational development diploma five or more years before the applicant applies for a grant; and (2) is not working in the subject matter field in which the applicant received the baccalaureate degree or associate degree. (Current law provides that an applicant for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant may not have previously received a baccalaureate degree, an associate degree, or an eligible certificate.) | Rep. Cindy Ledbetter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1061: Coverage for cancer screening | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1061/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan to cover supplemental breast examinations. Requires a policy of accident and sickness insurance and a health maintenance organization to cover diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations. Provides that the coverage for diagnostic breast examinations and supplemental breast examinations may not be subject to any cost sharing requirements. | Rep. Cherrish Pryor |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1062: Coverage for certain cancer prescriptions | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1062/details | House | Prohibits a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization that provides coverage for advanced, metastatic cancer and associated conditions from requiring that, before providing coverage for a prescription drug, the insured fail to successfully respond to a different prescription drug or prove a history of failure of a different prescription drug. | Rep. Cherrish Pryor |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1065: Cancer clinical trial program | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1065/details | House | Allows an organization or entity to establish and administer a cancer clinical trial participation program for the purpose of providing payments to a participant for certain costs incurred by the participant while participating in a cancer clinical trial. Sets forth program requirements and participant eligibility. Requires the Indiana department of health to: (1) develop informational materials; and (2) provide consultation to organizations and entities; concerning the program requirements. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1068: Repayment of medical school loans | Health Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1068/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to establish and administer a medical school loan forgiveness pilot program (program) for the purpose of attracting physicians to practice medicine in Indiana. Establishes the medical school loan forgiveness fund (fund). Sets forth criteria for the program. Requires the department to, not later than November 1, 2026, and each November 1 thereafter, prepare and submit a report to the general assembly regarding the program. Makes an appropriation to the fund. | Rep. Earl Harris |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1069: Tuition caps | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1069/details | House | Provides that the commission for higher education shall determine a tuition rate and mandatory fee cost of living adjustment for specified postsecondary educational institutions. Requires that, except for cost of living adjustments, the tuition rate and mandatory fees at specified postsecondary educational institutions may not increase from the time the student initially enrolls until the student graduates for an undergraduate student who is an Indiana resident. | Rep. Earl Harris |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1071: Resident tuition rate | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1071/details | House | Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by the state educational institution. Requires such an individual to verify that the individual meets the criteria to receive the resident tuition rate. | Rep. Earl Harris |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1076: Alzheimer's disease and dementia education | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1076/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to: (1) collaborate with a national Alzheimer's disease and dementia organization in educating the public about Alzheimer's disease and dementia; and (2) identify and collaborate with additional partners in the education. Requires the state department to partner for outreach in the education and publish certain educational materials on the state department's website. Allows the state department to accept grants, services, and property from public and private entities for the education. | Rep. Gregory Porter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1089: High value workforce ready credit-bearing grants | Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1089/details | House | Provides that, in addition to eligible certificate programs, a workforce ready credit-bearing grant may be used for costs of enrolling in an English as a new language program or course | Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1092: Funding for public safety training | Health Workforce | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1092/details | House | Appropriates $2,000,000 from the state general fund to the department of homeland security (department) to be used by the department for the purpose of providing mental health and wellness training for: (1) law enforcement officers; (2) emergency medical services providers; and (3) full-time firefighters. | Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1094: Licensure of sonographers. | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1094/details | House | Specifies that the term "radiation" includes sound waves commonly used for sonography. Prohibits a person from performing sonography unless the person is licensed by the Indiana department of health. | Rep. Maureen Bauer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1106: Medicaid buy-in | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1106/details | House | Amends the definition of "countable resources" for purposes of the Medicaid buy-in program (program). Removes consideration of income in determining an individual's eligibility for participation in the program. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to apply for a state plan amendment or waiver to implement this provision. Increases the maximum age to be eligible for participation in the program from 64 years of age to 67 years of age. Allows a recipient's participation in an employment network recognized by the federal Social Security Administration to qualify as participating with an approved provider of employment services. Changes the monthly maximum premium that a recipient must pay. Requires that the premium scale be promulgated by administrative rule. Allows the office of the secretary to annually review the premium amount that a recipient must pay in the program. (Current law requires annual review of the premium amount.) Specifies changes in circumstances that must result in an adjustment of the premium. Specifies that a recipient in the program is eligible for the same services as offered in the Medicaid program. States that an individual's participation in the program does not preclude the individual from participating in a Medicaid waiver program. Specifies that a recipient of the program may simultaneously participate in a Medicaid waiver program and requires the office of the secretary to individually determine eligibility for both programs based on the individual's medical need requirements. View less | Rep. Edward Clere |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1112: Prior authorization for opioid use disorder care | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1112/details | House | Provides that a utilization review entity may not impose prior authorization requirements on medication or treatment for opioid use disorder. | Rep. Joanna King |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1116: Advanced practice registered nurses | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1116/details | House | Removes the requirement that an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) have a practice agreement with a collaborating physician. Removes a provision requiring an APRN to operate under a collaborative practice agreement or the privileges granted by a hospital governing board. Removes certain provisions concerning the audit of practice agreements. Allows an APRN with prescriptive authority to prescribe a schedule II controlled substance for weight reduction or to control obesity. Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Cindy Ledbetter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1117: State property offenses | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1117/details | House | Provides that a person convicted of: (1) rioting; (2) criminal mischief; (3) burglary; (4) residential entry; or (5) criminal trespass; committed on state property is ineligible to receive or continue receiving state public assistance, including tuition assistance, for a period of three years. Requires the office of judicial administration to establish a procedure to notify the secretary of family and social services and the board of trustees of a state educational institution of the conviction. | Rep. Wendy McNamara |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1118: Critical incident stress management debriefings | Health Workforce | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1118/details | House | Provides that a first responder recipient of critical incident stress management (CISM) services may not be compelled to testify or otherwise disclose a communication made to a CISM services provider or peer support team member relating to the first responder recipient's CISM services in a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding. Provides that a first responder recipient or the first responder recipient's employer may not be held liable for damages for any act, error, or omission committed by the first responder recipient based on a communication provided between a first responder recipient and CISM team or the CISM services provider as part of the CISM services unless the act, error, or omission constitutes wanton, willful, or intentional misconduct. View less | Rep. Wendy McNamara |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1129: Mental health coverage by third party | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1129/details | House | Provides that if an insurer contracts with a third party for coverage of services related to the treatment of a mental illness or substance abuse, the insurer and third party shall deem a provider providing mental illness or substance abuse services as: (1) an in network provider for purposes of calculating cost sharing for a covered individual if the provider is in network for medical or surgical services under the health plan; and (2) credentialed for mental illness or substance abuse services if the provider is credentialed for medical or surgical services under the health plan. | Rep. Cindy Ledbetter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1138: Coverage for obesity treatments. | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1138/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan to provide coverage for anti-obesity medication and intensive behavioral and lifestyle therapy for an eligible individual. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Active | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1139: Expansion of produce Rx pilot grant program | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1139/details | House | Makes an appropriation to the Indiana department of health for the purpose of expanding the produce Rx pilot grant program. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1141: Mental health and substance abuse coverage | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1141/details | House | Requires the department of insurance (department) to implement and enforce applicable provisions of the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Act of 2008 (act). Requires the department to: (1) before July 1, 2026, submit a report to the general assembly regarding compliance with the act; (2) make the report available to the public; and (3) before November 1, 2026, make a presentation to the interim study committee on financial institutions and insurance regarding the contents of the report. Sets forth certain standards regarding reimbursement rates for providers of mental illness or substance abuse services | Rep. Cindy Ledbetter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1151: Advanced practice registered nurses. | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1151/details | House | Adds two additional members to the Indiana state board of nursing (board) and changes the required qualifications for certain members. Amends the definition of "certified registered nurse anesthetist". Adds the following definitions: (1) "Certified nurse midwife". (2) "Clinical nurse specialist". (3) "Nurse practitioner". Specifies that a license to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse expires on October 31 in each odd-numbered year. Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Cindy Ledbetter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1154: Behavioral health preceptorship tax credit | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1154/details | House | Provides a $1,000 credit against state tax liability to a behavioral health professional who provides a preceptorship for at least 20 days in the applicable tax year. | Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1160: Student immunizations | Health Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1160/details | House | Provides that a student enrolled in a health profession education program may not be required to receive an immunization as a condition of: (1) participating in; or (2) obtaining; clinical training or clinical experience required by the program when the student has a medical or religious exemption. Allows a student to bring a civil action against an entity for a violation of these provisions. Amends the definition of "documentation of exemption" for purposes of provisions governing immunization requirements at state educational institutions. Provides that a student may not be required to provide specific information regarding the student's religious objection. | Rep. Becky Cash |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1161: Licensure of home health aides | Health Workforce | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1161/details | House | Provides for the licensure of home health aides by the Indiana department of health (state department). Establishes certain training and competency evaluation requirements for licensed home health aides. Requires the state department to include licensed home health aides in the registry of nurse aides. Makes a technical correction. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1163: School wellness grant fund | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1163/details | House | Establishes the school wellness grant fund (fund) to provide grants to school corporations to support local wellness initiatives developed by the school corporation. Requires the department of education to develop criteria to award grants from the fund. Makes an appropriation. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1166: Appropriation for psilocybin research | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1166/details | House | Makes an appropriation from the state general fund to the therapeutic psilocybin research fund. | Rep. Justin Moed |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1168: Exemption from certain health care mandates | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1168/details | House | Prohibits an individual from being required to: (1) inject; (2) receive an injection of; (3) ingest; (4) inhale; or (5) otherwise incorporate; a qualified substance into the individual's body. Defines "qualified substance". | Rep. Jim Lucas |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1169: Access to birth control program | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1169/details | House | Establishes the access to birth control program (program) administered by the Indiana department of health for the purpose of increasing access to birth control by Indiana residents with a specified maximum household income. Sets forth requirements of the program. | Rep. Jim Lucas |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1172: Office of entrepreneurship and innovation. | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1172/details | House | Establishes the office of entrepreneurship and innovation (office). Requires the office to: (1) develop and administer programs to support the growth of small business, entrepreneurship, and innovation in Indiana; (2) direct and oversee programs and sources of funding related to the growth of small business, entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation in Indiana; (3) work to strengthen policies and programs supporting the growth of entrepreneurship in Indiana; (4) operate the Indiana economic development corporation's ConnectIND interactive portal as a hub for entrepreneurs to access federal, state, and local resources; (5) promote Indiana's small business and entrepreneurial support resources by creating toolkits and other digital assets to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses in the navigation of the resources; (6) coordinate with state agencies and other state funded entities to align services and programs related to entrepreneurship and starting and scaling a business; (7) work with funded entities on identifying strategies and metrics around the disbursement of funds to measure funds reaching rural communities and other underrepresented socioeconomic communities; (8) work with stakeholders and organizations supporting entrepreneurship to enhance learning and skills, provide technical support, and expand access to resources for entrepreneurs across Indiana; and (9) develop and administer programs to support and encourage youth entrepreneurship, including supporting students and teachers in fostering entrepreneurial skills. Requires the office to submit to the governor, the secretary of commerce, and the general assembly an annual state of entrepreneurship report. View less | Rep. Jake Teshka |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1173: Ban on university practices | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1173/details | House | Provides that a state educational institution may not investigate, threaten disciplinary action regarding, punish, or solicit the reporting of certain student speech. Provides that the race, color, or ethnicity of a student or applicant of a postsecondary educational institution may not be used in certain decision making processes or provided to specified individuals, and establishes a cause of action for a violation of these provisions. | Rep. Jake Teshka |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1176: Health information and BMV records | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1176/details | House | Provides that an identifying symbol for a medical condition on a driver's license, permit, or identification card may also be used to indicate an autism spectrum disorder. Requires an application for a driver's license, a permit, or an identification card to enable an applicant to indicate that the applicant has a medical condition of note and wishes to have information concerning the medical condition accessible to the state police department. Requires the bureau of motor vehicles (BMV) to disclose this information to the state police department. Requires the state police department to enter the information into the Indiana data and communication system computer. Prohibits the BMV and state police department from disclosing the information. View less | Rep. Cherrish Pryor |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1178: Medical marijuana | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1178/details | House | Permits the use of medical marijuana by persons with serious medical conditions as determined by their physician. Establishes a medical marijuana program to permit the cultivation, processing, testing, transportation, and dispensing of medical marijuana by holders of a valid permit. Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to implement and enforce the medical marijuana program. Requires that permit holders undertake steps to prevent diversion of medical marijuana to unauthorized persons. Requires that medical marijuana and medical marijuana products be properly labeled, placed in child resistant packaging, and tested by an independent testing laboratory before being made available for purchase. Prohibits packaging medical marijuana in a manner that is appealing to children. Authorizes research on medical marijuana in accordance with rules set forth by the state department. Prohibits discrimination against medical marijuana users. Prohibits harassment of medical marijuana users by law enforcement officers, and prohibits cooperation with federal law enforcement officials seeking to enforce federal laws that criminalize the use of marijuana authorized in Indiana. Establishes the medical marijuana oversight committee to review appeals and grievances concerning the medical marijuana program. Provides a defense to prosecution for a person who operates a vehicle or motorboat with marijuana or its metabolite in the person's blood under certain conditions that involve medical marijuana. Makes conforming amendments. View less | Rep. Jim Lucas |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1180: Mental health care for veterans with PTSD | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1180/details | House | Establishes the returning Hoosier warrior mental health wellness pilot program (pilot program). Provides that the Indiana department of veterans' affairs shall administer the pilot program. Provides that a qualified service member may receive certain financial assistance from the military family relief fund (fund) for treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Provides that the pilot program is funded by the fund. Requires, for the state fiscal year beginning after June 30, 2025, and ending before July 1, 2026, that the department of insurance deposit $10,000,000 of insurance premiums tax collected into the fund. | Rep. Chuck Moseley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1181: Worker classification on public projects | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1181/details | House | Requires a contractor in any contractor tier except for tier 1 (a general or prime contractor) on a: (1) public works project; or (2) tax advantaged construction project; to complete a weekly report of wages and hours of the contractor's employees who work on the project. Requires the department of labor to employ an investigator to investigate complaints of employee misclassification. Provides that the investigator shall be located at the Marion County prosecuting attorney's office. Extends certain protections to an employee who reports, complains, or testifies about employee misclassification. | Rep. Chuck Moseley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1183: Income tax credit for volunteer firefighters | Workforce | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1183/details | House | Provides that an individual who is a volunteer firefighter is entitled to a credit of $200 against the individual's adjusted gross income tax liability each taxable year. | Rep. Chuck Moseley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1185: Athletic trainers | Health Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1185/details | House | Establishes the rural athletic trainer support program (program) to address the shortage of health care providers in rural communities by providing grants to athletic trainers committed to working for schools located in rural communities. Establishes the rural athletic trainer support fund (fund). Requires the Indiana department of health, in consultation with the Indiana state office of rural health, to develop criteria to award grants from the fund for allowable expenses. Requires an athletic trainer who receives an award to repay all allowable expenses if the athletic trainer fails to meet certain commitments. | Rep. Steve Bartels |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1199: Mental health support for law enforcement officers | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1199/details | House | Requires a political subdivision to contract with mental health providers for the purpose of supplementing existing crisis intervention teams with mental health professionals. Specifies certain eligibility requirements for mental health professionals' rapid response assistance. Requires a mental health professional who is appointed to accompany responding law enforcement or police officers to a call or be separately dispatched to an emergency involving a mental health or substance use disorder crisis. Provides that a law enforcement officer or police officer (officer) may not be held liable for damages, including punitive damages, for any act or omission related to a mental health professional's contribution to a crisis intervention team or a crisis intervention team response. Specifies that no other person or entity may be held liable for certain damages by reason of an agency relationship with an officer. Defines certain terms. View less | Rep. John Bartlett |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1200: Opioid prescription supply limits | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1200/details | House | Provides that if a prescriber issues a prescription for an opioid for administration through a subdermal delivery system, the prescription may not exceed a 180 day supply. | Rep. Robert Behning |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1202: Medicaid coverage for treatment of obesity | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1202/details | House | Requires Medicaid coverage for the treatment of obesity, including specified services and medication approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration. Requires written notice regarding the coverage to be provided annually to Medicaid recipients, providers, and prescribers. | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1205: Fertility insurance coverage | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1205/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for fertility preservation services. Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for fertility treatment if certain conditions are satisfied. | Rep. Maureen Bauer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1206: Reimbursement of ambulatory surgical centers | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1206/details | House | Requires, beginning January 1, 2026, Medicaid reimbursement for dental procedures performed where the patient is under anesthesia at an ambulatory outpatient surgical center at a rate that is equal to 100% of the Medicare reimbursement rate for the same service. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1210: Student behavior | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1210/details | House | Establishes the behavioral health fund (fund) for the purpose of improving funding for individualized education programs that have a behavioral intervention plan component for certain schools. Provides that the department of education, in coordination with the behavioral health commission, shall administer the fund. Creates an application and review process for the disbursement of a grant from the fund. Defines certain terms. Provides a procedure for a principal to place an aggressive student, who has been removed from a class, into the aggressive student's original class, another appropriate class or placement, or in-school suspension. | Rep. Elizabeth Rowray |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1211: Prevention of elder abuse | Health Workforce | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1211/details | House | Precludes certain individuals who have been convicted of a battery offense or neglect of a dependent from providing certain types of in-home care for compensation. | Rep. Ryan Lauer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1212: Prohibition of certain abortion funding | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1212/details | House | Provides that except when the state or a political subdivision is allowed to use funds under its control for the performance of an abortion necessary to preserve the life of a pregnant woman, an Indiana governmental entity is prohibited from doing any of the following: (1) Making a payment from any fund for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion. (2) Allowing the use of funds controlled by a hospital or ambulatory outpatient surgical center affiliated with the Indiana governmental entity for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion. (3) Making a payment or grant from any fund under its control to an organization that performs abortions, makes referrals for individuals to obtain abortions, or uses public funds for the performance of or costs associated with procuring an abortion. Provides that the prohibition does not apply to a private entity's funds controlled by the private entity. View less | Rep. Peggy Mayfield |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1214: Worker's compensation | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1214/details | House | Provides that, after June 30, 2025, a party may not prohibit an employer from bidding on a contract solely on the basis of the employer's experience rating. Requires insurance companies providing worker's compensation insurance to revise an insured party's prior experience ratings in a specified manner after the insurance company makes a successful subrogation claim. | Rep. Matt Lehman |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1218: Ban on e-liquids and vapor products | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1218/details | House | Prohibits a person from distributing, selling, offering to sell, making a delivery sale of, or offering for barter or exchange an e-liquid or vapor product in Indiana after June 30, 2025. | Rep. Elizabeth Rowray |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1222: Resident tuition rate | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1222/details | House | Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by a state educational institution. Requires such an individual to verify that the individual meets the criteria to receive the resident tuition rate. | Rep. Michael Karickhoff |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1226: Medicare supplement insurance | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1226/details | House | Prohibits an issuer of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate from denying, conditioning the issuance or effectiveness of, or discriminating in the pricing of a Medicare supplement policy or certificate because of the health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition of an applicant who meets certain conditions. | Rep. Wendy Dant Chesser |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1238: School based health services and report | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1238/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to submit a Medicaid state plan amendment to the United States Department of Health and Human Services to allow school corporations to seek Medicaid reimbursement for medically necessary school based Medicaid covered services (program). (Current law allows for the state plan amendment.) Sets forth requirements of the state plan amendment and program. Removes language that would have allowed for offsetting reductions to distributions of state tuition support or other state funds to school corporations in the amount of certain nonfederal reimbursements. Specifies how school corporations can expend the funds. Requires the office and the department of education (department) to each employ one employee for the program and to train school corporations concerning the program. Requires the department to conduct a study concerning workload levels for school based health providers who are licensed occupational therapists and licensed physical therapists. Specifies components to consider in determining a methodology and requirements of the study. Requires the department to submit a report of the study to the legislative council before November 1, 2025, and to post the report on the department's website. View less | Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1239: Stillbirth prevention program | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1239/details | House | Establishes the stillbirth prevention through fetal movement pilot program (program) for the purpose of providing evidence based information on the importance of tracking fetal movement in the third trimester of pregnancy to prevent stillbirths, to be administered by the Indiana department of health (state department). Allows the state department to award grants to increase education and the distribution of materials on tracking fetal movement in the third trimester of pregnancy. Requires grantees to report specified information on a quarterly and annual basis. Creates a fund and appropriates $250,000 for the program. Expires the program December 31, 2027. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1240: Funding of lactation rooms in public buildings | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1240/details | House | Establishes a grant program to promote the installation of lactation rooms in public buildings. Requires the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA) to administer the grant program. Authorizes public agencies to apply for grants. Appropriates $5,000,000 to the IHCDA for deposit in the grant fund. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1241: Trauma informed care | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1241/details | House | Establishes the trauma informed care commission (commission). Provides that the commission shall: (1) study and make recommendations for use by health, educational, and other social service providers; (2) recommend best practices and research models to specified entities; and (3) submit a report to the general assembly regarding best practices with respect to children, youth, and families who have experienced trauma. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee the task of studying various issues pertaining to teachers and education. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1242: Prohibition on lien for medical debt | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1242/details | House | Provides that: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer; or (2) in an action against a consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer; does not constitute a lien against the consumer's principal residence. Provides that in any action filed, in a court of competent jurisdiction in Indiana, for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the principal residence of the consumer is not liable to judgment or attachment or to be sold on execution against the consumer. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1243: Pregnancy services for inmates | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1243/details | House | Provides that a correctional facility shall provide specific care, treatment, and education for pregnant inmates and inmates who have recently given birth. Requires the commissioner of correction to submit to the governor, the chief justice of the supreme court, and the legislative council an annual report that includes an account of every instance when a pregnant inmate has been restrained in a correctional facility. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1244: Maternal health | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1244/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to develop a program to award grants to certain community based programs to reduce the prevalence of maternal mortality in Indiana. Requires the department to collaborate with the statewide maternal mortality review committee in developing the program. Provides that the department shall establish workgroups to assist in developing the program. Allows the department to adopt rules to administer the program. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1246: Comprehensive student support program | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1246/details | House | Establishes the comprehensive student support program (program) for the purposes of: (1) funding the formation and staffing of school based and district level comprehensive student support teams; (2) improving staffing ratios for student support personnel; (3) supporting the creation, expansion, and work of multidisciplinary school teams to address the school environment, school safety, school improvement, and crisis intervention and emergency preparedness; and (4) professional development for student support personnel. Establishes the comprehensive student support program state board (board). Provides that the board administers the program. Establishes the comprehensive student support program fund for the purpose of funding the program, and annually appropriates to the fund $1,000,000 from cigarette tax revenue, registration fees, fines, and penalties deposited in the state general fund. View less | Rep. Robin Shackleford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1247: Prohibited food ingredients | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1247/details | House | Prohibits the use of various food additives in Indiana. | Rep. Elizabeth Rowray |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1252: Limitation on cost sharing | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1252/details | House | Requires an insurer, an administrator, and a pharmacy benefit manager to apply the annual limitation on cost sharing set forth in the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act under 42 U.S.C. 18022(c)(1). Provides that an insurer, an administrator, and a pharmacy benefit manager may not directly or indirectly set, alter, implement, or condition the terms of health insurance coverage based in part or entirely on information about the availability or amount of financial or product assistance available for a prescription drug. Requires, before December 31 of each year, each insurer and administrator to certify to the insurance commissioner that the insurer or administrator has fully and completely complied with the cost sharing requirements during the previous calendar year. View less | Rep. Ben Smaltz |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1261: Behavior analysis | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1261/details | House | Reenacts, and extends the expiration date of, the term "practitioner". Establishes a temporary license for behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts. Establishes a temporary certification for behavior technicians. Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Robb Greene |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1262: Home and community based services waivers | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1262/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services for an amendment to each home and community based services Medicaid waiver to exclude the income and resources of a spouse when determining an individual's eligibility for the waiver. | Rep. Robb Greene |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1274: Health finance matters | Health Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1274/details | House | Adds capital projects, technology upgrades, and operational expenses for certain county hospitals to the definition of "public safety" for purposes of local income tax revenue use. Increases the maximum local income tax that may be imposed in certain counties if a tax rate is adopted for purposes related to certain hospitals located in the county. Establishes the rural hospital clinically integrated network grant program to provide grants to rural hospital clinically integrated networks. Establishes the Indiana rural hospital and critical health care services fund (rural health care services fund) for the purpose of awarding grants to certain rural hospitals. Provides that the Indiana department of health (state department) administers the rural health care services fund. Establishes the following: (1) The health workforce student loan repayment program (program). (2) The health workforce advisory board (advisory board). (3) The health workforce student loan repayment program fund (repayment program fund) for the purpose of providing funds to repay outstanding student loans of certain health providers who meet the program requirements. Provides that the state department shall administer the program and repayment program fund. Establishes: (1) the imposition of fees at the time a license is issued or renewed for certain health profession licenses; and (2) qualifications to receive a student loan repayment award under the program. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2025, the state department and each board included in the program may award a student loan repayment to an eligible applicant who is a provider licensed by the board. Provides that money in the repayment program fund is continuously appropriated. Repeals provisions concerning the following: (1) The primary care physician loan forgiveness program. (2) The mental health services development programs. (3) The dental underserved area and minority recruitment program. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate interim study committee the task of studying topics related to the rural health care services fund. Urges the legislative council to assign to an appropriate study committee the task of studying certain topics related to health care services. View less | Rep. Ethan Manning |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1275: Alcohol and tobacco commission matters | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1275/details | House | Makes the following changes: (1) Expands the purpose of the Richard D. Doyle tobacco education and enforcement fund. (2) Amends type II gambling game prize limits to include sports themed gaming. (3) Replaces a reference in the definition of a "Type II gambling game" to an Indiana gaming commission memorandum with a substantive definition. (4) Eliminates the requirement that a farm winery or artisan distiller annually submit excise tax returns to the alcohol and tobacco commission (ATC). (5) Allows the ATC to collect reasonable labor costs of investigating a permit holder or employee charged with providing an alcoholic beverage to an intoxicated person. (6) Amends local alcoholic beverage board members' duties to reflect electronic record keeping. (7) Requires an employee or contractor who controls entry into age restricted premises or otherwise checks an individual's proof of age to complete alcohol server training. (8) Specifies the required minimum liquor liability insurance coverage that applies to the liquor liability endorsement to a general policy. (9) Prohibits charging an individual a cover fee to access unlimited alcoholic beverages. Allows the sale of event packages. (10) Replaces, in statutes regarding unlawful sales to minors, references to "tobacco", "e-liquid", or "electronic cigarette" with the inclusive term "tobacco product". (11) Allows a person to participate electronically in an online auction or raffle but requires alcoholic beverage prices to be collected in person. Repeals statutes that do the following: (1) Allow the ATC to require registration of alcoholic beverage brands and other information used in advertising. (2) Require attachment of an identification marker to a keg at the time of sale. (3) Make it a Class C misdemeanor to transport an alcoholic beverage to a retailer or dealer on Sunday. View less | Rep. Ethan Manning |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1298: Contraceptive coverage | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1298/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage, without cost sharing, for: (1) contraceptive products and services; (2) counseling and screening for certain sexually transmitted infections; and (3) pre-exposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, and human papillomavirus vaccination. | Rep. Sue Errington |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1299: Funding for breast cancer research | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1299/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to establish a program to provide grants to cancer centers in Indiana to increase breast cancer research projects or breast cancer clinical trials. Sets forth the state department's duties under the program. Establishes the breast cancer research fund. Makes an appropriation. | Rep. Joanna King |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1300: Wage history and wage range | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1300/details | House | Prohibits, with certain exceptions, an employer from relying on the wage history of an applicant in the hiring process and in determining wages. Prohibits an employer from failing or refusing to: (1) disclose the wage or wage range and a general description of benefits in a posting for a job, promotion, transfer, or other employment opportunity; and (2) provide an employee with the current wage or wage range and a general description of the benefits upon hire, promotion, transfer, and the employee's request. Prohibits an employer from retaliating against an applicant under the wage history provisions and an applicant or employee under the wage range provisions. Provides that an applicant or employee may file a complaint alleging a violation with the department of labor (department), or the department on its own may initiate an investigation and file a complaint alleging a violation. Sets forth civil penalties for a violation. Requires the department to provide a list of employers that have four or more violations to the office of the chief equity, inclusion, and opportunity officer (office). Requires the office to post the list on the equity data portal. View less | Rep. Sue Errington |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1305: Mental health and substance use disorder screening | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1305/details | House | Requires each school corporation and charter school to develop a plan to conduct developmentally appropriate evidence based: (1) mental health screening; and (2) substance use disorder screening; for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Establishes notification, consent, and data destruction requirements. Requires the department of education to make available to school corporations and charter schools developmentally appropriate evidence based mental health screening and substance use disorder screening tools and resources. | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1308: Nutrition supports Medicaid waiver | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1308/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply, not later than October 1, 2025, for approval of a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver or any other Medicaid waiver to provide coverage for nutrition supports for specified individuals. | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1309: Pediatric mental health | Health Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1309/details | House | Establishes the pediatric mental health professional recruitment pilot program. Provides that the purpose of the pilot program is to increase the availability of pediatric mental health care services for residents of Indiana by providing incentives to students who agree to provide pediatric mental health services in a pilot program county immediately after becoming pediatric mental health professionals. Specifies that the pilot program counties include Lake County, Marion County, and a county having a population of less than 65,000. Requires an applicant for a scholarship to execute a written agreement with the commission for higher education promising to provide pediatric mental health care services in a pilot program county for at least four years after graduation. Appropriates $1,000,000 per state fiscal year for the pilot program. View less | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1310: Statewide stroke plan | Health Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1310/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to include Indiana hospitals certified as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center in certain lists maintained by the state department concerning certified stroke centers. Amends the list of entities that certify stroke centers. Requires a hospital certified as a thrombectomy-capable stroke center to provide certain information to the state department. Prohibits a health care facility from advertising that the facility is a thrombectomy-capable stroke center unless the facility is certified by a specified entity. Requires the state department to establish and implement a statewide stroke plan. Sets forth requirements of the plan and requirements for certain health care providers to report stroke data. Requires the state department to establish a data base for the reported data and sets forth additional requirements. Requires the state department to annually report certain stroke data to the governor and the executive director of the legislative services agency. View less | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1313: Reentry support pilot programs | Health Workforce | Corrections | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1313/details | House | Establishes a peer mentorship pilot program in the: (1) Indiana state prison; (2) New Castle Correctional Facility; (3) Branchville Correctional Facility; (4) Indiana women's prison; and (5) Putnamville Correctional Facility; to use peer mentors and other qualified individuals to provide counseling and other services to aid in the reentry of incarcerated individuals. Establishes within the department of correction a pilot grant program for housing for discharged incarcerated individuals, to be used to assist an individual in obtaining and maintaining housing. | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1325: Medical education on abortion laws | Health Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1325/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to: (1) create a video for practitioners concerning the state's abortion laws and the standard of care for treating pregnant women with life threatening conditions; and (2) publish the video on its website. Specifies the information to be included in the video. Requires a hospital and ambulatory outpatient surgical center to: (1) review its protocol for abortion; (2) require certain practitioners to watch the video; and (3) certify to the state department compliance with these provisions. | Rep. Joanna King |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1326: Student and teaching scholarships | Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1326/details | House | Provides that a student must be at least three years of age to qualify for a scholarship granting organization scholarship and removes income eligibility requirements. (Currently, the student must be at least four years of age to qualify and be a member of a household with a certain annual income.) Provides that applicants enrolled in a transition to teaching program after June 30, 2024, may qualify for certain scholarships if the applicant is a member of a household with an annual income of not more than 400% of the amount required for the applicant to qualify for the federal free or reduced price lunch program. (Currently, the annual income threshold is $100,000 or less.) Permits the commission for higher education to use the remaining balance allocated to certain teaching scholarships or in certain teaching scholarship funds to fund additional specified teaching scholarships. | Rep. Dave Heine |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1329: Beauty preexamination hours | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1329/details | House | Reduces the number of hours an applicant for a cosmetology license must have in order to take the cosmetology licensure examination from 1,500 to 1,000. Reduces the number of hours an applicant for a beauty culture instructor license must have in order to take the beauty culture instructor licensure examination from 1,000 to 500. Reduces the number of hours an applicant for a barber license must have in order to take the barber licensure examination from 1,500 to 1,000. Makes corresponding changes. | Rep. Timothy Wesco |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1336: Health care matters | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1336/details | House | Requires a hospital to inform a woman in premature labor of the hospital's capabilities of treating the born alive infant and managing a high risk pregnancy and, if the hospital's capabilities interfere with the woman's care, the hospital must provide this information before the woman is admitted to the hospital. Provides that if a born alive infant is transported to a hospital with an appropriate perinatal level of care, the woman must be offered an opportunity to be transported to the same hospital. Provides that if the local prosecuting attorney has probable cause to believe that a health care provider may have knowingly or intentionally: (1) violated the requirements concerning the treatment and care of a born alive infant or mother or the professional standards of practice through the health care provider's actions or inactions; and (2) caused harm or death to the born alive infant or mother; the prosecuting attorney shall investigate the health care provider for appropriate criminal prosecution. Establishes a presumption that the continuation of life is in a minor's best interests. Requires a health care provider to obtain the consent of each parent or each legal guardian before issuing a do not resuscitate order or otherwise withholding or withdrawing treatment to allow the natural death of a minor. Prohibits a health care provider from interfering with the transfer of a minor patient at the request of a parent or guardian or otherwise preventing life saving measures before or during the transfer. States that a court does not have jurisdiction to withdraw life sustaining treatment for a minor. | Rep. Lorissa Sweet |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1338: Employment and vaccinations | Workforce | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1338/details | House | Provides that an employer may require an immunization only if the employer respects the employee's right to refuse an immunization. Provides that an employee shall be free from coercion or an adverse action based on the employee's refusal of an immunization. Requires an employer that offers an immunization at no cost to an employee to provide certain notice to the employee. Provides that a violation may be reported to the department of labor (department). Requires the department to impose a civil penalty of $5,000 per incident. Allows an employee to bring a civil action against an employer to enforce the provisions. Repeals provisions concerning exemptions from COVID-19 immunization requirements. Makes a corresponding change. | Rep. Bruce Borders |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1339: Hysterectomy and oophorectomy informed consent | Health Workforce | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1339/details | House | Requires a physician to provide certain information to a patient and obtain oral and written consent before a hysterectomy or an oophorectomy may be performed. Allows for an exception in an emergency. Allows for the modification of an informed consent form by the patient and specifies requirements for the modification. | Rep. Bruce Borders |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1344: Indiana vaccination adverse event reporting system | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1344/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health (department) to establish an Indiana vaccination adverse event reporting system (IVAERS) for reporting the occurrence of adverse events relating to childhood vaccines. Provides that IVAERS must enable a health care provider to report the occurrence of an adverse event experienced by a child residing in Indiana who is under the care of the health care provider. Requires the department to create a searchable Internet data base for publishing information reported through IVAERS. Provides that the health information of a particular individual is confidential. Specifies the requirements for releasing health information of a particular individual and who may receive the information. Provides that a person who knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly discloses confidential information received through IVAERS in violation of the statute commits a Class A misdemeanor. Requires the department to adopt certain rules concerning IVAERS. Makes an appropriation. | Rep. Bruce Borders |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1351: Consent for pelvic, prostate, and rectal exams | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1351/details | House | Prohibits health practitioners and other specified individuals from performing pelvic, prostate, or rectal examinations on an anesthetized or unconscious patient except in specified circumstances. | Rep. Carolyn Jackson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1352: Mental health care for first responders | Health Workforce | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1352/details | House | Establishes the Indiana first responders mental health wellness fund and program (fund and program). Provides that the division of mental health and addiction of the office of the secretary of family and social services (division) shall administer the fund and program. Provides that a first responder who meets certain requirements may apply to the division for: (1) costs associated with the first responder's active participation in a mental health treatment plan as determined by a psychologist or physician treating the first responder; and (2) compensation if the first responder is unable to work. Establishes requirements for obtaining compensation. Makes a continuous appropriation. | Rep. Carolyn Jackson |
Active | 10- Committee Passage | HB1354: Veterinary medicine | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1354/details | House | Amends the licensure applicability provision for veterinarians to include registration and permits for veterinary technicians. Requires certain individuals to submit to both a state and national background check. Allows the state police department to release the results of a national criminal history background check to an authorized employee of the board of animal health. Makes a technical correction. | Rep. Mike Aylesworth |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1358: Coverage of prescription pain medications | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1358/details | House | Provides that the office of the secretary of family and social services may not place greater coverage restrictions on a non-opioid drug prescribed for the treatment or management of pain than the coverage restrictions placed on an opioid drug prescribed to treat or manage pain with respect to the Medicaid program or the children's health insurance program. Provides that a policy of accident and sickness insurance and a health maintenance organization contract may not place greater coverage restrictions on a non-opioid drug prescribed for the treatment or management of pain than the coverage restrictions placed on an opioid drug prescribed to treat or manage pain. | Rep. Gregory Porter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1360: Medicaid coverage for health related social needs | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1360/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply, not later than October 1, 2025, for approval of a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver to provide coverage for health related social needs. | Rep. Gregory Porter |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1364: Minimum wage | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1364/details | House | Provides that, for any work week beginning on or after July 1, 2025, the minimum wage paid to certain employees is 0.008% of the governor's annual salary. (Under current law, the minimum wage is $7.25 per hour.) | Rep. Ryan Dvorak |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1374: Repeal of right to work law | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1374/details | House | Repeals the chapter prohibiting a person from requiring: (1) labor organization membership; (2) payment of dues or fees to a labor organization; or (3) payment to a charity or third party of an amount equivalent to dues or fees required by a labor organization; as a condition of employment. Makes corresponding changes. | Rep. Pat Boy |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1376: Opioid overdose reversal medication in schools | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1376/details | House | Sets forth certain requirements concerning FDA approved opioid overdose reversal medication. | Rep. Pat Boy |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1385: Health care facility employees | Health Workforce | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1385/details | House | Provides an exception to one of the disqualifying conditions for a nurse aide or other unlicensed employee. | Rep. Garrett Bascom |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1391: Services for the aged and disabled | Health | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1391/details | House | Amends the definition of "community and home care services" for purposes of community and home options to institutional care for the elderly and disabled program (CHOICE). Allows a local area agency on aging (area agency) to conduct certain: (1) outreach and education activities; and (2) evidence based activities and programs. Requires the division of aging (division) to develop and implement a process to reimburse an area agency from CHOICE funding for conducting these activities. Requires the division to reimburse an area agency in accordance with this process. Prohibits the division from requiring a CHOICE provider to be certified under a Medicaid waiver program. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary), in negotiating reimbursement rates for CHOICE services, to consider the location and availability of service providers. Allows the office of the secretary, a managed care organization that has contracted with the office of Medicaid policy and planning, and a person who has contracted with a certain managed care organization or the office of the secretary to contract with an area agency to provide and receive reimbursement for a level of care assessment for the: (1) health and wellness Medicaid waiver; (2) traumatic brain injury Medicaid waiver; and (3) risk based managed care program for the covered population. | Rep. Edward Clere |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1400: Tax credit for preceptors in medical education | Health Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1400/details | House | Provides a credit against the state tax liability of a qualified clinician (preceptor) in medical education who provides to a student in a particular taxable year, in return for no compensation as a preceptor, at least 140 hours of personalized instruction or training related to the student's clinical rotations required to obtain a professional degree. Provides that the amount of the credit allowable is equal to the lesser of: (1) $1,000 for each clinical rotation for which the qualified taxpayer provided the required instruction or training during the taxable year; or (2) $12,000 per taxable year. | Rep. Ethan Manning |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1407: Testing of drinking water | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1407/details | House | Requires a local health department to provide a free water quality test kit, upon request and subject to certain limits, to an individual residing within the local health department's jurisdiction. Provides that the water quality test kits must have the capacity to detect arsenic, fluoride, lead, mercury, and nitrate. | Rep. Matt Hostettler |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1410: Ban on sale of flavored tobacco and e-liquids | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1410/details | House | Prohibits the sale of flavored tobacco products and their components, including: (1) cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco; and (2) tobacco products that have a characterizing flavor. Provides that a person or entity that sells a flavored tobacco product commits a Class C misdemeanor and may have the person's or entity's tobacco sales certificate revoked by the alcohol and tobacco commission. | Rep. Carolyn Jackson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1411: Water quality grants for school buildings | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1411/details | House | Requires the person or entity having authority over a school building to test the drinking water in the school building by a specified time frame. Provides that a person having authority over a school building who knowingly or intentionally fails to have the school building tested in the specified time frame commits the crime of neglect of a student, a Level 6 felony. | Rep. Carolyn Jackson |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1412: Reporting of child abuse or neglect | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1412/details | House | Provides that staff members of a medical institution, a medical facility, or any other health care facility have a duty to report child abuse immediately to both the department of child services and a local law enforcement agency. Provides that an individual's duty to report is nondelegable. Requires that if a report alleges that a staff member, youth coach, or volunteer of an institution, school, facility, organization, or agency is the abuser, local law enforcement shall investigate to determine whether the institution, school, facility, organization, or agency knew that the alleged abuse was happening and failed to report the alleged abuse. Allows local law enforcement to consider certain facts when determining whether the institution, school, facility, organization, or agency knew about the alleged abuse. Raises the penalty for failure to report for certain individuals to a Class A misdemeanor. (Under current law, it is a Class B misdemeanor.) Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Becky Cash |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1414: ABA therapy | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1414/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to: (1) study and prepare a report on applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy services; and (2) not later than August 1, 2025, submit the report to specified entities, including the Indiana behavioral health commission (commission) and the general assembly. Specifies the information that must be in the report. Requires the commission to hold a public meeting to discuss the contents of the report and submit recommendations to the general assembly. Prohibits the office of the secretary from amending any Medicaid waiver or the Medicaid state plan to reduce or limit applied behavior analysis therapy services until the general assembly has reviewed the report and the commission's recommendations. | Rep. Becky Cash |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1426: Liability shield products | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1426/details | House | Defines a "liability shield product" as a certain type of product that has been designated as immune from liability under federal law. Requires a liability shield product to undergo a placebo controlled study before it is distributed, manufactured, marketed, or administered. Requires: (1) the Indiana department of health to monitor and publish certain information; and (2) certain entities to submit documentation and compliance reports; concerning liability shield products. Allows the attorney general or a private individual to bring an action if the requirements concerning liability shield products are not met. | Rep. Bruce Borders |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1428: Freedom of conscience in health care | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1428/details | House | Provides that a health care provider, health care entity, and a health carrier may not be required to provide or refer an individual for a health care service that violates the conscience of the health care provider, health care entity, or health carrier. Establishes an exception for a health carrier. Specifies that a health care provider, health care entity, or a health carrier may not be subject to discrimination and certain other acts and liability for declining to provide the health care service. Establishes a civil action for a violation of these provisions. Provides that a person who prevails in a civil action is entitled to certain relief. | Rep. Doug Miller |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1434: Alcohol misuse prevention and treatment fund | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1434/details | House | Changes the name of the addiction services fund to the alcohol misuse prevention and treatment fund (fund) and makes corresponding changes. Provides for the transfer of the first 6% of the excise taxes collected on alcoholic beverages to the fund before the allocation and distribution of that alcoholic beverage excise tax revenue to the state general fund and to cities and towns. Provides for the transfer of the first 6% of the excise taxes collected on certain alcoholic beverages to the fund before the transfer of that excise tax revenue to the state construction fund. Specifies that the division of mental health and addiction (division) shall set aside the transfers of alcoholic beverage tax revenue deposited into the fund for use in making grants to local coordinating councils for substance use prevention and treatment and mental health related purposes. Requires the division to adopt guidelines and standards for awarding grants, prescribe the form used to apply for a grant, establish a maximum grant amount, and establish annual reporting requirements. | Rep. Ben Smaltz |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1438: Medical record fees | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1438/details | House | Requires a provider to provide a patient's medical record in the form and format requested by the patient or the patient's legal representative, if readily producible. Provides that a third party may not charge more than $2.50 for producing a patient's medical record. Prohibits a provider from charging more than $6.50 for producing a patient's medical record in electronic form. Specifies that certain provisions in current law governing medical record fees apply to a medical record in paper form. Amends the factors the department of insurance may consider in adopting rules governing medical record fees. Limits supply costs for paper copies to $.05 per page. Prohibits the department from adopting a rule permitting a retrieval fee. Requires a provider to provide one free copy of a patient's medical record to the patient or the patient's legal representative if requesting the medical record to apply for or appeal a denial of Social Security insurance disability benefits or Supplemental Security Insurance. Provides that a certification fee may not exceed $5. Prohibits a provider from charging a fee for a billing statement. | Rep. Chris Campbell |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1439: Information concerning cytomegalovirus infection | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1439/details | House | Requires the Indiana department of health to: (1) establish and administer a public education program to provide information on cytomegalovirus to pregnant women; and (2) distribute the information to specified persons. Requires a clinic or medical facility that offers fertility care to make the information concerning cytomegalovirus available to patients of the clinic or facility. | Rep. Chris Campbell |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1440: Suicide prevention materials | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1440/details | House | Requires each school corporation to develop a plan: (1) to notify a child's parents if the child is a victim of bullying or if the child expresses suicidal thoughts; and (2) to provide the child's parents with certain suicide awareness materials and firearms storage materials. | Rep. Chris Campbell |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1442: Registration of recovery residences | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1442/details | House | Requires the owner of a recovery residence to register with the division of mental health and addiction (division). Sets forth the requirements for registration. Requires the division to post a list of registered recovery residences on the division's public website and include certain information concerning each recovery residence. Requires the division to adopt rules concerning: (1) the investigation of certain complaints; (2) the issuance, revocation, and denial of a registration; and (3) any rules necessary to implement these provisions. Allows the division to contract with a nonprofit organization that specializes in recovery residences to administer the registration of recovery residences. | Rep. Chris Campbell |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1444: Gender transition procedures for minors | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1444/details | House | Removes the following from the statute prohibiting a physician or other practitioner from knowingly providing gender transition procedures to a minor: (1) Provisions prohibiting a physician or practitioner from aiding or abetting in the provision of gender transition procedures to a minor. (2) An expired provision relating to the continuation of an individual's gender transition hormone therapy until December 31, 2023. | Rep. Chris Campbell |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1453: Pediatric cancer research and treatment grant | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1453/details | House | Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment grant program (grant program) to be administered by the Indiana department of health (state department). Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment fund. Sets forth requirements for an entity to receive a grant. Requires the state department to develop criteria, policies, procedures, and a plan concerning awarding of the grants. Prioritizes use of the funds to be on innovative research and treatments with the potential of resulting in novel therapies for pediatric cancer. Requires the state department to submit an annual report to the governor and legislative council concerning the grant program and publish the report on the state department's website. | Rep. Timothy O'Brien |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1454: Emergency ambulance services | Health | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1454/details | House | Specifies that emergency medical services, including emergency ambulance services, are essential services in Indiana. Specifies that the provision of emergency medical services is an essential purpose of political subdivisions. Requires the county commissioners of each county to: (1) identify areas that are unserved by emergency ambulance services; and (2) provide emergency ambulance services to the areas by establishing a county emergency ambulance service, contracting with a public, private, or nonprofit provider of emergency ambulance services, or by any other available means. | Rep. Timothy O'Brien |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1457: Indiana department of health | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1457/details | House | Specifies that provisions of law governing the office of administrative law proceedings apply to the Indiana department of health (state department) in matters concerning the involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident of a health facility. Provides that in regulating the licensure of hospitals, the state department shall use the most recent version of specified publications for purposes of enforcement. Requires the state department to list the current version of each publication on its website for at least 180 days before the state department may take action using a new version. Amends the list of crimes or acts that preclude a home health aide, nurse aide, or other unlicensed employee from employment at a home health agency and certain health care facilities. Amends the list of crimes that preclude a person from operating a home health agency or personal services agency. Requires the state department to: (1) investigate any report that a nurse aide or home health aide has been convicted of a certain crime; and (2) remove the individual from the state nurse aide registry. Makes it a Class A infraction for a person convicted of a certain crime to knowingly or intentionally apply for a job as a home health aide or other unlicensed employee at a home health agency or certain health care facilities. For provisions concerning the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC program), defines "WIC vendor agreement". Requires the state department to: (1) select WIC program vendors based on selection criteria set forth in federal regulations; (2) review the selection criteria annually; (3) include the selection criteria in the WIC state plan; and (4) publish the selection criteria on the state department's website. For purposes of submitting a death record of a stillborn, requires the physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) last in attendance to initiate the document process unless the physician, physician assistant, or APRN was not present upon the deceased. Includes reporting to local child fatality review teams, the statewide child fatality review committee, local fetal-infant mortality review teams, and suicide and overdose fatality review teams for the release of mental health records without the consent of the patient. Requires the state department to: (1) approve courses concerning auto-injectable epinephrine that meet criteria established by the state department (rather than courses offered by an approved organization as defined in current law); and (2) publish the criteria on its website. Removes a provision allowing the state department to contract with a third party to create a certificate of completion for a course. Amends the membership of the statewide child fatality review committee. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1462: Telephone assistance line for mothers | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1462/details | House | Establishes the telephone assistance line for mothers program for the purpose of providing a telephone assistance line for mothers who are experiencing behavioral health issues to connect with health care providers to obtain behavioral health resources. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1463: Medicaid coverage of group pregnancy services | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1463/details | House | Requires Medicaid coverage for group pregnancy services and specifies the group services. | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1464: Language interpretation in health care settings | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1464/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to, subject to federal approval, provide Medicaid reimbursement for certified medical interpretation services for Medicaid recipients who have limited English proficiency when receiving Medicaid covered services from a Medicaid provider. Requires the establishment of a community advisory committee. https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1464/details | Rep. Vanessa Summers |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1466: Various agency administrative procedures | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1466/details | House | Provides that the department of natural resources is subject to the jurisdiction of the office of administrative law proceedings. Provides that the office of administrative law proceedings is not the ultimate authority, and the secretary of family and social services is the ultimate authority, in an administrative law matter that involves a Medicaid applicant or beneficiary appeals. Provides that in Medicaid applicant eligibility cases, except in certain circumstances, the order from the administrative law judge is final after 61 days without further affirmation from the ultimate authority. Provides that the review of certain professional disciplinary reviews are not subject to the office of administrative law proceedings. Sets forth the process to select a hearing officer for the professional disciplinary reviews. Makes changes to securities and motor vehicle dealer services statutes to be consistent with the jurisdiction of the office of administrative law proceedings. Provides that the department of child services (DCS) is the ultimate authority of the review of decisions concerning residential child care base rates. Removes the duty of DCS to adopt rules concerning the administrative review by DCS of a proposed or approved substantiated report of child abuse or neglect, before or after an administrative hearing is available or conducted. Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Jennifer Meltzer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1470: Medicaid coverage for incarcerated individuals | Health | Corrections | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1470/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to, not later than October 1, 2025, apply for approval of a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver to provide prerelease services to certain incarcerated individuals beginning 90 days before the individual is released. | Rep. Gregory Porter |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1474: FSSA matters | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1474/details | House | Sets forth the powers and duties of the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) concerning Medicaid home and community based services waivers. Defines "home and community based services waiver". Requires a provider of services under a home and community based services waiver to follow any waiver requirements under federal law and developed by the office of the secretary. Establishes requirements for home and community based services waivers. Relocates provisions requiring reimbursement for assisted living services for individuals who are aged and disabled and receiving services under a Medicaid waiver. Specifies that: (1) these provisions apply to a home and community based services waiver that included assisted living services as an available services before July 1, 2025; (2) these provisions apply to an individual receiving services under a home and community based services waiver; and (3) reimbursement is required for certain services that are part of the individual's home and community based service plan. Relocates provisions establishing limitations concerning assisted living services provided in a home and community based services program. Relocates a provision requiring the office of the secretary to annually determine any state savings generated by home and community based services. Removes a provision allowing the division of aging to adopt rules concerning an appeals process for a housing with services establishment provider's determination that the provider is unable to meet the health needs of a resident and allows the office of the secretary to adopt rules concerning the appeals process. Requires an individual who provides attendant care services for compensation from Medicaid to register with the office of the secretary. Removes the requirement that the division of aging administer programs established under Medicaid waivers for in-home services for treatment of medical conditions. Provides that provisions of law concerning the statewide waiver ombudsman apply to an individual who has a disability and receives services administered by the bureau of disabilities services. (Current law specifies that these provisions apply to an individual who has a developmental disability and receives services under the federal home and community based services program.) Specifies that these provisions do not apply to an individual served by the long term care ombudsman program. Changes references from "statewide waiver ombudsman" to "statewide bureau of disabilities services ombudsman". Allows the division of disability and rehabilitative services (division) to charge each authorized service provider that employs a direct service professional an annual fee. Establishes the direct support professional training program fund (fund). Provides that the annual service provider fees collected by the division shall be deposited into the fund and may only be used for specified purposes. Requires the unit of services for the deaf and hard of hearing and the division (rather than the unit and the board of interpreters) to adopt rules creating standings for interpreters. Removes provisions concerning the board of interpreters. Repeals a provision providing that licensed home health agencies and licensed personal services agencies are approved to provide certain services under a Medicaid waiver granted to the state under federal law that provides services for treatment of medical conditions. Repeals provisions requiring the division of aging to submit a plan, before October 1, 2017, to the general assembly to expand the scope and availability of home and community based services for individuals who are aged and disabled. Makes conforming amendments. Makes a continuing appropriation. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1476: Funding for child trauma support programs | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1476/details | House | Establishes the childhood trauma support fund. Requires the division of mental health and addiction to develop and administer a grant program for certain entities that create support programs for children who have experienced trauma. Makes an appropriation. | Rep. Renee Pack |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1486: Use of SNAP benefits | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1486/details | House | Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again. | Rep. Ryan Lauer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1488: Pediatric cancer research and treatment grant | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1488/details | House | Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment grant program (grant program) to be administered by the rare disease advisory council (council). Establishes the pediatric cancer research and treatment fund. Sets forth requirements for an entity to receive a grant. Requires the council to develop criteria, policies, procedures, and a plan concerning awarding of the grants. Prioritizes use of the funds to be on innovative research and treatments with the potential of resulting in novel therapies for pediatric cancer. Requires the council to submit an annual report to the governor and legislative council concerning the grant program and publish the report on the Indiana department of health's website. | Rep. Ryan Lauer |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1502: State employee health plan payment limits | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1502/details | House | Limits the amount that a state employee health plan may pay for a medical facility service provided to a covered individual to: (1) the lesser of the amount of compensation established by the network plan or 200% of the amount paid by the Medicare program for that type of medical facility service or for a medical facility service of a similar type, if the medical facility service is provided by an in network provider; and (2) 185% of the amount paid by the Medicare program for that type of medical facility service or for a medical facility service of a similar type, if the medical facility service is provided by an out of network provider. Prohibits a provider from charging a covered individual an additional amount for a medical facility service, other than cost sharing amounts authorized by the terms of the state employee health plan. Requires a medical facility that provides drugs to a covered individual, in billing a state employee health plan for the cost of the drugs, to include in the billing the same "TB" or "JG" modifier that the medical facility would include in the billing if the medical facility were billing the Medicare program for the drugs. | Rep. Julie McGuire |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1505: Use of SNAP benefits | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1505/details | House | Prohibits recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits from purchasing: (1) energy drinks; (2) sweetened beverages; (3) carbonated beverages; (4) candy; (5) snack chips; and (6) cookies; with SNAP benefits. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to provide to an individual, at the time the office approves the individual's application to receive SNAP benefits, specified educational materials regarding the effects of diet on an individual's health. Requires the office to apply for a waiver or authorization to implement the prohibition if a waiver or authorization from a federal agency is required, and allows a delay in implementation until the waiver or authorization is received. | Rep. Lindsay Patterson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1510: School counselor grants | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1510/details | House | Establishes the school counselor grant fund. Provides that the department of education may award eligible school corporations and charter schools grants in an amount determined by the department for the employment of school counselors. Makes an appropriation for the state biennium to the school counselor grant fund. | Rep. Tonya Pfaff |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1516: Ban on vapor product sales to persons under 21 | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1516/details | House | Prohibits a person less than 21 years of age (underage person) from: (1) purchasing or receiving a nicotine-free electronic cigarette; or (2) purchasing or receiving an e-liquid vaporizer (vapor product). Restricts: (1) the sales and distribution of vapor products to underage persons; (2) the location of vending machines containing e-liquids, nicotine-free electronic cigarettes, or vaporizers where underage persons are present; and (3) use of self-service displays to sell e-liquids, nicotine-free electronic cigarettes, or vaporizers. Includes vaporizer and nicotine free electronic cigarette sales in the gross retail sales amount that determines whether an underage person can enter the retail establishment. | Rep. Mitch Gore |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1519: Workforce housing assistance program | Workforce | Workforce Incentive Programs | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1519/details | House | Establishes the workforce housing assistance program (program). Establishes the workforce housing assistance revolving fund (fund) and continuously appropriates money in the fund to provide loans to eligible borrowers in connection with the purchase of residential property to be used for any combination of the following expenses: (1) Down payment assistance. (2) Payment of closing costs. (3) Payment for renovations. (4) Funding a permanent interest rate buydown. Provides that the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA) shall administer the program and the fund. Defines an "eligible borrower" as a first time home buyer whose household income does not exceed 160% of the county's area median income in which the eligible borrower intends to purchase residential property. Defines a "first time home buyer" as an individual who has not, at any time during the three years preceding the date of the mortgage loan closing, had a present ownership interest in residential property. Defines "residential property" as the real property, including a single family dwelling together with any other improvements on the real property, sought to be purchased, in part, with the proceeds of a loan made from the fund by an eligible borrower for use as the eligible borrower's principal residence. Allows the IHCDA to determine the amount of the loan that may be made from the fund to an eligible borrower. Specifies the criteria that the IHCDA must use in making loans from the fund to eligible borrowers, including the term of the loan, the loan's status as a second mortgage secured by a lien in favor of the IHCDA, and the maximum rate of interest for the loan. Requires the executive director of the IHCDA to prepare an annual report on the fund's activities for the legislative council and the budget committee. Makes an appropriation to the fund. | Rep. Doug Miller |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1520: Professional licensing | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1520/details | House | Removes the following licensing provisions: (1) hearing aid dealers; (2) auctioneers and auction companies; and (3) electrologists. Removes specific courses required for certain behavioral health licensure. Replaces specific courses required for certain behavioral health licensure with a requirement that the program be nationally accredited. Makes conforming changes. | Rep. Kyle Pierce |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1521: Consumer genetic testing providers | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1521/details | House | Requires a provider of consumer genetic testing services (provider) to disclose specified information to an individual who submits biological material to the provider for genetic testing. Prohibits a provider that performs, or causes to be performed, genetic testing on an individual's biological material from: (1) taking specified actions with regard to: (A) the biological material; or (B) data resulting from genetic testing performed on the biological material; unless the provider has solicited and received the individual's consent to the action; or (2) providing data, other than deidentified data, resulting from genetic testing performed on the individual's biological material to: (A) an insurer; (B) a business that provides information or data to insurers for the purposes of underwriting or rating of risks; or (C) the individual's employer. Imposes requirements on a provider with respect to: (1) controlling access to an individual's biological material and data; (2) complying with the individual's revocation of consent with regard to the individual's biological material and data; and (3) marketing or advertising sent to the individual as a result of the individual's solicitation and use of the provider's genetic testing services or use of a website or other remote or virtual service associated with the provider's genetic testing services. Provides that a provider may not charge a fee for the provision of biological material or data resulting from genetic testing performed on biological material: (1) to a law enforcement agency on the basis of a search warrant; or (2) as required by a court order; that is more than the provider's actual cost of providing the material or data. Provides for enforcement of the bill's provisions by the attorney general. | Rep. Kyle Pierce |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1522: Disqualification of unemployment insurance benefits | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1522/details | House | Provides that a claimant who fails to: (1) respond to an offer for a job within two business days; or (2) appear for a previously scheduled job interview without notifying the prospective employer of the need to cancel or reschedule the interview; is deemed to be noncompliant with the work search requirements of the unemployment insurance program. Requires the department of workforce development (DWD) to deny the claimant benefits for the week in which the noncompliance occurs. Requires DWD to establish multiple ways for employers to report claimants who fail to respond to a job offer or to appear at a job interview. Provides that DWD must verify any information received from an employer alleging an incident of work search noncompliance before denying the claimant benefits. | Rep. Kyle Pierce |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1552: Coverage for treatment of chronic diseases | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1552/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for anti-obesity medication and intensive behavioral and lifestyle therapy. | Rep. Mike Andrade |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1555: Licensure of foreign trained physicians | Health Workforce | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1555/details | House | Establishes a limited medical license for individuals who: (1) have graduated from certain international medical programs; (2) obtain a health care facility sponsor in an underserved area; and (3) meet certain other criteria. Provides that a limited medical license authorizes the recipient to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine only at a health care facility in an underserved area. Enables the medical licensing board of Indiana (board) to revoke a limited medical license if the recipient stops working as a physician at a health care facility in an underserved area. Provides that a limited medical license may be converted to an unlimited license at the discretion of the board after five years. | Rep. Beau Baird |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1571: Pharmacists | Health Workforce | Pharmacy Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1571/details | House | Removes the authority of the state health commissioner's designated public health authority to issue a standing order, prescription, or protocol (standing order) to allow certain health practitioners to administer or dispense an immunization or a pharmacist a smoking cessation product. Requires the state health commissioner to issue a standing order that allows a pharmacist to treat or screen, test, administer, or dispense for certain health conditions. Requires the Indiana board of pharmacy to establish standards and requirements for courses of education concerning Indiana and federal statutes and rules governing the practice of pharmacy. Requires an individual to pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination to be eligible for licensure as a pharmacist. Allows a pharmacist to administer or dispense an immunization that is recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices under a drug order, under a prescription, or according to a protocol approved by a physician. Removes provisions restricting a pharmacist from administering an immunization to an individual who is less than 11 years of age. Provides civil and criminal immunity for a pharmacist related to filling a prescription for a drug, medicine, or other prescribed substance. Allows a pharmacist to take certain actions relating to medication assisted treatment. Sets forth requirements for pharmacy benefit managers. Establishes requirements for a health carrier regarding the reimbursement of services and procedures that are performed by a pharmacist. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1572: Hearing aids and speech-language pathologists | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1572/details | House | Adds speech-language pathology assistant to the definition of "practitioner" for purposes of the provision of telehealth. Specifies services included in the definition of "audiology". Allows for the sale, use, provision of customer service, or distribution of an over-the-counter hearing aid without the fitting of the hearing aid by a hearing aid dealer who has been issued a certificate of registration or a licensed audiologist. (Current law does not differentiate between a prescription hearing aid and an over-the-counter hearing aid concerning the fitting of the hearing aid.) | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1573: Impairment for mental illness | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1573/details | House | Specifies the circumstances under which an employer under the 1977 police officers' and firefighters' pension and disability fund is required to pay for certain mental health care and treatment. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1574: School based family mental health pilot program | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1574/details | House | Establishes the school based family mental health pilot program (program) to provide mental health services to students in school based settings, through a partnership between a health care provider and at least one school, that allow the student's family to participate in the services remotely. Requires the division of mental health and addiction (division) to contract with a certain entity or organization to administer and evaluate the program. Requires the division to select program proposals. Sets forth program requirements. Establishes the school based family mental health pilot program fund. Requires the entity or organization selected to administer the program to prepare a report on the results of the program. Requires the division to submit the report to the general assembly. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1575: Delivery of services to dual eligible individuals | Health Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1575/details | House | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (FSSA) to conduct a study of the means by which the state can optimize the delivery of services to individuals who are: (1) intellectually disabled and mentally ill; or (2) mentally ill and addicted to alcohol or a controlled substance. Requires FSSA to issue to the general assembly, not later than November 1, 2025, a report setting forth: (1) the results of the study; and (2) any legislation recommended by FSSA based on the findings of the study. | Rep. Lori Goss-Reaves |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1580: Parkinson's disease registry | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1580/details | House | Requires the Indiana University School of Medicine to collect data on the incidence of Parkinson's disease and establish a Parkinson's disease registry. Requires health care providers to report a diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and a related condition to the registry, and, if a patient agrees to the reporting, additional information concerning the medical treatment. Requires the health care provider to provide certain information to a patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or a related condition and to receive either permission or a denial to provide other information concerning the diagnosis and treatment. Requires that the information be confidential. Provides immunity to a person that provides information for the registry. Specifies persons that can obtain information from the registry. | Rep. Carey Hamilton |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1586: Medicaid funding | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1586/details | House | Makes changes in Medicaid payment formulas and assessment of the hospital assessment fee. Extends the law governing the hospital assessment fee to June 30, 2027. Authorizes a managed care organization assessment fee. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1587: Insurance matters | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1587/details | House | Provides that the requirement for a state employee health plan, policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide reimbursement for emergency medical services includes emergency medical services that are performed or provided as part of a mobile integrated healthcare program. Provides that the article regarding consumer data protection does not apply to any organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code that is established to detect or prevent insurance related crime or fraud. Changes the applicability date for provisions regarding insurance coverage on property transferred by a transfer on death deed from after June 30, 2025, to after December 31, 2025. Removes language regarding coverage under a casualty insurance policy or liability insurance policy on property transferred by a transfer on death deed. Repeals the statute requiring carriers of health insurance plans to conduct annual public forums. Allows a person who has legal custody of a minor to settle or compromise and enter into a settlement agreement with a person against whom the minor has a claim or from whom the minor is to receive proceeds from the sale of real estate if certain conditions are met. Makes corresponding changes. | REp. Martin Carbaugh |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1588: Long term care savings accounts | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1588/details | House | Establishes the primary care access revolving fund (fund) for the purpose of making loans to primary care medical practices in Indiana. Specifies the purposes for which money in the fund may be loaned. Provides that the Indiana finance authority shall administer the fund. Requires the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) to transfer $15,000,000 to the fund from the amount appropriated to the IEDC by the general assembly in the 2025-2026 state fiscal year. Increases the employee threshold for purposes of eligibility for the health reimbursement arrangement income tax credit. Increases the maximum amount of tax credits that may be granted in a year. Specifies the procedure for claiming the credit. Allows an employer to establish a long term care savings account program that allows an employee to save with favorable tax treatment for services required when the employee's or the employee's dependents' functional capacities become chronically impaired due to advanced age or other circumstances. Expands the physician practice ownership tax credit (tax credit) against state tax liability to practicing physicians (instead of only primary care physicians) who have an ownership interest in a physician practice and meet other eligibility criteria. Requires a taxpayer claiming the tax credit to certify that each physician with an ownership interest provides health care services to patients. Provides that the total amount of tax credits awarded in a state fiscal year may not exceed $20,000,000. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1590: Emergency medical services | Health | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1590/details | House | Specifies that county local income taxes for emergency medical services may be used to pay costs incurred for the provision of emergency medical services by an emergency medical services provider organization (EMSPO). Provides that an employee of an EMSPO who is engaged in emergency medical services is eligible to participate in training funded by the regional public safety training fund. Specifies that an EMSPO may collaborate in the dissemination of information concerning public and private grant opportunities related to improving outcomes for stroke patients. Requires the Indiana emergency medical services commission (commission) to include EMSPOs when seeking funding opportunities for the support of emergency medical services. Authorizes the commission to award mobile integration health care grants to EMSPOs. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | HB1592: Services for the aged and disabled | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1592/details | House | Allows the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to reimburse a Medicaid provider for providing functional assessments if the provider completed training approved by the office. Prohibits the office from restricting access to certain assisted living services by establishing a Medicaid waiver wait list or any other method if there are available waiver slots. Requires the office to apply for additional waiver slots when the slots are all filled in a manner that is sufficient to complete the state fiscal year without implementing a wait list. Requires the office to reimburse for home and community based services from the date of the individual's application. Requires the office to apply to the federal government for: (1) an amendment to the aged and disabled Medicaid waiver concerning functional eligibility determinations and reimbursement within a specified time; and (2) a new Medicaid waiver to provide assisted living services. Repeals language concerning reporting of the development of a long term care risk based managed care program (program). Requires the office to include certain provisions in a contract for the program. Specifies requirements of an entity contracting with the office to participate in the program. Requires the office to develop and implement clinical and quality of life measures and allow provider owned entities to participate in the program. Allows the office to audit claims or data concerning the program and post the audit findings on the office's website. Allows the office to take administrative action against a contracted entity for violations. Sets forth claim submission and processing requirements for the program. Repeals the temporary emergency financial assistance program. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1594: Coverage for preventative health services | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1594/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for preventative health services as determined by the insurance commissioner. Prohibits a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract from imposing a cost sharing requirement for a preventative health service that is provided by an in network health care provider. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1595: Long term care insurance partnership program | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1594/details | House | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for preventative health services as determined by the insurance commissioner. Prohibits a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract from imposing a cost sharing requirement for a preventative health service that is provided by an in network health care provider. | Rep. Brad Barrett |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1604: Out-of-pocket expense credit | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1604/details | House | Requires a health plan to credit toward a covered individual's deductible and annual maximum out-of-pocket expenses any amount the covered individual pays directly to any health care provider for a medically necessary covered health care service if a claim for the health care service is not submitted to the health plan and the amount paid by the covered individual to the health care provider is less than the average discounted rate for the health care service paid to a health care provider in the health plan's network. Requires a health plan to: (1) establish a procedure by which a covered individual may claim a credit; and (2) identify documentation necessary to support a claim for a credit; and display information about the procedure and documentation on the health plan's website. | Rep. Julie McGuire |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1606: Pharmacy benefit managers | Health Workforce | Pharmacy Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1606/details | House | Prohibits a pharmacy benefit manager from taking certain actions. Requires a pharmacy benefit manager to submit a report to the insurance commissioner every six months. (Current law requires a pharmacy benefit manager to submit the report annually.) Provides that if a contract holder requests an audit of compliance with the contract from a pharmacy benefit manager, the pharmacy benefit manager must provide the audit requested to the contract holder not later than 30 business days after receiving the request. Removes the provision specifying that the files or forms disclosed to the contract holder by the pharmacy benefit manager as part of an audit of compliance with the contract may be modified to redact trade secrets. Establishes civil penalties that the department of insurance (department) shall impose for a violation of the provisions concerning pharmacy benefit managers. Requires a pharmacy benefit manager to provide additional information in the pharmacy benefit manager's report to the department. Requires, after June 30, 2025, a health payer to include information relating to prescription drug pricing in the data submitted to the all payer claims data base by the health payer. Requires a health plan to credit toward a covered individual's deductible and annual maximum out-of-pocket expenses any amount the covered individual pays directly to any health care provider for a medically necessary covered health care service if a claim for the health care service is not submitted to the health plan and the amount paid by the covered individual to the health care provider is less than the average discounted rate for the health care service paid to a health care provider in the health plan's network. | Rep. Julie McGuire |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1620: Disclosure of artificial intelligence use in health care | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1620/details | House | Requires a health care provider to disclose to a patient the provider's use of artificial intelligence technology to: (1) make or inform any decision involved in the provision of health care to the patient; or (2) generate any part of a communication to the patient regarding the patient's health care. Requires an insurer that provides accident and sickness coverage to disclose to an insured the insurer's use of artificial intelligence technology to: (1) make or inform any decision involved in the provision of the coverage to the insured; or (2) generate any part of a communication to the insured regarding the coverage. | Rep. Joanna King |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1625: Prohibition on noncompete agreements | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1625/details | House | Prohibits an individual, person, or other entity from entering into a noncompete agreement after June 30, 2025. | Rep. Chris Judy |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1632: Health care entity mergers | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1632/details | House | Requires a health care entity that is involved in a merger or acquisition to disclose additional information. Allows the office of the attorney general to assess a health care entity with a civil penalty for noncompliance with the merger and acquisition notice. | Rep. Ben Smaltz |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1635: Medical cannabis | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1635/details | House | Permits the use of medical cannabis by a person with a serious medical condition as determined by the person's physician and establishes a procedure for the production and distribution of medical cannabis. Makes conforming amendments. | Rep. Jake Teshka |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1647: Paid leave for mental health | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1647/details | House | Entitles an employee to at least 36 hours of paid mental health leave per calendar year. Provides that unused paid mental health leave rolls over to the next calendar year and that an employer is not required to pay out unused paid mental health leave upon the termination of an employment relationship. Requires an employee to provide reasonable advance notice when paid mental health leave will be used. Prohibits an employer from discriminating or taking adverse action against an employee who uses paid mental health leave. | Rep. Ragen Hatcher |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1654: Legalization of cannabis | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1654/details | House | Legalizes the sale and use of cannabis by a person at least 18 years of age. Requires the Indiana department of health to establish a program to issue a medical cannabis identification card to a patient whose physician has recommended cannabis to treat a medical condition. Permits the sale of cannabis to a person less than 18 years of age if the person has been issued a medical cannabis identification card, and exempts purchases by a medical cannabis cardholder from sales tax. Makes conforming amendments. | Rep. Zach Payne |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1666: Ownership of health care providers | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1666/details | House | Requires reporting of certain ownership information by: (1) a hospital to the Indiana department of health (state department); (2) a physician group practice to the professional licensing agency; and (3) an insurer, a third party administrator, and a pharmacy benefit manager to the department of insurance. Requires the professional licensing agency and the department of insurance to provide the ownership information to the state department. Requires the state department to post the ownership information on the state department's website. Sets forth penalties for a violation of the ownership reporting requirements. Provides that an Indiana health care entity merger or acquisition involving a private equity partnership is subject to the approval of the attorney general, regardless of the total assets, including combined entities and holdings, of the parties involved. Allows the attorney general to deny the merger or acquisition if the attorney general determines that the merger or acquisition will result in adverse financial impacts or health care outcomes for Indiana health care consumers. Provides that the attorney general must provide a written determination approving or denying the merger or acquisition not later than 45 days after notice of the merger or acquisition is submitted to the attorney general. | Rep. Julie McGuire |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1675: Appropriation to community mental health centers | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1675/details | House | Appropriates $3,000,000 from the state general fund to the division of mental health and addiction to award grants to community mental health centers in low income areas to hire mental health professionals. | Rep. Alex Burton |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | HB1686: Emergency medical services | Health | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1686/details | House | Provides that, on or before August 1, 2025, each county executive shall adopt an emergency medical service plan for the county. Requires the county, on or before August 15, 2025, to submit its plan to the department of homeland security (department). Provides that, on or before November 1, 2025, the department shall compile the medical service plans and submit a report to legislative council. | Rep. Timothy O'Brien |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | HB1689: Human services matters | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/house/1689/details | House | Provides that provisions of law concerning the statewide waiver ombudsman apply to an individual who has a developmental disability and receives services administered by the bureau of disabilities services. (Current law specifies that these provisions apply to an individual who has a developmental disability and receives services under the federal home and community based services program.) Specifies that these provisions do not apply to an individual served by the long term care ombudsman program. Changes references from "statewide waiver ombudsman" to "statewide bureau of disabilities services ombudsman". Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office of the secretary) to prepare an annual report on the provision of Medicaid home and community based waiver services. Specifies the information that must be included in the report. Requires the office of the secretary to apply for an amendment to a home and community based services Medicaid waiver to: (1) establish a new and proportional reimbursement level for a structured family caregiving service arrangement; and (2) subject to specified conditions, allow a legally responsible individual to provide home and community based waiver services to a Medicaid recipient. | Rep. Edward Clere |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB2: Medicaid matters | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/2/details | Senate | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to report specified Medicaid data to the Medicaid oversight committee. Requires the office to receive and review data from specified federal and state agencies concerning Medicaid recipients to determine whether circumstances have changed that affect Medicaid eligibility for recipients and to perform a redetermination. Requires the office to establish: (1) performance standards for hospitals that make presumptive eligibility determinations and sets out action for when hospitals do not comply with the standards; and (2) an appeals procedure for hospitals that dispute the violation determination. Sets out a hospital's responsibilities when making a presumptive eligibility determination. Imposes corrective action and restrictions for failing to meet presumptive eligibility standards. Specifies requirements, allowances, and limitations for the healthy Indiana plan. Requires the office to apply for an amendment to the state Medicaid plan to remove certain individuals from the state plan. | Sen. Ryan Mishler |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB3: Fiduciary duty in health plan administration | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/3/details | Senate | Provides that any third party administrator, pharmacy benefit manager, employee benefit consultant, or insurance producer acting on behalf of a plan sponsor owes a fiduciary duty to the plan sponsor. | Sen. Justin Busch |
Dead | 2- 1st Reading: Committee Hearing | SB21: Department of health contract prohibition | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/21/details | Senate | Prohibits the Indiana department of health from requiring a contracted person to meet additional requirements other than federal requirements specified in the federal Charitable Choice Act in order to receive certain funding. | Sen. Mike Bohacek |
Dead | 2- 1st Reading: Committee Hearing | SB24: Regulation of premium increases | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/24/details | Senate | Provides that certain insurance providers may not request to raise the insurer's rate more than 10% in any one year. Requires certain insurance providers to justify any requested rate increase to the insurance commissioner. | Sen. James Tomes |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB33: Consumer genetic testing providers | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/33/details | Senate | Provides that a person may not discriminate against an individual on the basis of the individual's solicitation and use of consumer genetic testing services or on the basis of the results of genetic testing performed by a provider of consumer genetic testing services (provider). Requires a provider to disclose specified information to an individual who submits biological material to the provider for genetic testing. Prohibits a provider that performs, or causes to be performed, genetic testing on an individual's biological material from: (1) taking specified actions with regard to: (A) the biological material; or (B) data resulting from genetic testing performed on the biological material; unless the provider has solicited and received the individual's consent to the action; or (2) providing data, other than deidentified data, resulting from genetic testing performed on the individual's biological material to: (A) an insurer; (B) a business that provides information or data to insurers for the purposes of underwriting or rating of risks; or (C) the individual's employer. Imposes requirements on a provider with respect to: (1) controlling access to an individual's biological material and data; (2) complying with the individual's revocation of consent with regard to the individual's biological material and data; and (3) marketing or advertising sent to the individual as a result of the individual's solicitation and use of the provider's genetic testing services or use of a website or other remote or virtual service associated with the provider's genetic testing services. Provides that a provider may not charge a fee for the provision of biological material or data resulting from genetic testing performed on biological material: (1) to a law enforcement agency on the basis of a search warrant; or (2) as required by a court order; that is more than the provider's actual cost of providing the material or data. Provides for enforcement of the bill's provisions by the attorney general. | Sen. Andrea Hunley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB36: School counselors | Health Workforce | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/36/details | Senate | Provides that, for the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years, a school shall ensure that at least 60% of a school counselor's aggregate time performing the counselor's job duties is devoted to providing direct services to students. Provides that, beginning with the 2027-2028 school year, a school shall ensure that at least 80% of a school counselor's aggregate time performing the counselor's job duties is devoted to providing direct services to students. Exempts schools that have a school counselor/student ratio that is not more than one school counselor to 350 students from the school counselor time requirement provisions. | Sen. Jean Leising |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB38: Syringe exchange programs | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/38/details | Senate | Amends the definition of "qualified entity" to include the United States Department of Veterans Affairs for purposes of provisions governing syringe exchange programs. | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB72: Therapist immunity from professional discipline | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/72/details | Senate | Provides that the behavioral health and human services licensing board may not impose disciplinary sanctions against a practitioner if the basis of the licensing complaint is retaliatory against the practitioner for testifying in a child custody proceeding, a child in need of services proceeding, or a termination of parent-child relationship proceeding. | Sen. Dan Dernulc |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB74: Extension of lifeline law immunity | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/74/details | Senate | Provides that an individual who is: (1) reasonably believed to be suffering from a health condition which is the direct result of alcohol consumption; and (2) assisted by a person who requested emergency medical assistance for the individual; is immune from prosecution for certain crimes. | Sen. Ron Alting |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB95: Law enforcement training cost reimbursement | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/95/details | Senate | Allows the state, a state agency, or a political subdivision (public employer) to be reimbursed for the costs of employing and training a law enforcement officer by a public employer that subsequently employs the officer. Provides that the reimbursement amount decreases over time and is eliminated three years after the officer is certified by the law enforcement training board to act as an officer. Allows a public employer to require, as a condition of hiring, that the individual enter into a contract or agreement to reimburse the public employer for employment and training costs, if the individual is subsequently hired by a private or governmental employer that is not defined by statute as a public employer. | Sen. Gary Byrne |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB96: Pharmacist administration of immunizations | Health Workforce | Pharmacy Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/96/details | Senate | Allows a pharmacist to administer an immunization that is recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to a group of individuals under a drug order, under a prescription, or according to a protocol approved by a physician if certain conditions are met. (Current law allows a pharmacist to administer specified immunizations to a group of individuals under a drug order, under a prescription, or according to a protocol approved by a physician if certain conditions are met.) | Sen. Vaneta Becker |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB100: Local regulation of wages and benefits | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/100/details | Senate | Repeals certain provisions prohibiting a unit from establishing minimum wage or employee benefit standards. | Sen. La Keisha Jackson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB101: Registration of professional engineers | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/101/details | Senate | Provides a new pathway to registration as a professional engineer for an individual with at least 25 years of engineering experience who also passes the required examination on the individual's first attempt. | Sen. Rick Niemeyer |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB104: Residential tax increment financing | Health | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/104/details | Senate | Provides, in the case of an allocation provision adopted after June 30, 2025, for a residential housing development program, that the redevelopment commission (commission) shall annually transfer at least 5% of the aggregate allocated tax proceeds from the allocation area to the general fund of the unit that established the commission to assist that unit in the payment of costs incurred for the provision of police, fire, and ambulance services within the allocation area. | Sen. Rick Niemeyer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB110: School based health centers | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/110/details | Senate | Requires the department of education, in consultation with the Indiana department of health, to establish a program to provide technical assistance to public schools, including charter schools, that are interested in establishing a school based health center. | Sen. Andrea Hunley |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB111: Coverage for living organ donors | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/111/details | Senate | Prohibits an insurer that issues a policy of life insurance, disability insurance, or long term care insurance from taking certain actions with respect to the coverage of individuals who are living organ donors. Specifies that certain actions constitute an unfair and deceptive act and practice in the business of insurance when taken against a living organ donor by an insurer. | Sen. Andrea Hunley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB112: Service animals | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/112/details | Senate | Amends the definition of "service animal" to include a service animal in training for purposes of provisions governing service animals on the premises of a public accommodation. Provides that misrepresenting an animal as a service animal to obtain a right or privilege in a public accommodation is a Class C infraction. | Sen. Fady Qaddoura |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB113: Cannabis regulation | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/113/details | Senate | Permits the use of cannabis by: (1) a person at least 21 years of age; and (2) a person with a serious medical condition as determined by the person's physician. Establishes the adult use cannabis excise tax, and requires a retailer to transfer the tax to the department of state revenue for deposit in the state general fund. Exempts veterans from payment of the sales tax on medical or adult use cannabis. Establishes a cannabis program (program) to permit the cultivation, processing, testing, transportation, and sale of cannabis by holders of a valid permit. Establishes the Indiana cannabis commission (ICC) as a state agency to oversee, implement, and enforce the program, and establishes the ICC advisory committee to review the effectiveness of the program. Requires that permit holders take steps to prevent diversion of cannabis to unauthorized persons. Requires that cannabis and cannabis products be properly labeled, placed in child resistant packaging, and tested by an independent testing laboratory before being made available for purchase. Prohibits packaging cannabis in a manner that is appealing to children. Authorizes research on cannabis in accordance with rules set forth by the ICC. Establishes a procedure for the expungement of a cannabis related conviction if the act constituting the conviction becomes legal. Makes conforming amendments. | Sen. Rodney Pol |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB115: Paid family and medical leave program | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/115/details | Senate | Requires the department of workforce development (department) to establish a paid family and medical leave program (program) to provide payments for employees who take family and medical leave. Establishes the family and medical leave fund to be funded with appropriations from the general assembly and payroll contributions. Specifies requirements for the administration of the program. Provides for the department to approve an employer's use of a private plan to meet the program obligations. | Sen. Rodney Pol |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB116: Unemployment benefits | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/116/details | Senate | Amends the definition of "wage credits". Specifies the rate for unemployment insurance benefits for initial claims filed by an individual who is totally unemployed for any week beginning after June 30, 2025. Specifies, for initial claims filed for any week beginning after June 30, 2025: (1) the maximum weekly benefit amount; and (2) an additional weekly benefit for eligible and qualified individuals with dependents. | Sen. Rodney Pol |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB117: Compassionate release | Health | Corrections | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/117/details | Senate | Allows certain convicted persons who have a chronic medical condition or are terminally ill or gravely disabled to file a petition for sentence modification, without the consent of the prosecuting attorney. Defines "chronic medical condition" and "terminally ill or gravely disabled" for purposes of filing a petition for sentence modification. Specifies that a court may not, without the consent of the prosecuting attorney, reduce or suspend a convicted person's sentence: (1) that was not authorized by a plea agreement; or (2) that is below the sentence that the court was authorized to impose at the time of sentencing. Provides certain criteria that the court must consider when ruling on a petition for sentence modification. Allows the court to grant or deny a petitioner's request for sentence modification, summarily dismiss the petition, or hold a hearing. | Sen. Rodney Pol |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB118: 340B drug program report | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/118/details | Senate | Requires an entity authorized to participate in the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program to annually report specified data to the Indiana department of health (state department). Requires the state department to submit a report of the aggregated data to the legislative council and post the report on the state department's website. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB119: Certificate of public advantage | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/119/details | Senate | Repeals the certificate of public advantage concerning hospital mergers. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB123: Unemployment compensation | Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/123/details | Senate | Reduces the maximum amount of regular unemployment benefits to 14 times the individual's weekly benefit. (Under current law, the maximum amount of regular unemployment benefits is 26 times the individual's weekly benefit or 28% of the individual's wage credits, whichever is less.) Provides for additional benefits in an amount not to exceed two times the individual's weekly benefit if the individual meets certain conditions. Removes outdated provisions. Makes conforming changes. | Sen. Scott Alexander |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB132: Childhood obesity study topics | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/132/details | Senate | Establishes the childhood obesity commission as a temporary commission to study childhood obesity. Requires the commission to submit an annual report to the governor and the general assembly not later than June 30, 2026. | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB133: Restriction on co-pay accumulators | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/133/details | Senate | Provides that under certain circumstances, the administrator of a state employee health plan shall include any amount paid by a covered individual or another person on behalf of the covered individual for a prescription drug when calculating a covered individual's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the covered individual's state employee health plan. Provides that under certain circumstances, a pharmacy benefit manager shall include any amount paid by a covered individual or another person on behalf of the covered individual for a prescription drug when calculating a covered individual's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the covered individual's health plan. Provides that under certain circumstances, an insurer that issues a policy of accident and sickness insurance shall include any amount paid by an insured or another person on behalf of the insured for a prescription drug when calculating an insured's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the insured's policy of accident and sickness insurance. Provides that under certain circumstances, a health maintenance organization shall include any amount paid by an enrollee or another person on behalf of the enrollee for a prescription drug when calculating an enrollee's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the enrollee's individual or group contract. | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB136: Disclosures related to prescription drugs | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/136/details | Senate | Beginning January 1, 2026, requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide to a covered individual the national average drug acquisition cost of a generic drug on the written materials provided at the point of sale. Provides that if an agreement between a health plan and a pharmacy benefit manager that is entered into or renewed after December 31, 2025, provides that less than 85% of the estimated rebates will be deducted from the cost of prescription drugs before a covered individual's cost sharing requirement is determined, the pharmacy benefit manager must provide the policyholder with a notice on an annual basis that includes: (1) an explanation of what a rebate is; (2) an explanation of how rebates accrue to the health plan from the manufacturer; and (3) the aggregate amount of rebates that accrued to the health plan for prescription drugs dispensed under the policyholder's health plan for the previous year. | Sen. Mike Bohacek |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB140: Pharmacy benefits | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/140/details | Senate | Requires an ambulatory pharmacy to provide, before March 1, 2027, and March 1 of every other year thereafter, data to the Indiana board of pharmacy (board) relating to the pharmacy's dispensing costs for the previous calendar year. Requires the board to share the dispensing data with the commissioner of the department of insurance (commissioner). Requires the commissioner to: (1) make a determination relating to the average cost to dispense a prescription drug in an ambulatory pharmacy for purposes of determining the minimum reimbursement for a professional dispensing fee; and (2) conduct a study every two years relating to the dispensing data. Requires an insurer, a pharmacy benefit manager, or any other administrator of pharmacy benefits to ensure that a network utilized by the insurer, pharmacy benefit manager, or other administrator is reasonably adequate and accessible and file an annual report regarding the networks with the commissioner. Sets forth certain limitations and requirements with respect to the provision of pharmacy or pharmacist services under a health plan. Allows any insured, pharmacy, or pharmacist impacted by an alleged violation to file a complaint with the commissioner. Provides that the commissioner may order reimbursement to any person who has incurred a monetary loss as a result of a violation. Repeals a superseded provision relating to equal access and incentives to pharmacies within a pharmacy benefit manager's network. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB145: Pharmacy matters | Health Workforce | Pharmacy Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/145/details | Senate | Requires the state health commissioner or the commissioner's designated public health authority to issue a standing order, prescription, or protocol (standing order) that allows a pharmacist to treat or screen, test, administer, or dispense for certain health conditions. Allows a pharmacist to order tests that are waived under the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) or established under a standing order. Allows a pharmacy intern or a pharmacy technician to perform a test that is: (1) delegated by a supervising pharmacist; and (2) a waived test under CLIA. Allows a pharmacy technician who is certified to perform any activity delegated by a supervising pharmacist or pharmacist owner if the activities: (1) do not require the clinical judgment of a pharmacist; (2) are not prohibited by a rule adopted by the Indiana board of pharmacy; or (3) are not an activity required by law to be performed only by a pharmacist. Provides civil and criminal immunity for a pharmacist related to filling a prescription for a drug, medicine, or other prescribed substance. Establishes exceptions. | Sen. Justin Busch |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB146: Teacher compensation | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/146/details | Senate | Requires a school corporation or charter school to provide coverage of health care services for active and retired employees of the school corporation or charter school under a state employee health plan if the state employee health plan is less expensive than an alternative plan offered by the school. (Under current law, a school corporation or charter school may elect to provide coverage under a state employee health plan.). Creates the Indiana teacher recruitment program and fund. Provides 20 days of paid leave for a full-time teacher employed by a school corporation and 10 days of paid leave for a part-time teacher employed by a school corporation upon: (1) the birth of the teacher's child; (2) the birth of a child to the teacher's spouse; (3) the placement of a child for adoption with the teacher; or (4) the stillbirth of the teacher's child. Removes a prohibition on ranking teacher preparation programs. Beginning June 30, 2025: (1) increases the minimum salary for a teacher employed by a school corporation to $45,000 (current law requires $40,000); and (2) requires a school corporation to expend an amount for teacher compensation that is not less than 65% of state tuition support (current law requires 62%). Changes the name of the "teacher appreciation grant" to the "teacher incentivization grant". Amends the requirements regarding the teacher incentivization grant. Joins the interstate teacher mobility compact | Sen. Linda Rogers |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB147: Physician referrals and reimbursement rates | Health | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/147/details | Senate | Prohibits a referring physician from receiving compensation or an incentive from a health care entity or another physician, who is in the same health care network as the referring physician, for referring a patient to the health care entity or other physician. Provides that the rules adopted by the department of insurance regarding the all payer claims data base must include a requirement that health payers report physician reimbursement rates for each contract and specify a process for health payers to report the physician reimbursement rates. Requires the all payer claims data base to publish the physician reimbursement rates as a separate line item for each contract instead of in the aggregate. | Sen. Justin Busch |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB163: Social work licensure compact | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/163/details | Senate | Establishes the social work licensure compact. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB164: Licensed professional music therapists | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/164/details | Senate | Provides for the licensure of professional music therapists by the medical licensing board. Establishes a music therapy advisory council to advise the medical licensing board. Establishes requirements and procedures for an individual to be licensed as a professional music therapist. Prohibits a person who is not licensed as a music therapist from using certain titles or certain words in a title. | Sen. Vaneta Becker |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB165: Requirements of short term insurance plans | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/165/details | Senate | Requires an insurer that issues a short term insurance plan to cover certain medical services. Prohibits an insurer that issues a short term insurance plan from retroactively cancelling a short term insurance plan except in the case of fraud. Amends current provisions exempting short term insurance plans from accident and sickness insurance policy requirements to provide for a term of not more than 6 months (current law provides for a term of 364 days). | Sen. Fady Qaddoura |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB167: Seizure training requirements | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/167/details | Senate | Provides that school corporations and charter schools shall require all applicants for employment and school employees who will have direct, ongoing contact with children within the scope of the applicant's or school employee's employment to attend training concerning recognition of the signs and symptoms of seizures and the appropriate steps to be taken to respond to these symptoms. | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB168: Resident tuition rate | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/168/details | Senate | Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by the state educational institution. Requires such an individual to verify that the individual meets the criteria to receive the resident tuition rate. | Sen. David Niezgodski |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB171: Abortion matters | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/171/details | Senate | Prohibits a person from knowingly or intentionally: (1) prescribing or possessing an abortion inducing drug; or (2) sending an abortion inducing drug to a person located in Indiana, if the person located in Indiana possesses the abortion inducing drug. Provides that each offense is a Class A misdemeanor with a Level 6 felony for subsequent offenses. Establishes a defense to possessing an abortion inducing drug. Provides for the discipline of a practitioner for a violation. Prohibits a nonprofit organization in Indiana from providing or offering to provide financial assistance to pay for, offset the cost of, or reimburse the cost of an abortion inducing drug. Gives the attorney general concurrent jurisdiction of actions concerning abortion inducing drugs. Requires a woman who is pregnant as a result of rape or incest to provide to her physician an affidavit attesting to the rape or incest before the physician performs the abortion. Prohibits state employee health plans, the state Medicaid program, policies of accident and sickness insurance, and health maintenance contracts from providing coverage for an abortion inducing drug. Makes conforming amendments. | Sen. Michael Young |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB176: Licensed practical nurses | Health Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/176/details | Senate | Removes the requirement that a state accredited program of practical nursing only accepts students who have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Requires a person to have earned a high school diploma or its equivalent to qualify for a license to practice as a licensed practical nurse. | Sen. Shelli Yoder |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB181: Nurse training in trauma informed care | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/181/details | Senate | Requires the state board of nursing to adopt or amend rules to require trauma informed care training as part of the required curriculum for nursing education programs. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB184: Coverage for clean dietary supplements | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/184/details | Senate | Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for clean dietary supplements that are prescribed to certain individuals by a health care provider. | Sen. Dan Dernulc |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB185: Coverage for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/185/details | Senate | Prohibits a health plan from requiring a participating provider to obtain prior authorization for a health care service that is used to diagnose or treat Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or a related cognitive disorder or Parkinson's disease. | Sen. Dan Dernulc |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB191: Confidentiality of termination of pregnancy reports | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/191/details | Senate | States that a health care provider's report concerning the performance of an abortion that is submitted to the Indiana department of health is a medical record, confidential, and not subject to disclosure as a public record. | Sen. La Keisha Jackson |
Dead | 2- 1st Reading: Committee Hearing | SB192: Postpartum care for new mothers on Medicaid | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/192/details | Senate | Removes the expiration date of: (1) language requiring that a hospital that operates a maternity unit shall ensure a woman who is giving birth in the hospital and is either a Medicaid recipient or eligible for Medicaid has the option of having a long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive implanted after delivery; and (2) the corresponding requirement for reimbursement from the office of the secretary of family and social services to a hospital for certain costs related to providing a long acting reversible subdermal contraceptive to a Medicaid recipient. Requires that certain health care providers and hospitals ensure that a Medicaid recipient who gives birth schedules a follow-up appointment for postpartum care not later than 60 days from the date the woman gives birth. | Sen. La Keisha Jackson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB206: Hyperbaric oxygen treatment program | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/206/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana department of veterans' affairs to establish and administer a hyperbaric oxygen treatment program (program) to make grants to certain providers to provide diagnostic testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatment to qualified service members. Establishes program requirements. Requires the Indiana department of health to: (1) issue a request for proposals to offer treatment under the program; and (2) adopt rules to implement these provisions, including rules concerning program eligibility, treatment plan requirements, criteria for approving payments for treatment, and confidentiality. Provides that funding for the program is paid from the military family relief fund. Makes conforming amendments related to the sunset of the hyperbaric oxygen treatment pilot program | Sen. James Tomes |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB216: Mental health professionals | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/216/details | Senate | Makes the following changes in regard to marriage and family therapists, mental health counselors, addiction counselors, and clinical addiction counselors: (1) Provides that an individual must be licensed as an associate before obtaining the relevant experience hours, except in certain circumstances. (2) Clarifies the effect on experience hours of the expiration of a temporary license or permit. Removes certain provisions regarding first available examinations. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB220: State employee health plan coverage of Alzheimer's. | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/220/details | Senate | Requires a state employee health plan to provide coverage for dementia treatments or medications that are determined to be medically necessary by the physician treating the covered individual. | Sen. Kyle Walker |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB234: Medicaid matters | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/234/details | Senate | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to report specified Medicaid data to the Medicaid oversight committee. Requires the office to receive and review data from specified federal and state agencies concerning Medicaid recipients to determine whether circumstances have changed that affect Medicaid eligibility for recipients. Prohibits the office from accepting self-attestations of certain information in the administration of the Medicaid program. Requires the office to apply for a Medicaid state plan amendment to remove references to coverage under the Medicaid plan of a certain population. Requires the office to establish: (1) performance standards for hospitals that make presumptive eligibility determinations and sets out action for when hospitals do not comply with the standards; and (2) an appeals procedure for hospitals that dispute the violation determination. Modifies eligibility categories and requirements for the healthy Indiana plan (plan). Specifies limitations for enrollment in the plan. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB235: Limitations on diversity, equity, and inclusion | Health Workforce | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/235/details | Senate | Establishes prohibitions and requirements on state agencies, recipients of state contracts or grants, state educational institutions, and health profession licensing boards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. Provides that certain civil actions for noncompliance may be filed against a state educational institution. Establishes: (1) requirements regarding a standardized admissions test; and (2) requirements regarding altering academic standards; for postsecondary educational institutions that offer certain health education programs. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB237: Individualized investigational treatment | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/237/details | Senate | Allows: (1) a manufacturer to provide; and (2) a patient to receive; individualized investigational treatment if certain conditions are met. Sets forth disclosures | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB240: Abortion reporting and education | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/240/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to: (1) create a video for practitioners concerning the state's abortion laws and the standard of care for treating pregnant women with life threatening conditions; and (2) publish the video on its website. Specifies the information to be included in the video. Requires a hospital and ambulatory outpatient surgical center to: (1) review its protocol for abortion; (2) require certain practitioners to watch the video; and (3) certify to the state department compliance with these provisions. Amends the information required to be reported to the state department concerning the performance of an abortion and an abortion complication. Provides that a report concerning the performance of an abortion or an abortion complication is not confidential, is a public record, and shall be open to public inspection. Requires the state department to disclose these reports under Indiana's access to public records act. Requires the state department to: (1) publish the abortion complication reports on its website; and (2) send each abortion complication report to the office of the attorney general. Prohibits certain information on each form or report from being redacted. Requires the state department, if redacting: (1) a date; or (2) the age of the patient; from the form or report, to indicate on the form or report whether any applicable reporting deadline was met and whether or not the patient was a minor. Requires the state department to provide verification to the general assembly that the state department is in compliance concerning the release of these reports. Provides that an incomplete report concerning the performance of an abortion transmitted to the state department is subject to investigation by the state department and the office of the attorney general. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB242: Payment for Medicaid physician services claims | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/242/details | Senate | Provides that if a physician has entered into a provider agreement with the office of Medicaid policy and planning (office) or a managed care organization and the physician, subject to the provider agreement, provides physician services to individuals participating in the state Medicaid program, the office or the managed care organization shall promptly compensate the physician for the physician services rendered in the emergency department of a hospital in accordance with the provider agreement. Requires a managed care organization to reimburse the physician in accordance with an autopay list published by the office. Prohibits any delay in or denial of compensation to the physician unless the cause of the delay or denial is specifically provided for in: (1) the Medicaid managed care law; (2) an administrative rule adopted under the Medicaid managed care law; (3) the federal administrative rules on Medicaid managed care; or (4) the provider agreement. Prohibits a managed care organization from denying an emergency services claim solely because the claim code is not listed on the autopay list. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB243: Required physician ownership of medical practices | Health Workforce | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/243/details | Senate | Requires that the majority ownership of a physician group practice be licensed physicians in Indiana. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB245: Abortion inducing drugs | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/245/details | Senate | Provides that a person who knowingly or intentionally engages in the use of an abortion inducing drug, including Mifepristone or Misoprostol, on a pregnant woman without the knowledge or consent of the pregnant woman, commits a Level 5 felony. Prohibits a person from knowingly or intentionally sending Mifepristone or Misoprostol to another person located in Indiana, if the other person located in Indiana possesses the Mifepristone or Misoprostol. Provides that each offense is a Class A misdemeanor with a Level 6 felony for subsequent offenses. Adds Mifepristone and Misoprostol to the list of Schedule IV drugs. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB246: Advanced practice registered nurses | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/246/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana medical licensing board to accept and review complaints concerning physician collaborative practice agreements with advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). Provides that an APRN may only: (1) operate in collaboration with a licensed practitioner who specializes in the same practice area as the advanced practice registered nurse; and (2) practice within the scope of the APRN's specialty. Allows a physician to enter into a collaborative agreement with more than four APRNs but prohibits the physician from collaborating with more than four APRNs at the same time. | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 275: Abortion | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/275/details | Senate | Reestablishes the licensure of abortion clinics. Changes statutes concerning when an abortion may be performed. Removes the eight week limitation on the use of an abortion inducing drug. Allows, rather than requires, the revocation of a physician's license for the performance of an abortion in violation of the law. | Sen. Shelli Yoder |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 276: Medicaid for over-the-counter birth control | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/276/details | Senate | Specifies that the Medicaid program covers over-the-counter birth control. Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for any Medicaid state plan amendment or waiver necessary to include over-the-counter birth control as a covered supply. | Sen. Shelli Yoder |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 285: Comparative college and career information | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/285/details | Senate | Tasks the commission for higher education (commission) and the department of workforce development with collecting and compiling certain information concerning: (1) postsecondary education; (2) career and technical education; (3) workforce qualifications; (4) workforce earnings; and (5) workforce debt. Requires the commission to create an interactive website known as the student horizon dashboard to provide public access to certain collected and compiled information. Requires the commission, with assistance from the department of education and the department of workforce development, to create a report known as the student graduate horizon scorecard (scorecard) for annual distribution. Specifies that the scorecard must contain certain information concerning high paying civilian and military careers and in demand jobs. Requires the commission to prepare an annual report for the legislative council. Requires state educational institutions and career and technical education centers to collect and provide information as requested by the commission. | Sen. Gary Byrne |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 294: Hospital assessment fee | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/294/details | Senate | Provides that a physician owned hospital that is ineligible to receive certain Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement is not considered to be a hospital for purposes of the hospital assessment fee. Extends the hospital assessment fee. | Sen. Blake Doriot |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 301: Eligibility for benefits | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/301/details | Senate | Provides that, beginning January 1, 2026, in determining the Medicaid eligibility of an individual who has a community spouse, the office of the secretary of family and social services (the office of the secretary) may not consider the following as a countable resource if held by the individual's community spouse: (1) An individual retirement account. (2) A work related pension plan. Requires the office of the secretary to apply, before January 1, 2026, for any state plan amendment necessary to implement this provision. | Sen. Greg Walker |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 311: Coverage for living organ donors | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/311/details | Senate | Prohibits an insurer that issues a policy of life insurance, disability insurance, or long term care insurance from taking certain actions with respect to the coverage of individuals who are living organ donors. Specifies that certain actions constitute an unfair and deceptive act and practice in the business of insurance when taken against a living organ donor by an insurer. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 6- 3rd Reading | SB 317: Health care debt and costs | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/317/details | Senate | Adds to the Indiana Code a new chapter that requires hospitals to do the following: (1) For any charges for health care services provided to a person after June 30, 2025, offer the person the opportunity to pay the charges through a payment plan that satisfies certain requirements. (2) Develop a written notice about any charity care program operated by the hospital, provide the notice to patients at the point of service, and conspicuously post the notice in specified areas. (3) Requires a hospital that reports an annual gross patient revenue of at least $20,000,000 to do the following: (A) Before billing a person for any emergency or medically necessary health care services provided to the person, offer to determine whether a person is eligible for any charity care program operated by the hospital. (B) If the hospital determines that person is eligible for the hospital's charity care program, offer to enroll the person in the program. (4) Prohibits a hospital that reports an annual gross patient revenue of at least $20,000,000 from billing a person for any emergency or medically necessary health care services that the hospital has provided to the person unless the hospital first communicates to the person a good faith estimate of the person's out-of-pocket costs for the services. Provides that the unpaid earnings of a consumer who resides in Indiana may not be attached by garnishment in satisfaction of: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by the consumer; or (2) in an action against the consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer. Prohibits: (1) a health care provider; or (2) a third party furnisher of consumer information; from reporting or furnishing to a consumer reporting agency any information related to the health care debt of an eligible consumer (defined as a consumer who has a household income of not more than 500% of the federal poverty level). Provides that if information related to health care debt of an eligible consumer is reported to a consumer reporting agency in violation of these provisions: (1) the eligible consumer is relieved from any liability to pay the amount reported; and (2) the health care provider and any third party furnisher engaged by the health care provider may not collect or attempt to collect the amount reported. Requires a consumer reporting agency, upon request from an eligible consumer, to delete any record of health care debt that is maintained in the eligible consumer's file and reported or furnished in violation of these provisions. Prohibits a health care provider from: (1) charging or collecting interest on the unpaid balances of health care debt at an annual rate that exceeds 3%; or (2) initiating any delinquent account action with respect to health care debt during the pendency of an appeal by the consumer for the denial of insurance or other third party coverage. Provides that a person that violates these provisions commits a deceptive act that is actionable only by the attorney general under the Indiana statute concerning deceptive consumer sales. Amends the statute concerning adverse claims against deposit accounts to prohibit a depository financial institution that receives notice of an adverse claim based on health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer from: (1) recognizing the adverse claim in any manner; or (2) placing a hold on, or otherwise restricting withdrawal of funds from, a deposit account in which the consumer has an interest. Provides that: (1) any amount of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer; or (2) in an action against a consumer in which a judgment has been entered, any amount of the judgment that represents health care debt determined to be owed by the consumer; does not constitute a lien against the consumer's principal residence or against certain personal property of the consumer. Provides that in any action filed in Indiana for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the court does not have and shall not entertain jurisdiction in any: (1) action of attachment against the real or personal property of the consumer; or (2) action of garnishment. Provides that in any action filed in Indiana for the recovery of health care debt owed or alleged to be owed by a consumer, the principal residence of the consumer is not liable to judgment or attachment or to be sold on execution against the consumer. | Sen. Fady Qaddoura |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 322: Sale of tobacco products | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/322/details | Senate | Prohibits a person from selling tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette to an individual born after June 30, 2004. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 329: Water safety curricula and drowning reporting | Health | Regulatory (Agency, Boards, PLA) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/329/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana department of health to collect and publish certain information concerning drowning deaths in Indiana. Requires the department of education to develop curricula regarding water safety. Requires a school corporation to provide instruction on water safety as a part of the health education curriculum for students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 12. | Sen. Mark Spencer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 330: School air quality study | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/330/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana department of health to conduct an air quality study of every school located in Indiana. | Sen. Mark Spencer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 332: Insulin price cap | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/332/details | Senate | Requires an insurer to cap the total amount an insured is required to pay for a 30 day supply of prescription insulin drugs at an amount not to exceed $35, regardless of the number of prescriptions and different types of insulin prescribed and filled during that period. | Sen. Mark Spencer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 337: Hospital charity care | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/337/details | Senate | Specifies charity care that certain nonprofit hospitals and county hospitals must provide concerning patients. | Sen. Fady Qaddoura |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 339: Caregiver tax credit | Health | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/339/details | Senate | Provides that a qualified taxpayer is entitled to a credit against the qualified taxpayer's state income tax liability in a taxable year equal to the lesser of: (1) the value of qualified services that the qualified taxpayer performed in the immediately preceding taxable year; or (2) $10,000 (or $5,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return). Provides that "qualified services" means services, as determined by the office of the secretary of family and social services (FSSA), that a qualified taxpayer performs in caring for an ill or aging qualified family member that the qualified taxpayer otherwise would have compensated a third-party caregiver to perform. Provides that the term does not include services that would otherwise be required to be performed by a licensed physician, a licensed nurse, or other medical professional. Requires the FSSA to: (1) develop criteria that a service must satisfy to be considered a qualified service; (2) derive a formula, using published industry data and standards, to determine the value of the qualified services performed by a qualified taxpayer during a taxable year; and (3) adopt any other guidelines necessary to allow or disallow a credit. Requires a qualified taxpayer to submit to the FSSA all relevant information regarding the performance of qualified services necessary for the FSSA to determine the value of the qualified services. Requires the FSSA to notify a qualified taxpayer in writing the value of the services that the qualified taxpayer performed for purposes of claiming the credit. | Sen. Michael Young |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 341: Medical cannabis | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/341/details | Senate | After marijuana is removed as a federal schedule I controlled substance, permits the use of medical cannabis by a person with a serious medical condition if certified by the person's physician and establishes a procedure for the production and distribution of medical cannabis. Makes conforming amendments. | Sen. Michael Young |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB 350: Automated external defibrillator requirements | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/350/details | Senate | Provides that certain funding provided to a local board of health may be used to provide automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to school corporations, charter schools, and state accredited nonpublic schools. Revises the definition of "venue specific emergency action plan for sudden cardiac arrest" (plan) and revises the requirements of a plan. Requires a local health department to develop a plan for certain schools and provide support for the plan, if requested by the school. Requires the department of education to conduct a statewide survey of school corporations, charter schools, and state accredited nonpublic schools concerning: (1) plans developed prior to July 1, 2025; and (2) AEDs. | Sen. Linda Rogers |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 358: Various education matters | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/358/details | Senate | Provides that a school may be an eligible choice scholarship school if the school obtains provisional accreditation from a national or regional accreditation agency that is recognized by the state board of education. Beginning December 15, 2025, requires the department of education (department) to compile a report regarding the statewide assessment program. Specifies that the report must be disaggregated according to certain parameters. Requires the department to submit the report to the legislative council. Changes certain requirements concerning the establishment of a virtual education program. Requires the department, beginning July 1, 2026, to evaluate, approve, and publish a list of high quality curricular materials for use in English/language arts. Requires the department to determine the feasibility of making certain math and English/language arts curricular materials available to public schools. Provides that a public school that has a counselor/student ratio equal to or more than one school counselor to 350 students may not require a school counselor to perform certain employment activities. Provides that a school counselor may consent to performing one or more of the employment activities. Provides that a health occupation course offered by certain schools shall satisfy as a science credit. Allows a parent of a choice scholarship student or an eligible choice scholarship school on behalf of a parent to petition the department to reconsider the eligibility of a choice scholarship student enrolled in the school if the parent has reason to believe that the student was determined ineligible due to enrollment data inaccuracies reported by a school. | Sen. Jeff Raatz |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 359: Student well-being and resiliency | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/359/details | Senate | Requires the department of education (department), in consultation with the office of the secretary of family and social services, to approve and make available student mental well-being resources for certain schools. Requires the governing body of a school corporation or the equivalent authority for a charter school to publish and publicly post the approved student well-being resources. Establishes the resiliency program (program) to provide eligible schools the opportunity to participate in a program designed to help students build resiliency and grit by learning to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors so the students are ready to engage in, learn, and create positive personal change and growth. Requires the department to develop guidelines to determine which eligible schools may participate in the program. Requires the department to prepare a report concerning the program and submit the report to the legislative council. | Sen. Scott Alexander |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 370: Health care matters | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/370/details | Senate | Requires Medicaid reimbursement for outpatient covered services at a hospital to be at the same reimbursement rate as that provided for the equivalent services at a physician's office. Provides exceptions. Requires specified reporting by hospitals and physicians to the office of the attorney general concerning: (1) a merger or acquisition of a physician group practice; and (2) employment of a physician. Requires the department of insurance to submit a report to the general assembly concerning the advisability and feasibility of expanding site neutral reimbursement to commercial health insurance. | Sen. James Buck |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 371: Workforce matters | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/371/details | Senate | Amends the definitions of "deductible income", "discharge for just cause", "employment", and "gross misconduct" for purposes of unemployment insurance. Provides that an unemployment claimant: (1) is required to verify their identity before a claim can be filed, and as a condition for continued eligibility; and (2) has the right to request a wage investigation and to appeal the results of the investigation to a liability administrative law judge. Allows an unemployment claimant or employing unit to appeal regarding the claimant's status as an insured worker. Requires that all hearings before an administrative law judge or the unemployment insurance review board concerning disputed unemployment claims be set as telephone hearings, unless an objection is made. Allows a disputed unemployment claim to be directly filed with a liability administrative law judge. Provides that administrative records of the department of workforce development (department) are self-authenticating and admissible in an administrative hearing. Provides that the department may release certain confidential records to the extent permitted by federal law. Repeals the requirement that all individuals receiving unemployment benefits visit a one stop center within a specific period of time. Eliminates professional employer organization level reporting in regard to unemployment insurance taxation. Allows the special employment and training fund to be used for modernizing and maintaining the unemployment insurance system. Alters certain fees and payment provisions. Removes or alters notice and delivery requirements and extends certain deadlines. Requires the department to issue a written notice of violation to a person who fails to comply with certain authorization requirements. Provides that the department may assess a civil penalty against a person under certain circumstances. Requires civil penalties collected by the department to be deposited in the proprietary educational institution authorization fund. Makes conforming changes. | Sen. Linda Rogers |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 372: E-liquids and tobacco | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/372/details | Senate | Increases the penalty for a person who: (1) makes a delivery sale of an e-liquid to an individual less than 21 years of age; (2) sells or distributes tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette to a person less than 21 years of age; and (3) purchases tobacco, an e-liquid, or an electronic cigarette for a person less than 21 years of age; from a Class C infraction to a Class B infraction. Makes it a Class B infraction for a person to make a delivery sale of a vapor product to an individual less than 21 years of age. Makes it a Class B infraction for a person to: (1) sell or distribute a vapor product to a person less than 21 years of age; and (2) purchase a vapor product for a person less than 21 years of age. Makes it a Class C infraction for a person less than 21 years of age to possess an e-liquid or vapor product. | Sen. Scott Alexander |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 375: Dietitian licensure compact | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/375/details | Senate | Adopts the dietitian licensure compact. | Sen. Mark Spencer |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 383: Advanced practice registered nurses | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/383/details | Senate | Removes the requirement that an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) have a practice agreement with a collaborating physician. Removes a provision requiring an APRN to operate under a collaborative practice agreement or the privileges granted by a hospital governing board. Removes certain provisions concerning the audit of practice agreements. Allows an APRN with prescriptive authority to prescribe a schedule II controlled substance for weight reduction or to control obesity. Makes conforming changes. | Sen. Greg Goode |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 387: Licensure of naturopathic physicians | Health Workforce | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/387/details | Senate | Provides for the licensure of naturopathic physicians. Specifies certain individuals who are not required to be licensed. Establishes the board of naturopathic medicine (board). Establishes license requirements. Requires licensed naturopathic physicians to obtain continuing education for license renewal. Establishes the naturopathic formulary council to establish a formulary for naturopathic physicians. Establishes the childbirth attendance advisory commission to provide recommendations concerning the practice of naturopathic childbirth attendance. Provides that an individual who is not licensed may not use certain descriptions, titles, or initials to indicate or imply that the individual is a licensed naturopathic physician. Establishes criminal penalties for certain violations. | Sen. Greg Goode |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 390: Adjusted gross income tax filing requirement | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/390/details | Senate | Provides that minimum wage income is exempt from the adjusted gross income tax. Defines "minimum wage income". Provides that an individual whose only source of income is minimum wage income is not required to file a state income tax return. Provides that an employer is not required to withhold taxes from minimum wage income paid to an employee. | Sen James Buck |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 400: Medical marijuana | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/400/details | Senate | Establishes a medical marijuana program (program), and permits caregivers and patients who have received a physician recommendation to possess a certain quantity of marijuana for treatment of certain medical conditions. Establishes a regulatory agency to oversee the program, and creates the regulatory agency advisory committee to review the effectiveness of the program and to consider recommendations from the regulatory agency. Authorizes the regulatory agency to grant research licenses to research facilities with a physical presence in Indiana. Repeals the controlled substance excise tax and the marijuana eradication program. Makes conforming amendments. | Sen. Greg Taylor |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 408: Worker's compensation | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/408/details | Senate | Increases the amount of worker's compensation and worker's occupational diseases compensation benefits available under current law for injuries and disablements occurring on and after July 1, 2024, and before July 1, 2025, by: (1) 10% on and after July 1, 2025; (2) 6% on and after July 1, 2026; (3) 4% on and after July 1, 2027; (4) 4% on and after July 1, 2028; (5) 4% on and after July 1, 2029; and (6) 4% on and after July 1, 2030. (Under current law, the worker's compensation and worker's occupational diseases compensation benefits increase by 3% on and after July 1, 2025, relative to the amount for injuries and disablements occurring on and after July 1, 2024, and before July 1, 2025, and 3% on and after July 1, 2026, relative to the amount for injuries and disablements occurring on and after July 1, 2025, and before July 1, 2026.) | Sen. Rodney Pol |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 419: Crimes against health care providers | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/419/details | Senate | Defines "health care provider". Provides that the offense of battery is a Level 6 felony if it is committed against a health care provider while the health care provider is acting within the scope of the health care provider's duties. Provides that the offense of battery is a Level 5 felony if it is committed against a health care provider while the health care provider is acting within the scope of the health care provider's duties and: (1) it results in bodily injury to the health care provider; or (2) the person places bodily fluids or waste on the health care provider. Provides that the offense of intimidation is a Level 5 felony if the subject of the threat or the person to whom the threat is communicated is a health care provider and the threat relates to the person's status as a health care provider. Makes conforming changes. | Sen. Cyndi Carrasco |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 435: Prohibition on copay accumulator adjustments | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/435/details | Senate | Provides that under certain circumstances, the administrator of the state employee health plan shall include any amount paid by a covered individual or another person on behalf of the covered individual for a prescription drug when calculating a covered individual's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the covered individual's state employee health plan. Provides that under certain circumstances, a pharmacy benefit manager shall include any amount paid by a covered individual or another person on behalf of the covered individual for a prescription drug when calculating a covered individual's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the covered individual's health plan. Provides that under certain circumstances, an insurer who issues a policy of accident and sickness insurance shall include any amount paid by an insured or another person on behalf of the insured for a prescription drug when calculating an insured's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the insured's policy of accident and sickness insurance. Provides that under certain circumstances, a health maintenance organization shall include any amount paid by an enrollee or another person on behalf of the enrollee for a prescription drug when calculating an enrollee's overall contribution to an out-of-pocket maximum or cost sharing requirement under the enrollee's individual or group contract. | Sen. Andrea Hunley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 444: Incarcerated women's maternal health fund | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/444/details | Senate | Establishes the Officer Breann Leath Memorial Prison Nursery (nursery) within a correctional facility determined by the commissioner of the department of correction (DOC). Specifies the criteria for operation, design, and implementation of the nursery and minimum standards that govern the nursery. Requires the DOC to provide an annual report to the legislative council concerning the nursery. Amends the statute requiring the DOC to adopt rules governing minimum standards for county jails to include the provision of menstrual discharge collection devices to inmates. Establishes the incarcerated women's maternal health fund to provide funds to support the nursery. Makes a continuing appropriation. | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 446: Mental health and substance abuse coverage | Health | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/446/details | Senate | Sets forth certain standards regarding reimbursement rates for providers of mental illness or substance abuse services. Provides that if a provider of health care services that provides both medical or surgical services and mental illness or substance abuse services is credentialed with an insurer or health maintenance organization for purposes of providing medical or surgical services, the provider must be considered automatically credentialed for purposes of providing mental illness or substance abuse services in instances under which the insurer provides coverage of mental illness or substance abuse services through a third party vendor. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 447: Advanced practice registered nurses | Health Workforce | Nursing Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/447/details | Senate | Adds two additional members to the Indiana state board of nursing (board) and changes the required qualifications for certain members. Amends the definition of "certified registered nurse anesthetist". Adds the following definitions: (1) "Certified nurse midwife". (2) "Clinical nurse specialist". (3) "Nurse practitioner". Specifies that a license to practice as an advanced practice registered nurse expires on October 31 in each odd-numbered year. Makes conforming changes. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 448: Higher education and workforce development matters | Workforce | Workforce Pipeline (Education) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/448/details | Senate | Requires the Indiana management performance hub to annually report certain credential information on its website. Requires the secretary of education to establish a plan to develop a market driven stackable credentials and qualifications framework and submit the plan to the general assembly. Provides that the commission for higher education (commission) shall (instead of may) approve or disapprove certain branches, campuses, centers, new colleges, new schools, degrees, or programs. Provides that before the commission approves or disapproves a degree or program, a state educational institution shall provide, and the commission shall consider, certain information regarding the degree or program. Requires the commission to: (1) review each degree or program for approval or disapproval at least one time every 10 years; (2) outline a process for degree and program monitoring, improvement, suspension, and closure; and (3) publish certain information. Requires that, beginning with the 2026-2027 academic year, at least 50% of the students in a freshman class at a state educational institution must be residents of Indiana. Requires the commission to: (1) prepare recommendations regarding the percentage of resident students state educational institutions should enroll to meet workforce demands; and (2) submit the recommendations to the governor and legislative council. | Sen. Greg Goode |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 449: Health care service provider employees | Health Workforce | Direct Care Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/449/details | Senate | Requires a home health agency or personal services agency to run a criminal background check on certain employees on an annual basis. Increases the judgment against a home health agency or personal services agency when an employee who has been convicted of a crime prohibiting the individual's employment by the home health agency or personal services agency provides care that results in the death of a patient or client. | Sen. Greg Goode |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 462: Behavior analysts | Health Workforce | Behavioral Health (substance use and mental health) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/462/details | Senate | Reenacts an expired provision in the definition of "practitioner" as it relates to behavior analysts. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 471: Medicaid study | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/471/details | Senate | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services and the legislative services agency to conduct a feasibility study of transitioning Indiana's Medicaid program administration to a nonprofit health insurance entity. Sets forth parameters of the study. | Sen. Fady Qaddoura |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 473: Various health care matters | Health Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/473/details | Senate | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to establish an appeals process for a provider that disputes a determination by a managed care organization that a claim was not a clean claim after exhausting internal appeals with the managed care organization. Specifies the process for a managed care organization to follow concerning home modification services. Requires a patient of an opioid treatment program (program) who has tested positive on a drug test to be given a random drug test monthly until the patient passes the test. (Current law requires the patient to be tested weekly.) Allows a program to close on Sundays and federal holidays. Prohibits the division of mental health and addiction from requiring a program's medical director to have admitting privileges at a hospital. Allows specified health care providers to perform the initial assessment, examination, and evaluation of a patient being admitted to a program. Allows the medical staff of an ambulatory outpatient surgical center to make recommendations on the granting of clinical privileges or the appointment or reappointment of an applicant to the governing board of the ambulatory outpatient surgical center for a period not to exceed 36 months. (Current law allows medical staff of hospitals to make recommendations.) Requires the Indiana department of health (state department) to establish a home health aide registry. (Current law includes home health aides on the nurse aide registry.) Transfers the authority to administer the nurse aide registry from the state department to the nursing commission. Sets forth requirements on facilities in employing nurse aides. Specifies the definition of "nurse aide" for purposes of an administrative rule. Modifies the criminal penalties that prohibit an individual from providing nurse aide services or otherwise being employed by a health care facility. Makes changes to the release of medical information statute with references to federal regulations. Modifies the duties of the center for deaf and hard of hearing education. Allows a prescriber to prescribe an agonist opioid through telehealth services for the treatment or management of opioid dependence. (Current law allows only a partial agonist to be prescribed through telehealth.) Establishes the dentist and dental hygienist compact. Allows certain residential care administrators an exemption from taking continuing education during the initial licensing period. Allows for the provision of certain anesthesia in a physician's office without the office being accredited. (Current law allows for this in dental offices.) Requires adverse events concerning anesthesia in an office based setting to be reported to the medical licensing board of Indiana (board). Requires the board to: (1) determine the types of adverse events to be reported; (2) establish a procedure for reporting; and (3) post the adverse events on the board's website. Requires a nursing program to offer a clinical experience for clinical hours in a hospital and a health facility setting. Establishes the nursing commission and sets forth the commission's duties, including the certification of nurse aides and qualified medication aides and the administration of the certified nurse aide registry. Repeals the state department's administration of the certified nurse aide registry. | Sen. Liz Brown |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 474: Food desert grant program | Health | Prevention and Awareness (public health, infrastructure, and healthy and active living) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/474/details | Senate | Establishes the food desert grant program (program) within the Indiana department of health (ISDH) to assist new and existing retail businesses or nonprofit corporations in offering fresh and unprocessed foods within a "food desert" (an underserved geographic area where, as determined by the ISDH, affordable fresh, unprocessed, and healthy foods are difficult to obtain). Provides that a grant awarded under the program may be used to establish a new retail grocery store or to renovate, expand, or upgrade an existing retail business that will increase the availability and quality of fresh produce and other unprocessed and healthy foods. Requires the ISDH to consider certain criteria when determining whether to award a grant and requires the recipient of a grant to abide by certain terms and conditions. Establishes the food desert fund for purposes of awarding grants under the program. Requires the ISDH to report on the program annually to the general assembly. Makes an appropriation. | Sen. La Keisha Jackson |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 475: Physician noncompete agreements and referrals | Health Workforce | Physician Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/475/details | Senate | Provides that beginning July 1, 2025, a physician and an employer may not enter into a noncompete agreement. Prohibits a referring physician from receiving compensation or an incentive from a health care entity or another physician, who is in the same health care network as the referring physician, for referring a patient to the health care entity or other physician. | Sen. Justin Busch |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 480: Prior authorization | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/480/details | Senate | Provides that a utilization review entity may only impose prior authorization requirements on less than 1% of unique health care services covered under the health plan overall and 1% of participating health care providers overall in a calendar year. Prohibits a utilization review entity from requiring prior authorization for certain health care services. Sets forth requirements for a utilization review entity that requires prior authorization of a health care service. Prohibits a health plan from imposing or enforcing a step therapy protocol requirement for a prescription drug that is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration, prescribed for the approved purpose, and has an annualized net price of $100 or less. Provides that a claim for reimbursement for a covered service or item provided to a certain individual may not be denied on the sole basis that the referring provider is an out of network provider. Repeals superseded provisions regarding prior authorization. Makes corresponding changes | Sen. Tyler Johnson |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB 485: Managed care assessment fee | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/485/details | Senate | Provides for the assessment of a fee on managed care organizations to pay the state's share of the cost of Medicaid services provided under the Medicaid program. Changes the use of hospital assessment fees in state fiscal years in which a managed care assessment fee is imposed. Extends the law governing the hospital assessment fee to June 30, 2027. | Sen. Blake Doriot |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 486: Family and social services matters | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/486/details | Senate | Requires a sheriff to assist an individual who: (1) has been incarcerated for at least 30 days in a: (A) county jail; (B) community based correctional facility for children; (C) juvenile detention facility; or (D) secure facility other than a child caring institution; and (2) is eligible for Medicaid; in applying for Medicaid before the individual's release from the facility. Provides that if a child loses Medicaid coverage while confined in a juvenile detention facility or secure facility, the division of family resources shall, upon receiving notice that the child will be released, take action necessary ensure that the child is eligible to receive specified federally mandated services for 30 days before and after the child's release. Requires an insurer to respond within 60 days to an inquiry from the office of Medicaid policy and planning regarding a Medicaid claim that is made within three years from the date on which the service that is the subject of the claim was provided. Provides that an insurer other than Medicare, Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part D may not deny a Medicaid claim solely due to lack of prior authorization in accordance with federal Medicaid law. Provides that the requirement that an individual who receives payment for medical expenses from Medicaid must cede to the state the individual's rights to third party payment for the medical expenses extends to settlement amounts for both past medical expenses and rights to payment of future medical expenses. Amends the duties, membership, and terms of office of the Medicaid advisory commission. Creates the Medicaid beneficiary advisory commission. Repeals a provision requiring that employees of a child care provider be tested for tuberculosis in order for the child care provider to be eligible to receive voucher payments under the federal Child Care and Development Fund program. Provides the following with regard to a licensed child care center, licensed child care home, or registered child care ministry (child care provider): (1) Requires all employees of a child care provider to be trained in pediatric first aid and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation applicable to all age groups of children cared for by the child care provider. (2) Requires at least one adult who is certified in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation applicable to all age groups of children cared for by the child care provider to be present at all times when a child is in the care of the child care provider. Amends the membership of the division of mental health and addiction planning and advisory council. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 487: Hospital assessment fee | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/487/details | Senate | Extends the expiration of the hospital assessment fee until June 30, 2027. | Sen. Ed Charbonneau |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 488: Skills training pilot program | Workforce | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/488/details | Senate | Requires the department of workforce development to establish a reemployment skills training pilot program (program) to supplement an individual's receipt of weekly unemployment benefits. Specifies program requirements for participants and eligible providers. Establishes the reemployment skills training pilot program fund for the purpose of funding the program. | Sen. Liz Brown |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 493: Medicaid value based contracting | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/493/details | Senate | Allows a managed care organization to enter into a value based contract with a Medicaid provider to provide services under a risk based managed care program. | Sen. Michael Crider |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 496: School based health centers | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/496/details | Senate | Requires the department of education, in consultation with the Indiana department of health, to establish a program to provide technical assistance to public schools, including charter schools, that are interested in establishing a school based health center. | Sen. Mark Spencer |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 498: Child services | Health Workforce | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/498/details | Senate | Removes the graduate training requirement for a casework supervisor's qualifications. Provides that a casework supervisor may qualify with eight credit hours of master's degree level courses in certain areas of study. (Current law requires the casework supervisor to have completed a master's degree.) Removes the time period for a child's maximum stay at a group home for which the department may grant a waiver in certain circumstances. Removes the minimum age restriction for the definition of "emergency shelter". | Sen. Greg Walker. |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 500: Cardiac arrest action plans | Health | School Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/500/details | Senate | Requires a school corporation, charter school, and nonpublic school with at least one employee to develop a venue specific emergency action plan for sudden cardiac arrest, in consultation with an emergency medical services provider, for athletic activities or other extracurricular activities. (Current law provides that a school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic school may develop a venue specific emergency action plan.) Requires the department of education (department) to disseminate guidelines, information sheets, and forms to each nonpublic school with at least one employee, charter school, and school corporation for distribution to schools to inform and educate coaches, marching band leaders, officials designated by the applicable student's school entity, applicable students, and parents of applicable students of the nature and risk of sudden cardiac arrest to applicable students. (Current law requires the department to disseminate guidelines, information sheets, and forms to each state accredited nonpublic school, charter school, and each school corporation for distribution to schools to inform and educate coaches, marching band leaders, officials designated by the applicable student's school entity, applicable students, and parents of applicable students of the nature and risk of sudden cardiac arrest to applicable students.) Moves existing law that authorizes a school corporation, a charter school, a state accredited nonpublic school, or an accredited nonpublic school to apply for an Indiana secured school matching grant to purchase an automated external defibrillator to a new section. Makes various stylistic and conforming amendments. Repeals a definition of "school". | Sen. J.D. Ford |
Dead | 4- Committee Passage | SB 503: Pharmacy benefit administration | Health | Insurance | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/503/details | Senate | Requires the attorney general to designate or appoint a pharmacy benefit compliance officer. Establishes the pharmacy benefit compliance fund. Requires: (1) the state personnel department to issue a request for proposal to enter into a public-private partnership to administer prescription drug benefits on behalf of a state employee health plan; and (2) the office of the secretary of family and social services (office) to issue a request for proposal to enter into a public-private partnership to administer prescription drug benefits on behalf of the Medicaid program. Sets forth certain requirements for the requests for proposal and establishes the competitive proposal procedure. Requires the budget committee to review a contract before the state personnel department or the office awards a final contract for the public-private partnership. Requires, at least three years after state personnel department and the office enter into a contract for the public-private partnership, the attorney general to conduct a state employee health plan audit and a Medicaid audit. Sets forth certain requirements and restrictions for pharmacy benefit managers. Makes an appropriation. Makes corresponding changes. | Sen. Andy Zay |
Active | 8- 1st Reading/Assigned to Committee | SB 505: Emergency transport to appropriate facility | Health | EMS Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/505/details | Senate | Allows an emergency medical responder, an emergency medical technician, an advanced emergency medical technician, or a paramedic (emergency medical services personnel) to transport an individual to: (1) a health care facility; (2) a mental health facility; or (3) an urgent care facility; that can provide the individual with appropriate and necessary treatment. Provides that the emergency medical services personnel may be reimbursed for transporting the individual to the facility. | Sen. Spencer Deery |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 506: Pharmacy employment regulations | Health Workforce | Pharmacy Workforce | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/506/details | Senate | Provides that a pharmacy shall not require a pharmacist to work longer than 13 hours per work day, and requires a pharmacy to allow at least eight hours between consecutive shifts. Requires a pharmacy to provide certain pharmacists with a break with certain conditions. Allows a Category I pharmacy to allow certain individuals to pick up prescription refills while a pharmacist is unavailable under certain circumstances. Provides that if a pharmacist is on break or unavailable when a person requests to speak to the pharmacist, the person must be informed of the reason for the pharmacist being unavailable and given certain options. | Sen. Spencer Deery |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 511: Postpartum care for new mothers on Medicaid | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/511/details | Senate | Requires that certain health care providers and hospitals ensure that a Medicaid recipient who gives birth schedules a follow-up appointment for postpartum care not later than 60 days from the date the woman gives birth. | Sen. La Keisha Jackson |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 514: Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy | Health | Other | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/514/details | Senate | Provides that a policy of accident and sickness insurance or health maintenance organization contract that provides coverage for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy may not refuse to contract or deny coverage for the administration of any CAR T-cell therapy by any provider that qualifies as a certified health care facility by the federal Food and Drug Administration for the applicable CAR T-cell therapy. | Sen Jean Leising |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 521: Pregnancy and childbirth matters | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/521/details | Senate | Sets forth requirements for screening for preeclampsia using biomarker testing. Requires coverage for biomarker testing for preeclampsia under a state employee health plan, the Medicaid program, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract. Establishes the trauma informed care commission (commission). Requires the division of mental health and addiction to develop and implement a program for pregnant women and children with a substance use disorder. Prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires an employer to provide reasonable employment accommodations for an employee who has a condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. Requires the civil rights commission to investigate and attempt to resolve complaints relating to pregnancy and childbirth discrimination. Repeals a chapter regarding pregnancy and childbirth accommodation. Requires an insurer that issues a policy of accident and sickness insurance or a health maintenance organization to make available coverage for contraception without out-of-pocket costs to women otherwise covered by health plans sponsored by employers or institutions of higher education that are objecting organizations and do not invoke an optional accommodation under federal law. | Sen. Andrea Hunley. |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 522: Maternal health matters | Health | Maternal/Child Health | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/522/details | Senate | Prohibits step therapy protocol for prescription drugs prescribed for the treatment of postpartum mental health conditions. Requires a state employee health plan, a policy of accident and sickness insurance, and a health maintenance organization contract to provide coverage for: (1) postpartum mental health conditions; (2) a tubal ligation procedure; and (3) a vasectomy procedure; for certain individuals. Establishes a grant program to promote the installation of lactation rooms in public buildings. Requires the Indiana housing and community development authority (IHCDA) to administer the grant program. Authorizes public agencies to apply for grants. Establishes the Officer Breann Leath Memorial Prison Nursery (nursery) within a correctional facility determined by the commissioner of the department of correction (DOC). Specifies the criteria for operation, design, and implementation of the nursery and minimum standards that govern the nursery. Requires the DOC to provide an annual report to the legislative council concerning the nursery. Amends the statute requiring the DOC to adopt rules governing minimum standards for county jails to include the provision of menstrual discharge collection devices to inmates. Establishes the incarcerated women's maternal health fund to provide funds to support the nursery. Provides for Medicaid reimbursement for certified medical interpretation services for Medicaid recipients who have limited English proficiency when receiving Medicaid covered services from a Medicaid provider. Requires Medicaid pregnancy services to include reimbursement for doula services. Establishes the telephone assistance line for mothers program for the purpose of providing a telephone assistance line for mothers who are experiencing behavioral health issues to connect with health care practitioners to obtain behavioral health resources. Establishes the stillbirth prevention through fetal movement pilot program (program) for the purpose of providing evidence based information on the importance of tracking fetal movement in the third trimester of pregnancy to prevent stillbirths, to be administered by the Indiana department of health (state department). Allows the state department to award grants to increase education and the distribution of materials on tracking fetal movement in the third trimester of pregnancy. Requires grantees to report specified information on a quarterly and annual basis. Creates a fund and appropriates $250,000 for the program. Expires the program on December 31, 2027. Appropriates $5,000,000 to the IHCDA for deposit in the lactation room grant fund. Makes a continuing appropriation. | Sen. Andrea Hunley |
Dead | 3- Committee Hearing | SB 534: Medicaid waiver for reimbursement for food | Health | Safety Net (Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, etc.) | https://iga.in.gov/legislative/2025/bills/senate/534/details | Senate | Requires the office of the secretary of family and social services to apply for a Medicaid waiver to allow for Medicaid reimbursement for food and meals. | Sen. Shelli Yoder |
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