2023 indiana physician data report
Physicians play an integral role in health care delivery. This Indiana Physician Health Workforce Data Report examines the demographics, education, and practice characteristics of licensed physicians serving Indiana residents. Data is collected from physicians every two years during their license renewal period. This data provides a snapshot overview of Indiana’s physician health workforce with some notable longitudinal trends.
The Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy (Bowen Center) is committed to and engaged in developing sustainable data management processes and publishing timely workforce information. This report is intended to provide a snapshot of Indiana physicians actively practicing in Indiana as of November 2023.
Click below to jump to the Introduction, or scroll down for interactive data highlights.
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data highlights
Hover over parts of the charts below for more details on highlighted characteristics of Indiana’s physicians.
You can see full details and download data related to these charts in the subsections of this data report.
You can see more details about this category in Section II here.
You can see more details about this category in Section II here.
You can see more details about this category in Section II here.
You can see more details about this category in Section III here.
You can see more details about this category in Section V here.
2023 indiana physicians Data Report
The Sections
section i
Overall Licensing Trends
section iii
Primary Care Physicians
section ii
Total Actively Practicing Physicians
section iv
section v
Geographic Distribution
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