Workforce Dashboards

The new, interactive way to visualize Indiana’s workforce data.

The Bowen Center partners with the state of Indiana to steward, maintain, and report health workforce information. We’ve developed interactive dashboards to allow users to customize visualization of Indiana’s health workforce data. Check them out below. 

Physician Maps


Learn about Indiana’s Physician workforce with our new interactive dashboards. Customize the visualizations and data by practice type, specialty, and year.

Registered Nurse Maps

Registered Nurse

New! Learn about Indiana’s Registered Nurse workforce with our new interactive dashboards. Customize the visualizations and data by practice type, specialty, year and more!

Dentists Coming Soon

Behavioral Health

Now available! Take a look at Indiana’s Behavioral Health and Human Services Workforce! Customize the visualizations and data by practice type, specialty, year and more!



In progress. Until then, check out our most recent Indiana’s Pharmacist Workforce Data Reports and Brief on the Library tab!

Physician Assistant

Physician Assistant

In progress. Until then, check out our most recent Indiana’s Physician Assistant Workforce Data Reports and Brief on the Library tab!

Dentists Coming Soon

Oral Health

In progress. Until then, check out our most recent Indiana’s Oral Health Workforce Data Reports and Brief on the Library tab!