by Bart Caylor | Jul 10, 2019
by Bart Caylor | Jul 10, 2019
Ensuring Indiana has a workforce with the right skills mix to meet demand in the health sector is critical to achieving economic goals and securing maximum health of the population. Diversity, career pathways, advancement opportunities, and retention of talent are top...
by Bart Caylor | Jul 10, 2019
Registered nurses (RNs) are the largest professional group within the health workforce. These professionals are a vital part of the health system, including health care delivery and public health. Demand for nurses is on the rise. The Indiana Department of Workforce...
by Bart Caylor | Jul 10, 2019
The mission of the Bowen Center for Health Workforce Research and Policy is to improve population health by contributing to informed health workforce policy through data management, community engagement, and original research. The Bowen Center has a rich history of...
by Bart Caylor | Jul 10, 2019
Workforce shortages have been documented across a broad spectrum of health profession disciplines in Indiana. Currently, federal, state and local programs exist to recruit and retain health professionals in our state; however, these programs have had minimal impact on...