The Bowen Center’s Mission:

To inform health workforce policy that advances health equity through translational research, committed service, and collaborative leadership.

Health workforce data and policy are complicated.

Bowen specializes in clarifying the complex.



Interactive insights into Indiana’s health workforce.


Research and analysis to inform policy decisions. 


All of our publications, in one searchable database. 


Long-term initiatives shaping the health workforce landscape. 

bowen project highlights

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The latest on the Bowen Blog

Health Workforce Warrior Spotlight: Physician Assistant

In our new series Health Workforce Warriors, we’ll be interviewing various health care professionals. We hope that this can provide a lens into some health professions that you might not have known about otherwise. Kara is a Physician Assistant (PA) in internal medicine at St. Vincent and she’s giving an inside to look at the profession.

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Workforce Shortage: A wellness issue

At first blush you may wonder how workforce shortages and wellness could possibly be related. Workforce shortages contribute to the wellness of providers and the populations they serve. From the provider perspective…

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Diversity in the Health Workforce

Diversity in the Health Workforce

Improving diversity among health professionals has been an important initiative for decades. Increased diversity in the health care workforce has demonstrated benefits to improved health outcomes. Besides creating a workforce more representative of the communities…

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