The Bowen Center’s Mission:
To inform health workforce policy that advances health equity through translational research, committed service, and collaborative leadership.
Health workforce data and policy are complicated.
Bowen specializes in clarifying the complex.
Interactive insights into Indiana’s health workforce.
Research and analysis to inform policy decisions.
All of our publications, in one searchable database.
Long-term initiatives shaping the health workforce landscape.
The latest on the Bowen Blog
Inside Indiana Business: IU unveils Playbook to address mental health workforce shortage
Bowen's Playbook to tackle the crisis in Indiana's mental health is gaining traction and getting attention around Indiana. Read this latest in this article from Inside Indiana Business: The Indiana University School of Medicine’s Bowen Center for Health Workforce...
Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette: New report details shortage of mental health professionals in Indiana
Bowen's Playbook for Enhancing Indiana's Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce is getting attention in the press across Indiana. Check out this article from the Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette: Indiana has a shortage of mental health professionals, a situation a provider...
Faith Meets Mental Health: Dr. Maxey to Present at CTS Talks
Mark your calendars for an inspiring evening at the upcoming CTS Talks, a series of lectures given at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, featuring a thought-provoking presentation by our director, Dr. Hannah L. Maxey. As a guest speaker, Dr. Maxey will...
Christian Theological Seminary Highlighted in Mental Health Workforce Playbook
We're pleased to see Christian Theological Seminary (CTS) sharing their involvement in the Playbook for Enhancing Indiana's Mental and Behavioral Health Workforce. CTS's unique model of integrating education, clinical experience, and community outreach was recognized...
A Family’s Journey: Navigating Youth Mental Health and Supporting a Sister’s PTSD Recovery
I am most passionate about mental health in two ways. One is regarding the mental health of our children and everything they navigate through with technology and social media. As parents, we are watching our children grow up in a world that differs greatly from the...
Rural Health in Indiana: Challenges and Strategies
Bowen's Assistant Director of Data and Research Sierra Vaughn gave a presentation on rural health care in Indiana to the Indiana Rural Health Association on August 1. Mirroring national trends, rural health care in Indiana faces significant challenges. The state has...
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