Health Profession Data Reports

In-depth bi-annual reports on Indiana’s various health workforce professions, including nursing, behavioral health, physicians and much more.

interactive Licensing trends data

Detailed interactive data displaying the active health workforce license counts as reported annually by the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency. 

health workforce dashboards

Take a comprehensive, granular look at data for key Hoosier health workforce professions, including physicians, nurses, and behavioral health, with more on the way.  

Data Drives Bowen

Data is crucial to what we do because it helps to inform the questions researchers and policymakers may have about the health workforce. For example, how many actively practicing physicians do we have and where do they practice? Are there any areas where there is a severe shortage? After the data answers those questions, solutions can begin to be developed.

About Indiana Workforce Data

Over the last several years, information has been collected from health professionals during online license renewal. Indiana Code 25-1-2-10  requires selected health professionals to report information that is critical to inform state policy and planning activities. The required information includes demographics, education and training, practice information, services provided, and populations served. 

Who does SEA 223-2018 Affect?

Indiana Code 25-1-2-10 applies to licensees under the following licensing boards: 
• Indiana Medical Licensing Board 
• Indiana State Board of Nursing 
• Indiana State Board of Dentistry 
• Behavioral Health and Human Services Licensing Board 
• Indiana State Psychology Board 
• Indiana Board of Pharmacy 

What is the purpose of collecting this data?

Collecting timely data on the health workforce allows states and researchers to identify workforce trends and have an accurate representation of the workforce. Regular tracking of the health workforce also helps to inform initiatives aimed at workforce development. This could include workforce shortage areas, recruitment incentives, policy/programming, profession-specific initiatives, workforce evaluations, and more. 

Where are the data reported?

Our team regularly produces and publishes technical data reports and policy briefs. Technical reports have been helpful to research and planning activities, providing detailed data table and graphs which provide a comprehensive description health professions. On the other hand, policy briefs include graphics and a deep dive into health professions in the context of current Indiana State codes. These resources can be found in the Bowen Library To make information on Indiana’s health workforce even more accessible, we have implemented a new data visualization tool using Tableau. These interactive workforce dashboards make the data on Indiana’s health workforce more dynamic, engaging, and useful.  

Why Tableau?

Using Tableau, our team can ensure the information on Indiana’s health workforce is available to stakeholders in a timely, dynamic, and customizable format. Stakeholders can interact with the data to answer their specific questions. The Tableau platform is also able to store longitudinal information, enabling users to visualize trends in the workforce over multiple years.   

Need More Info?

If you would like more information about our data collection process, view the metadata available on each dashboard page beneath the visualizations. If the visualizations are not able to answer your question, you can always contact us to submit a data inquiry or email us at 

Professions Surveying and Reporting
For the most recent professions survey, please visit the Bowen Library.

Filter by: Report Type > Survey Tools. To further narrow your search you may also filter by profession.

More Bowen data resources

All of our resources can be found in the Bowen Library!

Whether you’re looking for supplemental data collection instruments or workforce reports, you can find these resources by searching among topic areas such as Data Collection and Information Management or Supply, Demand, and Distribution. You can further narrow your search by selecting profession(s) and year published. You can also search by keyword in the search bar. 

If you are not able to find what you are looking for, we would love to help. We can help by pointing you to existing resources, answering specific questions, or setting up a special project that fulfills your needs. Fill out our contact form to get in touch. 

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