Total Renewals

During the 2023 license renewal period, a total of 32,898 physicians renewed their license. Most physicians (93.8%) renewed their license online, and a large majority of physicians (96.6%) had an active license status. Of those who renewed their license online and responded to the survey, nearly all had an active license status (96.6%). Similarly, all but eight (8) of those who renewed their license offline had an active license status. Table 1.1 below provides additional information on the license status of physicians.

Table 1.1 License status of physicians in Indiana, based on renewal status.
Survey Respondents (Online Renewals) Non-Respondent (Online Renewals) Offline Renewals Total Renewals
N % N % N % N %
Total 30,805 100.0 45 100.0 2,048 100.0 32,898 100.0
License Status
Active 29,743 96.6 0 0.0 2,040 99.6 31,783 96.6
Valid to Practice While Reviewed 116 0.4 0 0.0 5 0.2 121 0.4
Probation 34 0.1 0 0.0 3 0.1 37 0.1
Other Statuses Not Valid for Active Practice* 912 3.0 45 100.0 0 0.0 957 2.9
*This group includes those whose license status is currently inactive, retired, expired, suspended, or non-renewable.
Source: Indiana Physician License and Supplemental Data, 2023. Click here to download the table above as a CSV.

Employment Status and Practice Location

Of the physicians who renewed their license online and responded to the supplemental survey, a total of 24,972 (81.1%) reported actively working in a position that requires a medical license. Of the remaining physicians who responded, 10.7% reported actively working in a position that requires a medical degree and 4.8% reported being retired. Table 1.2 below provides additional information about the reported employment status of Indiana licensed physicians.

Table 1.2 Employment status of physicians who renewed their license online.
Employment Status N %
Actively working in a position that requires a medical license 24,972 81.1
Actively working in a position that requires a medical degree 3,292 10.7
Actively working in a field other than medicine 206 0.7
Not currently working 869 2.8
Retired 1,465 4.8
Source: Indiana Physician License and Supplemental Data, 2023
Notes: One license was excluded from Table 1.2 due to the status of their license at the time of renewal not considered renewable. Click here to download a CSV of the table above

Trends in the Physician Workforce

In recent years, health workforce data management in Indiana has seen significant changes which have led to improvements in capturing and reporting the number of physicians licensed and actively providing care to residents of Indiana. As seen below, the total number of survey respondents and those included in the reporting sample has steadily increased since 2013.

Historically, the sample has included physicians who reported only practicing within Indiana. Beginning in 2019, physicians who provided direct patient care to Indiana residents through telemedicine services were also included in the reporting sample. The inclusion of telemedicine physicians, as well as the statutory requirements to provide supplemental information, not only contributed to the increase in respondents and reporting sample size but also ensured an accurate representation of Indiana’s physician workforce.

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Actively Practicing Physicians